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Merged: Danny Ferry mega thread


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Deng is a product like every player in the NBA, hiring ppl under you like Wes Wilcox is important and they aren't products but employees to help the organization which is where race becomes a major issue. Then you have banks, government, etc for starting businesses and companies. Look how many Black billionaires exist that don't entertain. None outside of Africa. This the global problem and what Ferry did is more of the norm than the exception. He just got caught. 

You just said a whole lot of NOTHING.  LOL at you trying to pin everything in that reply on Ferry. 


You are basically trying to argue that Ferry prefers to give contracts to whites because of the Deng incident.  You then say he got caught when he offered Deng a contract and suggested that we attempt to sign Deng. 

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You just said a whole lot of NOTHING.  LOL at you trying to pin everything in that reply on Ferry. 


You are basically trying to argue that Ferry prefers to give contracts to whites because of the Deng incident.  You then say he got caught when he offered Deng a contract and suggested that we attempt to sign Deng. 

There was a lot said. If you see nothing, maybe you might be part of the issue as well. 

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For what it's worth, Jamie Dukes on 92.9 was saying around lunch time today, rather matter of fact, that Grant Hill would be our GM.  While I don't dislike Grant Hill at all, he has no track record as a GM or assistant GM.  While he was a great player, that does not assure anyone that he will be a great GM.  (See Isiah Thomas, Joe Dumars, Billy Knight and even the great Michael Jordan.)


Oh well, if this is true, at least all the Ferry haters will be happy.

Edited by Watchman
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For what it's worth, Jamie Dukes on 92.9 was saying around lunch time today, rather matter of fact, that Grant Hill would be our GM.  While I don't dislike Grant Hill at all, he has no track record as a GM or assistant GM.  While he was a great player, that does not assure anyone that he will be a great GM.  (See Isiah Thomas, Joe Dumars, Billy Knight and even the great Michael Jordan.)


Oh well, if this is true, at least all the Ferry haters will be happy.

Isn't he our chairman? 

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For what it's worth, Jamie Dukes on 92.9 was saying around lunch time today, rather matter of fact, that Grant Hill would be our GM.  While I don't dislike Grant Hill at all, he has no track record as a GM or assistant GM.  While he was a great player, that does not assure anyone that he will be a great GM.  (See Isiah Thomas, Joe Dumars, Billy Knight and even the great Michael Jordan.)


Oh well, if this is true, at least all the Ferry haters will be happy.

Can you imagine how pissed Nique would be?

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Nique has wanted that job for a lot of years.

I hope he doesn't get it, his PR butt-buddy has been on Twitter talking about how #analytics are hogwash:

Wonderful. Would be fun to see someone like this in charge.

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Nique has wanted that job for a lot of years.

Maybe so, but GMs and Coaches frequently get fired.  What happens if Nique isn't good at being a GM?  Do you fire the face of the team or just endure perpetually poor management?

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Maybe so, but GMs and Coaches frequently get fired.  What happens if Nique isn't good at being a GM?  Do you fire the face of the team or just endure perpetually poor management?


I'm not pushing for it at all.  I want Ferry back.  I am just saying can you imagine how ticked Nique would be working for the Hawks after his career in a variety of positions for most of the last 20 years and then the team gets sold and they install a completely inexperienced Grant Hill as the GM.  

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Grant Hill and Other Owners.


Grant Hill:   We need to bring Danny back, he’s the only one who can navigate us through this offseason.


Blakely:  But what about Bud, he’s been doing a good job.


Grant Hill:  Bud is good, but he’s a coach, not a GM.  He wants to bring back his team.  I say we get rid of Millsap and go after a younger PF.


Blakely:  Wouldn’t bringing back Millsap be more sensible since he’s OUR two time allstar?  Wouldn’t we lose fan support if we started trading away our star players?


Grant Hill:  That’s why we need Danny Back, he has the fancy computer that spits out all these numbers and tells him who will work with who.  The only problem is that while he’s been eye, Danny got sand in his eye and had to have eye surgery for a detached retina.


Ressler:  Damn, that sounds painful.


Grant Hill:  I know Danny.  He’s a tough guy.  He’s a Dukie.  Even with a surgically repaired eye, he can still look at those numbers and tell what’s best for the team.


Itzler:  I don’t know.  I don’t like his draft picks and I don’t like that he went to Duke.  I’m an American University Clawed Z. Eagle.


Grant Hill:  What’s the Z. stand for?


Itzler:  It doesn’t matter.


Grant Hill:  Does American University have sports teams?


Itzler:  It doesn’t matter!!  Wait, I played a little Badminton!


Grant Hill:  You brought it up.  Didn’t they teach you to make a point at American?


Itzler:  How about this point, I have more money than you!!


Grant Hill:  We’re not going to argue about money.  One divorce and either one of us are broke.  But we have to do what’s best for the team.  IF you don’t like his draft picks, then we’ll let the computer decide.


Itzler:  Computer??


Grant Hill:  It’s better than Isiah Thomas!!


[Everybody laughs]


Grant Hill:  So I will meet with Danny and see what it takes to get him to come back.


Grant Hill meets with Danny Ferry Outside of Atlanta Hawks Corporate Offices.


Grant Hill:  Hi Danny.  I’m glad that you could meet with me, I got some news so good that  I had to come over and deliver it personally.


DFerry: Please, tell me.


Grant Hill:  Well, I want to ask you to come back to the Hawks and be our GM!!


DFerry:  I don’t know.  I mean, since this eye surgery (Points at the patch) I have been thinking about a lot of things.  One of them is that I don’t like how I was abandoned the last time.


Grant Hill:  Those were different owners.  I’m a part of the new ownership.


DFerry:  But what about Gearon?


Grant Hill:  He’s a silent partner.  That sniveling wimp just wanted to keep his hooks in the franchise for a monetary payout every year.


DFerry:  I hate that guy.


Grant Hill:  IF it wasn’t for that guy, none of this would have happened.  Including the new ownership (Points to himself).


DFerry:  I still don’t know.  I mean, I was watching on Nique Night.  They tried to erase everything I did.

Grant Hill:  We know that and nobody cares.  At the end of the day, we want to bring back you, keep Koonin and Nique has his statue and picture.


DFerry:  Why make me GM again?


Grant Hill : Because you're the best. And the most ruthless person I ever met.


DFerry:  : I did what I did to change a culture.


Grant Hill : Our enemies are your enemies, Danny. Disorder. It's just a matter of time before a bad signing is done and the culture is destroyed? Holding action, a band-aid. And you know where I learned that; Detroit. You didn't ask, you just did what had to be done. I can bring order to the team by sacrificing Millsap. It's the next step, Danny, if you have the courage to take it.


DFerry:  : No, I have the courage not to.


[Moves to the retinal scanner]


Grant Hill : You don't you think we wiped your clearance from the system?

DFerry:  : I know you erased my password. Probably deleted my retinal scan. But if you want to stay ahead of me, Mr. Hill...


[Removes eye patch]


DFerry:  : ... you need to keep both eyes open.

Grant Hill:  I knew that you were ruthless.  But there’s still one problem.  Gearon has some rogue workers in the company.  They call themselves ATLSL (Atlanta Spirit Loyalist)


DFerry:  ATLSL .  Sounds like a disease.


Grant Hill : They have already messed with the Analytics computer server.  We have to assume everyone in those offices is ATLSL. We have to get past them, insert these server blades. And maybe, just maybe we can salvage what's left...


DFerry: We're not salvaging anything. We're not just taking down ATLSL. We're taking down Nique/Gearon too.


Grant Hill : Nique had nothing to do with this.  He has a statue.


DFerry: You gave me this mission. This is how it ends. Nique's been compromised. You said so yourself. ATLSL grew under right your nose and nobody noticed.


Grant Hill : Why do you think we're meeting? I noticed.


DFerry: How many paid the price before you did?


Grant Hill : Look, I didn't know about Nique/Gearon.


DFerry: Even if you had, would you have told me? Or would you have compartmentalized that, too? Nique., ATLSL, it all goes.


Grant Hill:  If this is what it takes, we will talk to Steve about having Nique replaced by Stinger on the broadcast.


DFerry:  Stinger?  I would rather listen to Nique say Dagger at the wrong time than to listen to Stinger.  What about Abdelnaby.  He's really good and He's a Dukie..


Grant Hill: Dukie.  What are you talking about?

DFerry:  My master plan, we're going to make Atlanta the new receiving station for everything Duke.


Grant Hill:  I'm Duke to my heart, but I don't know if I can get that past my ownership.


DFerry:  One piece at a time. one piece at a time my friend.

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Jeff saying its most likely that Bud and assistant general manager, Wes Wilcox will act as general managers next year, until the Hawks hire a new general manager. I dont think Bud acting as general manager next season would be a good idea.


Ok, lets back up. i feel, as most do, that even though Bud acted as gm this season, Ferry was making the decisions in the background. Im saying that to say that its not what Bud/Ferry has done in the front office this season, its what Bud has done ON THE COURT, which makes me shy away from him taking his philosophy into the draft and free agency for this coming season. The feeling i have about Bud is he places a ton of value on basketball i.q. I have no problem with that per se, but you STILL need TALENT, as the playoffs proved, to go all the way in the nba.


He kept Pero, but shipped Payne out of Atlanta??? Pero ahead of Muscala/ScottBrand?  There is only ONE player in this draft with a high basketball i.q. that i wouldnt mind the Hawks drafting, and thats Kaminsky. Problem is, Kaminsky has TALENT, and for some reason, knowing Bud, he will pass on him. People can disagree with my accessment, but its PROVEN that Bud values the other stuff over talent. 


The argument can be made that both Bud/Ferry have the same philosophy. Thats true, but Ferry also knows what he had in Lebron up in Cleveland. He knows BOTH sides of the coin, and i know he saw how his front court got destroyed in the playoffs by Tristan Thompson and Timofey Mosgov. I say Ferry would tip the scales in favor of a big that can play before Bud will. I could be wrong about Bud, its just a feeling i have.


BRING FERRY BACK..................

Edited by atlhawks1
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Jeff saying its most likely that Bud and assistant general manager, Wes Wilcox will act as general managers next year, until the Hawks hire a new general manager. I dont think Bud acting as general manager next season would be a good idea.


Ok, lets back up. i feel, as most do, that even though Bud acted as gm this season, Ferry was making the decisions in the background. Im saying that to say that its not what Bud/Ferry has done in the front office this season, its what Bud has done ON THE COURT, which makes me shy away from him taking his philosophy into the draft and free agency for this coming season. The feeling i have about Bud is he places a ton of value on basketball i.q. I have no problem with that per se, but you STILL need TALENT, as the playoffs proved, to go all the way in the nba.


He kept Pero, but shipped Payne out of Atlanta??? Pero ahead of Muscala/ScottBrand?  There is only ONE player in this draft with a high basketball i.q. that i wouldnt mind the Hawks drafting, and thats Kaminsky. Problem is, Kaminsky has TALENT, and for some reason, knowing Bud, he will pass on him. People can disagree with my accessment, but its PROVEN that Bud values the other stuff over talent. 


The argument can be made that both Bud/Ferry have the same philosophy. Thats true, but Ferry also knows what he had in Lebron up in Cleveland. He knows BOTH sides of the coin, and i know he saw how his front court got destroyed in the playoffs by Tristan Thompson and Timofey Mosgov. I say Ferry would tip the scales in favor of a big that can play before Bud will. I could be wrong about Bud, its just a feeling i have.


BRING FERRY BACK..................


Payne was an absolute disaster this season.  One of the worst defenders in the entire league and worse on offense than Pero.  You diminish your argument when you cite to what he would have brought to the table this season given the putrid levels he did bring this year.   I don't think it is at all proven that Bud doesn't value talent.  His development of Dennis speaks otherwise given Mack's presence on the roster, for example.  I think Bud values productivity.  


All that said, I agree with your conclusion that Ferry should come back but it looks increasingly like that isn't going to happen.

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Since the Maria Saporta spin piece on Gearon and Ferry i've realized that the local ties around Gearon are really strong and powerful.  So there is a whole community of people from Atlanta who are only casually Hawks fans but think that Gearon is a saint and Ferry is a scumbag.   And they think this because they have childhood, school, social or business ties to the Gearon family.


I want Ferry back but here we sit 10 years later and Belkins gone, levenson's gone, Ferry's probably gone but Gearon remains.  I guess the dude should go on survivor.  

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