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Anybody worried about doing well during the playoffs?


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I was just looking at the standings in the East now and Indiana has been playing well as off late.  Paul George has started back practicing, but said there there isn't a set time for his return.  He also stated he does not feel any pain while practicing.  My feeling is he will be ready in April.  So the Hawks could possibly have to face the Pacers with Paul George as an 8th seed and then either the Cavs or Raptors in the 2nd round. 


IMO I would rather face the Cavaliers than the Raptors.  The Raptors just seem like a bad match up for us. It just seems if we do get past those team's we won't have any thing left in the gas tank for the Conference Finals.

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Nah, but I feel the Pacers and Raps are our top contenders. The Pacers defend every night for most of the game and the Raps are very young and athletic. The Bulls are dependent upon Rose's return: they're a tougher matchup for us without him. Noah is looking healthy finally and Mirotic is starting to scare me a bit, dude really looks like young Dirk at times.

A 7 game series complete with extensive film, days off, and adjustments hugely favor Bud over any coach not named Gregg though.

Edited by benhillboy
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After watching us last night, I'm not worried at all.  Not so much because of the win over the Cavs, but because of the way we rose to the occasion.  In the past, we've always fell on our faces in games like that.  It was so important to get that win...for the fans, for Nique, and for the team.  The Hawks came out last night and they looked like they were on a mission.  I have never seen that level of intensity and focus on a Hawks team.


Thing is, they will go into the playoffs far more focused and determined than that.  


They've got this...

...and teams need to be afraid of us.

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My only worry is maybe an injury (knocking on wood and throwing salt over my shoulder) - otherwise - we stay healthy and we are OK - IMO.


Note to AL...the reverse dunk was cool but let's not do that anymore 8^)= ... at least not in the regular season.




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I think that we're so hopeful that we can't help but be worried about the playoffs.   It's hard not to hear what the pundits are saying and not to think like they think.. However, for the bulk of us who have been riding with the Hawks, deep down, we're nervous and excited.  I guess that's anxious.   We want to see our team dominate all the way through the finals.  However, they have to take it one game at a time.  IF e did dominate all the way through the finals... here's what will happen.


  • Adam Silver will be fired immediately.
  • David Stern will come back.
  • Every ref would be retrained.
  • The replay center in Secaucus NY would be shut down.
  • The rumor would be floated that Lebron had cancer.
  • Teams like Atlanta and Golden State would be fined for cheating under the new rules.
  • Stern would enforce pass limitations so that you can only make 3 passes on the offensive end.
  • The zone defense would be outlawed.
  • A rebounding minimum would be enacted.
  • Stern would blocked the Hawks from resigning Millsap and DMC.
Edited by Diesel
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The Hawks are legit title contender this year and it won't matter too much who they face in the first round. Even if the Pacers get George back, he won't be an instant threat after missing the entire season due to breaking his leg. The East is so terrible that the Hawks should have no problem beating whoever the 8th seed is. The Pistons are big, but can't shoot, the Hornets are a mess, the Heat are old and broken, and the Nets and Celtics are not even close to being a threat.


The only team I'm really dreading to play in the playoffs is Toronto. We can beat Cleveland and Chicago doesn't scare me either. The Bulls are their starters as they don't have much of a bench. And as currently seeded, the earliest we'd play them is in the ECF.


I just hope Milwaukee can do us a solid in the first round. Although we've had problems with the Bucks this season, I'd love to see them knockout Toronto/Cleveland/Chicago and then take our chances against them in the second round. The Zards are unknown too.

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Yep.  It's said that it's a sin to worry, yet I do every time the Hawks play.


Why?  Because, on any given night every NBA team is capable of beating

any other NBA team. 


We all hear the "experts," those talking heads that say it's impossible for

this Atlanta Hawk team to win, night after night.  Yet, they do.


Injuries happen all the time.  The player who most believe is our best defender,

has been out for a very long time and still isn't back.  How long has it been

since Atlanta was at 100% strength?  Yet, they keep winning.


We rest players and keep winning.  Therefore, it's the system as much as

it is anything.  Bud's system that works!


Example:  Last night in the late 3rd quarter and early 4th, I worried.  Cavs were

beating on our Hawks and we couldn't seem to make them quit beating.  Then

we turned things around quiet suddenly and were beating on them as the clock

very slowly made it's way to :00.


I have been an Atlanta fan much too long and have been disappointed too many

times by all the pro teams who have had the opportunity to "win it all" and, except

for the Braves one World Series when they have had multiple opportunities. 

Hawks, Dream and Falcons all have missed at one point or another.


Old Timers like myself remember Mad Magazine and the character who always

said, with a silly grin:  "Worry?  Who, me?"


Finally, let me leave you with the following story:


The commercial airline was full.  After takeoff, it leveled out and the speaker came on.

"Congratulations ladies and gentlemen.  You have not been told about this but it is

a great historic achievement.  There is no pilot or crew on this plane.  Everything is

100%  electronics.  Do not worry.  You have our word that nothing can go wrong,

go wrong, go wrong."


Edited by Gray Mule
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Nope and a game like last night proved why. The national folks ranted about Lebron being off but did anyone notice that the Hawks were only 6-21 from deep? I've heard all season about them being a perimeter team and that wouldn't work in the playoffs. Well, they showed a bigger team how it's done in the paint last night by wearing out a path to the basket. Those are the kind of adjustments Woody and LD wouldn't even think of making.

Again, we finally have a coach that plays chess; he's constantly think of not only the opponent's next move but their next five moves. When they chase our deep shooters, we run their bigs ragged with Millsap and Horford. When they send help there, we cut to the basket for easy looks. When they pack the lane, it opens up our deep shooters again. Eventually, their team runs out of gas and resort back to hero-ball like the Cavs did in the 4th; checkmate.

This team has a focus I've never seen from a Hawks team before. While they are happy to win, they are constantly talking about the bigger picture. Half of Woody's team would've been at the Cheetah celebrating after a big win like that. But they wave off the pats on the back while talking of not arriving yet.

This. Feels. Different....

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I'm trying to not stress or worry about the playoffs until the playoffs actually get here. It's not every day you get to enjoy your team playing .800 ball during the regular season so I'm just enjoying these games for now.

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The only teams I'd be "worried" about would be the Cavs as you never know about superstar calls in the playoffs and the Raptors as they are a problem for us when their guards have good games. But I definitely don't worry about the Pacers nor do I worry about the Bulls or Whiz anymore. 

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Nope and a game like last night proved why. The national folks ranted about Lebron being off but did anyone notice that the Hawks were only 6-21 from deep? I've heard all season about them being a perimeter team and that wouldn't work in the playoffs. Well, they showed a bigger team how it's done in the paint last night by wearing out a path to the basket. Those are the kind of adjustments Woody and LD wouldn't even think of making.

Again, we finally have a coach that plays chess; he's constantly think of not only the opponent's next move but their next five moves. When they chase our deep shooters, we run their bigs ragged with Millsap and Horford. When they send help there, we cut to the basket for easy looks. When they pack the lane, it opens up our deep shooters again. Eventually, their team runs out of gas and resort back to hero-ball like the Cavs did in the 4th; checkmate.

This team has a focus I've never seen from a Hawks team before. While they are happy to win, they are constantly talking about the bigger picture. Half of Woody's team would've been at the Cheetah celebrating after a big win like that. But they wave off the pats on the back while talking of not arriving yet.

This. Feels. Different....

Yup, you listen to some of these folk and it's "the Hawks are a perimeter team" and "the Mighty Mozgov will shut down everything in the paint" and "they have no star to trade buckets with Lebron" so therefore "the Cavs will shut down the perimeter, not worry about the paint and Lebron will drop 40"

Uh uh. This team turns opponents' strengths into opponents' weaknesses. Wanna have Lebron ISO? Be our guests, let's see him beat Demarre off the dribble and charge through not one but 3 defenders casually waiting for him. Think Mozgov is going to control the paint? Not likely when he's the last guy down the floor. Blatt even tried to force a mismatch with Lebron at the 4 and spacing all around thinking he had the clear advantage on Do It All Paul but he said nah, I'll take your cookies and my man Jeffrey will serve up some milk.

This IS different. This isn't the ACTUAL "one trick pony" of the past where you shut down the ISO and force the matchup you want on the switch to walk away in a comically bad blowout, this time you gotta work to beat the Hawks. You have to have counters and counters to your counters. You can't just focus or even completely shut down one area and think the rest will fall in place, there are just too many facets that the team looks to in order to win. Hell, Lebron claimed we unveiled some new Buddy Ryan defensive scheme that he's never seen before but will be prepared for in the playoffs....All Bud probably told Demarre during film study is adjust your body 35 degrees to the right because everything else looked the exact damn same to me.

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I think its the past that makes us uneasy (for those that are); playoff time has never been kind to the Hawks.  However, if this team has proven anything 60+ games into the season, it is that they are definitely not the Hawks of yester-year...so I am just going to sit back and enjoy the ride

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I was just looking at the standings in the East now and Indiana has been playing well as off late.  Paul George has started back practicing, but said there there isn't a set time for his return.  He also stated he does not feel any pain while practicing.  My feeling is he will be ready in April.  So the Hawks could possibly have to face the Pacers with Paul George as an 8th seed and then either the Cavs or Raptors in the 2nd round. 


IMO I would rather face the Cavaliers than the Raptors.  The Raptors just seem like a bad match up for us. It just seems if we do get past those team's we won't have any thing left in the gas tank for the Conference Finals.


Despite losing the season series 3-1... I feel the Hawks would still beat Toronto. 


I just can't respect Toronto... I don't think they're all that talented, and they don't play defense.


George is not going to play like an all star this year... The Hawks will beat Indy if it comes to that. 


The Bulls could be a problem because Butler and Noah have the ability to limit Korver and Horford.


Cavs will still be the biggest problem in the end.

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From a purely analytical perspective, I'm not worried.  I expect us to win.


As a Hawks fan I am terrified.  I'm terrified we will lose in the first or second round.  


Definitely agree with this!

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