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So why did Pero not play last night?


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I hear you but even with similar averages last year we hit injuries to MIllsap, Antić, DMC and I think even TEague and Korver were out some in Jan/February.   Not that they were worn down or anything but you never know.    To me a night off is a world different than just less minutes.   


I agree with you though.  Bud is fantastic about managing minutes.  Last I checked MIllsap led the team at around 32 which is like 30th in the league.   

i don't think the injuries had anything to do with minutes played, rest vs non rest.  Teague had an ankle injury, Pero had a stress fracture or something like that. DMc had a hammy injury.

Millsap (had an elbow injury) but may have been the only one that may have worn down a little, with Al being injured then Pero went out etc.

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