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Stephen A. Hates On Hawks yet again (while admitting the NBA is rigged)


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I don't know how he or Skip Bayless even get air time. They are the shallow shock-jocks of sports television, imo. If I see either one, the channel changes immediately. Their intelligence/rationality/coherence quotient just doesn't break the Mendoza line.


EDIT: Okay, so I went ahead and watched this clip after all. The whole time the man is talking, the refrain in my head is, "And who are you that we, the Hawks, or anyone should bow to your judgment of anything? What credentials do you bring?" Yet, he's addressed on the set in terms of "what has to happen to prove it to you," as-if he's a somebody.




An example of the irrationality... do we really know the ball isn't going to Kevin Love or the player who Mr. Bluster just spoke of as being CLE's best offensive player? Isn't that the whole argument... that CLE has three of the game's biggest stars? Yet, b/c we supposedly can know who's getting the ball at the end of some imaginary game, that sets them apart?!?


He should say one sentence and leave it there, because the next sentence is likely to just get him all tangled up in his own incompetence.

Edited by sturt
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It's not that CLE isn't a contender. Not at all.


It's that CLE gets some undeserved acclaim simply b/c they have LBJ.


Think about it. What has Kevin Love ever done in the playoffs? What has Kyrie Irving ever done? Do they not, too, have to prove themselves?


And for that matter, did two championships make us forget that LBJ has had his playoff struggles? If not, how can one forget the most recent one?


HoF-bound though they may be, the HoF-bound players on the 2014-15 Spurs were not sufficiently talented on their own to win that championship. They helped, certainly. But the 2014-15 horse in the championship was Leonard. They remain good players, but don't pretend that, at their age, they have enough left in the tank on their own to conquer the West. One could make a cogent argument that Diaw, Mills and Splitter contributed just as much to their 2014-15 playoff run as Duncan, Ginobili and Parker.


So, at the end of the day, I disagree. LBJ's teams have lost in the NBA Finals more than they have won, and Love nor Irving have yet proven themselves in the playoffs either. BOTH teams, not just one, still have a lot to prove.

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hehe... I have to add... Mr. Bluster STARTS OFF by saying that SAS proved that "team basketball can usurp anything"... then goes on to suggest that the difference between the Hawks and the Spurs was that they had a big 3.


omg what an idiot.

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The whole "unproven in the playoffs" argument is stupid cause it applies to every team except the Spurs but ESPN's been hanging from Bron's nuts since day one so I don't think anybody should expect them to change now.

We'll find out if they're right or wrong later on but for now we should all kick back and enjoy something we might not get a chance to see again

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You give these guys jobs by paying attention to them.

I wish there were large scale media outlets that catered to actual knowledge and insight. Sadly, there aren't. Hell, even the departments that attempt to do that (ESPN Analytics, 538, etc.) still dumb down their material and ignore potential insight. It might be that it's a niche market, but as far as I know there hasn't even been an attempt to test the market.

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Steven A is annoying... But I didn't find anything wrong with his comment or opinion. The Cavs are hitting their stride, they're good. I think it's the only team that could beat us in a series... Although Washington has a little attention too.

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Make no mistake... I rather like it that there are doubters out there. I think that's some of the most potent fuel to keep this team cranking out the wins. It's when your team gets to that psychological place that they begin believing they're invincible that they become very vulnerable. The longer we can hold on to this mentality that Korver elucidated in last night's after-game interview, the longer we're going to be a real threat. And admitted-optimist-that-I-am, I think that might be awhile.

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They have the two more explosive players, guys that can shoot, a rim protector and the refs.


Sorry, but history is not on the Hawks side in the playoffs.


1. Explosive? How bout they have Love and Irving... both of which have had to be relied upon previously for stats because MIN and CLE without them had been so inept otherwise. Call that explosive if you want.


2. Guys that can shoot?... hehe... sure wish we had some of those.


3. Rim protector? I'll give you that. And... we have an offensive system that Roy Hibbert will testify mitigates the rim protector thing.


4. Refs? I'll give you that. I don't pretend to know how the refs will flow.


5. History? History isn't on the side of the Hawks in the regular season either, for that matter. We'll have nothing given to us, on that much we agree. It will all be earned.

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What are yall mad about?!

He's right! I hate to say it! But the man is right!

Out of all NBA fans the Hawks fans should understand where he's coming from!

Stephen A isnt saying we aren't a great team! No, no, no...he's saying can the Hawks get the refs on their side come playoff time?

It has nothing to do with our the team, it has to do with the way the NBA league is! Lebron vs HOF Duncan...NBA says ok lebron can lose to Duncan because Duncan is arguably the greatest PF ever plus he had 4 previous rings and some MVPs.

Now the NBA will possibly be tested yet again just like they were with the 04 Pistons vs a loaded lakers team. Can the league allow a fair matchup between the great all around Hawks vs lebron James so called BIG 3 cavs?....answer?...honestly we don't know yet but what I can tell you is staying number 1 in the east and staying top 5 in offense and defense along with having 3 all stars getting voted in the asg will certainly help them decide to lean towards being more fair with the red calls! Since it won't be a superstar vs superstar series!...Also Phillips selling out like they are will also help.

Stephen A isnt hating he's simply saying the NBA isn't fair unless its star vs star....this is new generation basketball people! There aren't any team vs team games anymore those years are extinct. All I want is a fair matchup for our Hawks in every series!

Edited by JTB
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To be honest I agree with him.  Until it's proven in the playoffs we aren't going to get respect.  I am the same way about other teams. 


We need to, at minimum, reach the ECF.



I think we all agree that until it's proven in the playoffs we aren't going to get respect.


I think where I disagree is that CLE is in a much different place than we are. Irving hasn't proved anything. Love hasn't proved anything. And LBJ has only proven that if he has Wade and Bosh, his team might win, but not necessarily... and particularly against a "team ball" team.


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I think we all agree that until it's proven in the playoffs we aren't going to get respect.

I think where I disagree is that CLE is in a much different place than we are. Irving hasn't proved anything. Love hasn't proved anything. And LBJ has only proven that if he has Wade and Bosh, his team might win, but not necessarily... and particularly against a "team ball" team.

CLE is in a different place because of lebron and lebron only! Has nothing to do with love and kyrie they are just fillers to make the bullshit they will likely get in the playoffs easier to explain....and yes team ball can beat them but team ball can't beat the refs when they start allowing LBJ teammates to get to the free throw line including lebron himself just cause it's lebron

Spurs already making a name for themselves helped big time when it came to foul calls against lebron and the heat

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