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What happened to Josh?


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Blame coaching all you want when you had guys on the cheapest and shortest deals in the league trying to correct a guy who had a group of enablers including one Michael Gearon Jr. telling him he's the next best thing to Lebron. Your bosses' word doesn't mean jack when you have your bosses' boss undermining them, you think it's any coincidence that the first time Josh was disciplined since what, the OT Philly game way back when was after Ferry and Levenson ruled the roost? They can't exactly be encouraging you that much either otherwise why hire a "coach" over the summer in the "Basketball Whisperer" whose only words of advice was to NOT look to your coach or teammates or listen to the crowd for approval after a jumper? Sure Woody and LD didn't PUBLICLY condemn it but do you think that had more to do with approving Josh's jumpers or fearing for job security and a very temperamental player who could sink them on the court further jeopardizing said job security?


Again, this rests primarily on Josh so your point is well-taken but I can't buy off on excusing Woody because of his fear of job security.  He had the owners backing him when he put up terrible records and when the GM wanted to fire him.  Moreover, he had one of the longest tenures in the entire Eastern Conference during his time in Atlanta.

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Sure. Josh Smith not being able to defend outside outside of 5 feet is ridiculous. He is a great passer at his position, his time in Atlanta shows that. He could also bring the ball up the court, even if he did it all to often. The guy has skills even if he refuses to use them properly, So don't make him sound like a rookie Gerald Green.

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Josh can not and could never bring the ball up the court. He was HORRIBLE at it and it was mainly because he had no idea how to throw an outlet pass.

His defense was the most mythical part of his game. If the guy he was guarding had even a remotely decent jumper, it was easy pickings. Go back and watch Josh get repeatedly sucked into the lane trying for a highlight block (that he would probably swat out of bounds resulting in the other team getting possession) and his guy standing unguarded for a wide open jumper.

His "passing" was nothing more than jumping and making idiotic fastballs to whatever guy was standing on the opposite side of the court. Leaving your feet and cross-court passes are 5th grade level fundamental mistakes. Have you ever seen him throw a proper chest pass? No. Does he even know what a bounce pass is? My guess is no.

Josh does far more terrible than he does good on a court. His game stinks of never being coached properly.

Edited by Duff_Man
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Why would Josh want to change.  Coaches came and went and he kept his job and kept making more money with the Hawks. They built the whole marketing campaign around him.  He was a stat stuffer - everybody said so.   Then he signs a 4 year deal worth over $50 m with Detroit.  From his perspective, everything was going great.  

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It makes me sad, too.  Bad coaching and bad basketball IQ have combined to make him a liability at this point which is crazy given his size, athleticism and passing abilities.  All those years of Woody and Drew defending his *right* to take 3's and his blind inability to understand how detrimental it is to his game and his team have taken their toll.  He could have been something but it looks like that will never come to pass now.

I see what you are saying and I agree BUT do you think Bud would not want him shooting three's? Hell he would fit in well here where everyone on the roster jacks threes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just looked at Josh's stat line compared to his career, it's almost unbelievable.

Everything is worse than his averages accept assists, but shooting .380 from the field and .488 from the line just shows that the kid has checked out, as if there's any shortage of clear illustrations on film. His days should be numbered in Detroit, but apparently they don't have a problem trotting him out in the starting lineup every night. The next team on their schedule appreciates it.

He and Jennings would lead a loss share statistic by a mile.

Edited by benhillboy
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I see what you are saying and I agree BUT do you think Bud would not want him shooting three's? Hell he would fit in well here where everyone on the roster jacks threes.


No, I don't.  I think Bud wants people shooting high efficiency shots -- not 3's for the sake of 3's.  Unlike Antić, Josh does not spread the floor with his perimeter shooting and unlike all the other guys firing 3's on this Josh's shot does not represent good offense.  Josh was efficient at going to the rack and scoring inside but should not have been given free reign to fire jumpers and I don't think Bud would make that mistake.  Josh would either be channeled toward offense that is productive or would be sent somewhere else because he doesn't fit.  Bud wouldn't tolerate him shooting 3's and keep him around.

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Josh is just crazy for sure but look at this one that starts a little sooner.   These guys just don't know how to play.   Other than Jennings and Josh the other 3 look like they are scared to get the ball or in general just disinterested.     Jennings should have just tried to draw some contact.   This isn't the look of an SVG team.   I can't imagine him wanting to keep any of these guys except maybe Drummond.


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Why'd they go for 3?  -Looked like Jennings had a decent attempt at a 2 pointer.  Worse it's a tie game.


Which illustrates a huge part of my issue with folks pinning this on Smith.  SVG isn't exactly doing a stellar job coaching.


They might not be world-beaters and they appear to be a mis-matched bunch, but they certainly shouldn't be this bad.

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Which illustrates a huge part of my issue with folks pinning this on Smith.  SVG isn't exactly doing a stellar job coaching.


They might not be world-beaters and they appear to be a mis-matched bunch, but they certainly shouldn't be this bad.


I think SVG is tanking.  There again its a tough league and he's got guys who don't really know how to play.  His most successful Magic teams had Dwight + a bunch of decent vets.

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I think SVG is tanking.  There again its a tough league and he's got guys who don't really know how to play.  His most successful Magic teams had Dwight + a bunch of decent vets.


If he is tanking, he should deal Monroe at the deadline and see if anyone is willing to take on Smith's or Jennings' contracts.  They have been so bad you have to question when/if he will completely stop trying to win (if that hasn't already happened).

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I never thought about a tank. Interesting. Has to be because most people believe Stan is a quality coach. You have to try to be as bad as they are, but I'm sure Stan knew this with his Core 4. Their collective IQ is by far the worst you could find.

Edited by benhillboy
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