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Merged: Danny Ferry mega thread


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There are zero reasons why there should still be a restraining order on the man. It's kind of ridiculous at this point

I know right. People always love to say "winning cures all", except when it's the Hawks I guess. Forgive the man already and give him his due for a culture-shifting job.
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Give that man an extension. He makes one off-color remark and our team is 36-8. We may need him to make another tasteless statement to ensure that we win the title...


And the Atlanta fans don't seem too upset at the Hawks since they're packing the Philips nightly now.  #GetTheASGDafuqOut #StayFerryStay

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It's that big of a deal though.  Retaining Ferry could easily be the difference in a title or not.  People underestimate the power of a good GM and Ferry has been excellent. 

A GM that is on the same page with the Head Coach is invaluable.....want an example of when this doesn't  happen?   See the Atlanta Falcons, my other team.  (I can talk  about them cuz I'm STH x12yrs)  GO HAWKS!!!

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