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The Johnny Come latelys are coming....


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At the beginning of the American Revolution, there was a called that went out saying.. The British are coming, the British are coming... or so we'd like to think.


Well, in this magical season of us being up 11 games over the rest of the East, there's somebody else coming...


Yep, that's right, Sorry ass Mark Bradley has gotten off his stoop and peaked the Atlanta Hawks way.  After years of reading this Joker talking about the Braves in and out of season and ignoring the Hawks... it's a spit in the face to see this Bandwagoner act like  he has been here the whole time.  I would have rather his article be entitled... "I just jumped my ass on the Hawks Bandwagon" and then talk about all the times he ignored this team.  The same goes for every other writer for the AJC who has never giving a flying fig about the Hawks.

Nique week doesn't erase the fact that we could only get credible Hawks reporting from Vivlamore and the Augusta Chronicle.

IF we're changing the culture and if Atlanta is a Basketball town...AJC needs to go hire Ailene Voisin and bring her out of the hell that is Sacramento and let's have some real beat reporting.  Vivlamore can still be the Twitter correspondent or cheif executive in charge of emails or whatever techie position he wants... But this team should have some homer reporters and not some Johnny come lately who only say something good because we beat the Cavs.  The same goes to all the radio talk hosts who have bad mouth the team for some many years.  You all need to label yourselves as Bandwagoners and tell the world about your jumping on the bandwagon experience.  Except Steak Sharpiro.

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There was a point there a few years ago where I actually thought Bradley was coming around to the Hawks side. He was giving us alot more coverage and love. Perhaps ajc pulled him off our plate or just saved him from an unwanted task, Im not sure,

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