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Private agendas still at play in Hawks’ offices


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@hawksfanatic should love this one (at the end)



The Hawks go into this weekend as the NBA’s best story, even while the kook show continues to swirl around them.

They love their coach. They pass the ball. They play defense. They wantto play defense. They dive after loose balls. They pass up open shots because a teammate has an even better open shot. Who does this? They’re Hickory High School with shoe contracts.
The last game before the All-Star break didn’t end well. In their third game in four days on the road, the Hawks led Boston by 18 points late in the first half, by 14 in the fourth quarter and never trailed until there was two-tenths of a second left. Then Evan Turner hit a runner in the lane to cap a Celtics’ comeback win.
The Hawks are 3-3 in their past six games. I guess that qualifies as a slump this year. But they will take 43-11. Forty-three wins is five more than they had last season and was a reasonable projection for this year. Forty-three wins at this point projects to 65 in a full season and a No. 1 seed in the playoffs.
It’s all good. There’s so much to enjoy.
Why can’t everybody just … enjoy?
Danny Ferry is still in purgatory. I feel the need to write that again because I’m still getting emails, tweets, Facebook messages, text messages and questions in line for bagels. When’s Ferry coming back?

He’s not. Don’t expect that to change any time soon, if ever.

The Hawks’ general manager is still on a “voluntary” leave of absence, even if logic suggests there’s nothing voluntary about it now. If Ferry could come back today, he would be back. He put this team together. It’s only natural he wants a better view of his success than from his television set. HDTV may work for you, but it doesn’t work for team builders. Ferry wants to be in the middle of this party, and it’s reasonable to assume his ego would like the nourishment as well.

To Ferry’s credit, he hasn’t commented publicly. Oh, I’m certain there are PR people and friends in the media working on his behalf, suggesting, “Hasn’t he paid enough of a price? Isn’t it time to bring him back?” But Ferry also knows that making a public issue of something could make him look bad and possibly create a distraction for the team.
Here’s what I know about the situation

  • The Hawks are for sale. Ferry almost certainly won’t be brought back until new ownership is in place. Half of the current majority ownership (Washington group) doesn’t want to deal with the issue. The other half (Atlanta group) doesn’t want him anywhere near the team. (More on that shortly.)
  • No sale is imminent. Hawks CEO Steve Koonin continues to say, “There is interest in the market place,” and “It’s a process,” and, “Things are progressing.” That’s all Latin for: “We don’t have a substantial offer yet.” It would be surprising if a deal was done before the end of the regular season (April 15). Then you have to ask: Would you want the potential distraction of a sale during the playoffs?
So forget about Ferry for now, even if he possibly is the NBA’s executive of the year. The Hawks are functioning fine with likely coach of the year and interim general manager Mike Budenholzer and assistant GM Wes Wilcox — so well, in fact, that it’s worth wondering if that will be their future management team. (Notable: Budenholzer is in Year 2 of a three-year contract. New ownership likely will be dealing with a major renegotiation of that contract after the season.)

I wrote a column in September saying that Ferry should not be brought back. The Hawks’ success this season doesn’t change my viewpoint. I agree with many that he has served a long enough punishment for the racist comments/scouting report on Luol Deng. But there are two issues here: one is the punishment and the other is the big picture of the Hawks’ organization.

Ferry deserves a chance to work in the league again. But he remains toxic in Atlanta. There are people within the organization, Dominique Wilkins among them, who still look at Ferry sideways, partly in the belief that Ferry tried to block Wilkins from being honored with a statue.

There are fans and people in the corporate community who still believe the Hawks would be employing a racist. I’m not saying that’s the truth or that’s right. That’s just reality. If you’re a new owner, is that a reality you want to deal with?

It would be nice not to be addressing this at all now. But some in the Atlanta group continue to stoke the flames, such as Michael Gearon Jr., who orchestrated Ferry’s exit and fears his return. The problem with people like Gearon is they want you to believe they’re humble and pure and their intentions are honorable, when in fact they’re more conniving and devious than you could possibly comprehend.

People like Gearon love working in the shadows, trying to plant stories with media outlets. When one doesn’t bite, they go to another, or they feed their friends and have them feed stories.

Suddenly, we have this amusing piece in an Atlanta business newsletter, the Saporta Report, with a headline, “Atlanta Hawks winning thanks largely to absence of Danny Ferry.” The article extensively quotes Atlanta businessman Tommy Dortch, a member of the “100 Black Men of America,” and a strong proponent of the Wilkins statue.

Dortch and “several people who are familiar with the inner-workings of the Atlanta Hawks,” according to writer Maria Saporta, believe the Hawks couldn’t function like this if Ferry was around. Never mind that Ferry picked the players, picked the coach and restructured the organization. He’s the problem, “several people who are familiar with the inner-workings” of the Hawks believe.

Gee, I wonder where this mutant theory came from?

If Dortch or anybody doesn’t want Ferry back, I’m fine with that. It just reaffirms what I’ve long believed: Some mistakes can’t be overcome. But to create such drivel at a time like this merely reaffirms that some people care more about their private agendas than they do the Hawks.

And don’t the Hawks deserve the stage right now?
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This "race" thing as usual has been completely blown out of porportion.   I've always said Gearon was the bad guy in the group.  Danny should be back right now, it's his team whether the reverse racists like it or not.

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This "race" thing as usual has been completely blown out of porportion.   I've always said Gearon was the bad guy in the group.  Danny should be back right now, it's his team whether the reverse racists like it or not.


The truth is that despite what Levenson thought, it's really the whites that are the damn problem here. Chiefly Gearon! 

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Nice to see the Hawks' management is still as dysfunctional as ever. That's why I'd prefer to see ALL of it gone. And yes, by "all of it", I also mean Ferry.


Yes we know you're not a fan of his. I think you and @kg01 are his biggest detractors. 



I think it's in English. 

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Yes we know you're not a fan of his. I think you and @kg01 are his biggest detractors. 


I think it's in English. 

Not a detractor. I never really complained about his basketball decisions except for the Lou trade. But the culmination of the other 'stuff' kinda makes me want to punch him in the mouth despite my respect for what he's done here as far as the team is concerned..

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Not a detractor. I never really complained about his basketball decisions except for the Lou trade. But the culmination of the other 'stuff' kinda makes me want to punch him in the mouth despite my respect for what he's done here as far as the team is concerned..


Maybe you should just go do that, get it over with and move on with him bringing this team into the promised land? 

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For the life of me, I can't understand why you would attempt to burn down YOUR OWN FRANCHISE because you're jealous of or hate someone who's made it better.

Yup.  This has to be the only franchise that is stupid enough to pull this move.


They shall reap what they sow.


I was very close to buying season tickets for next season and will probably end up holding off due to this nonsense.  They seem more than willing to send this team back to the ice ages.

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Let's say Bud makes a move before the deadline that solidifies a championship.  New owner comes in and Bud wants to keep the GM position.  Are folks still screaming to bring Ferry back?

I doubt Bud wants both roles.  He's not even the acting GM right now anyway.  How about a list of teams who have made it to the Finals with one person acting as coach and GM.  They seem to all be failures.

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Let's say Bud makes a move before the deadline that solidifies a championship.  New owner comes in and Bud wants to keep the GM position.  Are folks still screaming to bring Ferry back?


I don't think it's Bud making the moves anyway. I think it's Ferry through Wes Wilcox with Bud consulting. And no I don't want Bud actually being our GM as well as he doesn't have the time.

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Look Im a black guy. I follow this team very closely. I am aware of thebagendas and all that. Ive gotten over Ferrys comments. Hell I even got over Levensons comments. As wrong as they both were I understand where they stemmed from which still doesnt make it right. That said I fail to believe there will be riots or picket lines at Phillips if Ferry is brought back. I may be naive but I dont think black people in Atlanta are having this conversation when talking about the Hawks. I do not think they really care that much. This isnt a Donald Sterling issue. This is a part owner trying his hardest to get rid of a GM he never liked. Gearon wants so much to make Ferry look bad but nobody cares. Not many Atlantans even knew Ferry was our GM let alone watched the team. Gearon wants to stir up a controversy and instead has created his and the rest of the owners ultimate demise's. Now it wouldnt be natural for him to bow out gracefully, nope. He is going to leak stories and "source information" all the way out of the door because his greatest fear is the public cooling on the issue and Ferry getting reinstated and he cannot have that. But again, its a rich people problems. The general public does not care wither way. I suggested to one of these writers that the new owners should let the season ticket holders vote on Ferry's fate or at least take a poll. They are the ones invested in this team wothout any bias or agendas. They spend hard earned money on this product and follow it closely through good and bad. See how they feel about this issue then make a decision. But dont leave it up to the media, or incumbent and incompetent owners or community figures who have never stepped foot inside a Hawks game, or even the casual fan who just started watching this team in December. Just my opinion

The problem isn't you or I.  It's Hutchinson, Dotche(sp), or Nique.  The issue is Coke, Home Depot, Comcast etc.  If one of these companies gets one call about Ferry from some pay phone in west Texas they will hedge against corporate support for the Hawks.  That is all it takes.  So the new owner has to say is Ferry worth it to possibly lose out on a million dollars worth of corporate money?

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