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Please, Hawks, don't do it!

Gray Mule

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Read somewhere that this Hawk team, at the last game @ home, were acting arrogant

toward the Nuggets.  Really?  We're not accustomed to being this high and perhaps

some of our players are drunk with their ego because of it.


Hopefully, this isn't happening.  Someone just miss read what was going on.  But, if

this is true, Bud needs to set these players down and have a very serious pow wow

with the entire team.


If this doesn't work, the only other solution is for some team to take them to the wood

shed and severely beat their donkey.  We don't want this to happen.  So, please Bud,

fix this problem now, if it really exists, before it gets any bigger.



Edited by Gray Mule
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I don't like that either, but if we need a chip on our shoulder to keep winning then carry yourselves like you are better than the competition and keep proving it by beating them up!  I'd rather be an elite and arrogant team than a mediocre team that doesn't believe it can really be one of the best.

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I dont see how any of our guys would act arrogant but if its true I like it. Better than being the nice guys that nobody ever talks about EVER. Atleast if we are ass holes we will attract some kind of target on our back that will make the games that much more entertaining to watch for non Hawks fans thus increazing our popularity overall. Kind of a weird way to look at it I know.

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Nip that in the Bud!cool.png

Im sure he already has. I think the cameras caught Millsap laughing, but I suspect Mike Scott would be the instigator of any questionable sportsmanship or horseplay. Manu is the flashiest modern Spur ever and he's never been accused of being anything less than a class act.

Having teammates go crazy for every good play on the bench is invaluable, having it spill over and antagonizing the opposition shouldnt happen on a team with this many vets, though.

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These are professionals. I dont care what this Hawks team needs to win. I dont care if they are arrogant, as long as they are winning thats all that matters. This organization is the laughing stock of league and its about time to started to let the other teams know, there isnt anymore easy wins when you are playing the Hawks

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Scott Hastings at one point said something along the lines of "the Hawks are just playing with them out there" and something about the players smiling. Particularly Millsap. I don't remember seeing anything bad-mannered, though. I could've missed something. 

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Scott Hastings at one point said something along the lines of "the Hawks are just playing with them out there" and something about the players smiling. Particularly Millsap. I don't remember seeing anything bad-mannered, though. I could've missed something. 


That is pretty much my take from it too. At the time, our offense was rolling and we were pretty much doing whatever we wanted to with them. I think they were just having a good time out there. I didn't see any obvious showboating and I don't remember the announcers saying any more about it after that one time.

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Well, it would be nice if they actually played hard for all four quarters on a consistent basis before showing up anyone. Too many get down big in the first half before pulling out the win in the fourth (or posting big lead in first and coasting the second) for my taste. Playing like that will come back to bite them in the ass against better teams, and will surely wipe any smugness off their faces.

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I for one love it! My best memories of the Hurricanes as a kid were of them standing on the sidelines and starring down the opponent. The other teams knew that we were for real and that got into their heads before the game that this was going to be a bad day for them. We don't have to be girl scouts out there to win games. 

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These are professionals. I dont care what this Hawks team needs to win. I dont care if they are arrogant, as long as they are winning thats all that matters. This organization is the laughing stock of league and its about time to started to let the other teams know, there isnt anymore easy wins when you are playing the Hawks

I agree.. These are grown ass men that get paid millions to play and win games. I'm so sick of this whining culture of class and respect in sports. What we trying to do, go out to dinner afterwards with our opponent? Screw that! You win respect from your opponent by putting your foot on their necks while the whole world watches. I remember playing little league football and my coach teaches the value of playing hard and with attitude, because if someone pushes you down you can't look for them to pick you back up. What do you think made Kobe and Jordan the greatest of all time.? Pure-dee not giving a f*** about his opponent feelings, family, or bowel movements while playing the game. It's business at the end of the day.

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I for one love it! My best memories of the Hurricanes as a kid were of them standing on the sidelines and starring down the opponent. The other teams knew that we were for real and that got into their heads before the game that this was going to be a bad day for them. We don't have to be girl scouts out there to win games. 


Aw, memories must feel good.  There there little buddy.





Ok, that was too far.  Self-ban coming up.

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