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So tell me again how much Schröder sucks and Ferry does for drafting him...


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I been saying it for months, if the right deal is on the table. Both Teague and Millsap can be traded. I don't see why Indy would be interested in Sap for Hibbert but Teague could interest them if we offered that and maybe Mike M. This is really going to be the best center class in FA. I know Hibbert is owed 15 mil next yr but with the new money and his position, teams will overpay and Atlanta NEEDS to be one of them. We can't go without a center anymore. They didn't play well together last year. Horf was a top 10-15 player before the injury and even then, I seen numerous flaws with that tandem. This yr, Al is recovering and it's making it clear that Sap/Antić fit a lot better which is what I said last season as well. I wish some of you guys would listen and stop brinning up stats when it don't tell the true story. Size is an epic issue for this team. EPIC.


As for Dennis, I called it a year ago. Our best overall talent period. The next Gary Payton. Just smaller and quicker. While I like what Jeff is doing this year. He's just a good player who is a solid PG. Better than the George Hill's of the world but he's nothing special. I said it once and I'll say it again. I would trade Jeff for a SG prospect with ample potential like Mike S. or Ben M. A trade of Teague and Bazemore for Jason Thompson and Ben Mac/Mike S would be ideal. I love what Kyle brings to our team but we need someone with legit AS talent potentially and Kyle is just a very good role player for us. We need more.


I think Jeff needs to be traded sooner than later simply due to Dennis readiness and his trade value could actually be available. As for Sap, unless we can get a center for him that we need, he's not going nowhere. Sorry friends but Sap is not enough to land Monroe and it's likely DET will play their hand during FA to resign him. Sap is likely here till the off-season.


The way Sac is playing, they might want to keep Collison but having a legit starting PG who can defend and score is something Sac really needs to become a contender. I could see Sap interesting them as well but our need for Sap is much higher than Jeff due to positionial depth. Dennis is ready and Mack is a bonafide backup PG. Jeff is our 2nd best player but he's also our best trade piece with Sap.


Al really isn't available and Dennis isn't either. Kyle and Payne isn't as well.

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I am Quote surprosed that Dennis is the reason for tradetalks qbout teague. I am big Dennis fan, and very happy that he gets playing time right now .... AMD yes right now wverythong is clicking, but there will be Bad shooting nichts and to in near future.

For Dennis it is Mord important to etablish AS first backup then ASK for the starting spot... And it is a very long way for him to geht a star and i wouldnt bet on him thats he gets one right now. While jt is already someone u can put into allstar discussions without Bering crazy.

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I am Quote surprosed that Dennis is the reason for tradetalks qbout teague. I am big Dennis fan, and very happy that he gets playing time right now .... AMD yes right now wverythong is clicking, but there will be Bad shooting nichts and to in near future.

For Dennis it is Mord important to etablish AS first backup then ASK for the starting spot... And it is a very long way for him to geht a star and i wouldnt bet on him thats he gets one right now. While jt is already someone u can put into allstar discussions without Bering crazy.

JT is not an All Star canidate in the East. You have Wall who are clearly better. Rose, Kyrie and Lowry is outproducing him not to mention, all those names are proven names. Not to mention, all of those guys have much bigger following than Jeff. Jeff is a good player but this is a PG dominate league right now and while getting someone like Jeff isn't easy, it isn't extremely hard either.


I seen some posters mention getting a SF for Jeff. I don't see one being out there for grabs who has reasonable potential. There aren't many SF's who are reasonable in the NBA right now.

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JT is not an All Star canidate in the East. You have Wall who are clearly better. Rose, Kyrie and Lowry is outproducing him not to mention, all those names are proven names. Not to mention, all of those guys have much bigger following than Jeff. Jeff is a good player but this is a PG dominate league right now and while getting someone like Jeff isn't easy, it isn't extremely hard either.

I seen some posters mention getting a SF for Jeff. I don't see one being out there for grabs who has reasonable potential. There aren't many SF's who are reasonable in the NBA right now.

I think you misunderstood what he was saying. He said Dennis has to establish himself as the primary backup before becoming the starter and we trade Teague.
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Man this is a really welcome and needed change though.   Even with Horford back you could tell that we were pretty much the same team as last year.   Horford back is a boost but we are also on Bud year two and teams have figured out who they need to try to stop and how to exploit our D.    Dennis doing well will throw a new wrinkle in there.   Hopefully one of Payne, Baze, Jenkins can be our second twist to give us more options.   

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ICYMI: Schröder is currently listed #2 in Hollingers player stats on ESPN when you sort by PER rating. The rating is an unbelievable 35.86, only .01 behind RW0.

And Teague is currently 5th is APG at 8.2. I'm loving our PG situation.

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JT is not an All Star canidate in the East. You have Wall who are clearly better. Rose, Kyrie and Lowry is outproducing him not to mention, all those names are proven names. Not to mention, all of those guys have much bigger following than Jeff. Jeff is a good player but this is a PG dominate league right now and while getting someone like Jeff isn't easy, it isn't extremely hard either.


I seen some posters mention getting a SF for Jeff. I don't see one being out there for grabs who has reasonable potential. There aren't many SF's who are reasonable in the NBA right now.


Not true.


Statistically, Teague is prolly 2nd best in the East.  I will grant that the popularity contest for guards will be:  Rose, Wade, Wall,  but I doubt that Rose will be healthy enough to compete. Your guards in the East could easily be:  Wall, Wade, Teague, and DeMar.  The fight will be with Rondo and Deron. 

Edited by Diesel
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I think you misunderstood what he was saying. He said Dennis has to establish himself as the primary backup before becoming the starter and we trade Teague.


@jaybird: thats was the main message of my post. I am happy about every good game he plays, and i believe he can be a starter someday but right now if you want the PO i wouldn't let him start (2 games ahead you didn't expect him to be the primary backup)

@nbasupes: I also doubt that Teague will made it, but he was in the mix as an underdog last year and i believe he will be in the mix this year too. I am not the biggest fan of teagues game, but he is effective while doing it. Scoring and Assist numbers back this up i believe. So you can bring argument why he deserves to be in the game, like for some other guards ...

Edited by CrazyEye
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@jaybird: thats was the main message of my post. I am happy about every good game he plays, and i believe he can be a starter someday but right now if you want the PO i wouldn't let him start (2 games ahead you didn't expect him to be the primary backup)

@nbasupes: I also doubt that Teague will made it, but he was in the mix as an underdog last year and i believe he will be in the mix this year too. I am not the biggest fan of teagues game, but he is effective while doing it. Scoring and Assist numbers back this up i believe. So you can bring argument why he deserves to be in the game, like for some other guards ...


You have to type in their full names for the @mention system to work @CrazyEye

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