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Should Mack get a bit more playing time?


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He was hitting shots, but two of them where assists by Dennis and while Dennis was trying to involve the under-used Jenkins and Mack in garbage time, Mack was just about his. Which is fine, but he wasnt playing like a revelation PG wise. He just hit the shots he got.


But indeed, I think hes to good for third string. Shouild have been show-cased more during the season and should have been traded for a big.

Edited by DS17Fanboy
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I think that he should.  When the playoffs come around, it will be all hands on deck.  However, before the playoffs come around, Bud should continue his practice of resting our starters when he can.  We don't want to go into the playoff or into a series drained with no way of resting our best guys.  Mack should be interchangable with Teague or Dennis.  The same way that we have Bazemore and Thabo who will play at a high level (when Thabo gets back).   I think that when the playoffs come around, we should be able to go at other teams in waves (up to 9 guys).

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It's like carrying three catchers.  Since we have the luxury of 3 really good PGs we should utilize it while we can.   You never know when someone will get hurt or sick and this offense isn't going to work with Baze at the point.   We need Mack for insurance.

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It's like carrying three catchers.  Since we have the luxury of 3 really good PGs we should utilize it while we can.   You never know when someone will get hurt or sick and this offense isn't going to work with Baze at the point.   We need Mack for insurance.

If it's one thing I know about Mack. is that he stays ready for whenever his number is called.

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Baze running the point in spot duty here and there hasn't been disasterous. I can't recall a single turnover from him since Bud starting experimenting with it a few weeks ago.

I'm a Mack supporter but there are 2 reasons he should remain seated: he still knows the offense a little better than Dennis and Baze so he can afford to sit. Secondly, Dennis and Baze simply make more plays. Let him sharpen his observation chops from the bench with Elton and have them both shiny for the playoffs.

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I wish he would stop attacking the basket, then picking up his dribble looking to pass. That irks my nerves. He stops right at the basket. Either dribble back out or finish at the basket. He really needs to work on the finishing at the rim part of his game

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Mack's main issue is that he tends to call his own number a little too much. Plus, there's not a lot they can do to chip into Dennis' minutes. 



he has one good shooting game, the next game he seems to think he is MJ lol


no Shelly, you are not Michael Jordan lol


Go Hawks!

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