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I Am... John Jenkins?


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I got Thabo which is cool because I ball like him. Tough Defense I love calling out and guarding the best guys even if its out of position. Good rebounding, broke jumpshot, just an overall team player

I ball like Korver but got Thabo lol

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I was looking at Wakarusa's lineup back in January and it is STACKED this year and I wanted to go so bad... I agree, it's the best value out there, although Voodoofest isn't a bad deal either. I also want to go to Electric Forest one of these years. I need to invest in some good camping gear already! lol

I'm talking about the value of their VIP deal. You get to camp within 5 minutes of walking distance from the main stage.  You get front row access at the two main stages.  Unlimited drinks for all 5 days. two meals a day.  A/C restrooms and showers in the campgrounds. Private VIP bar and bathrooms right beside the two main stages which is huge.  You can use the bathroom and grab a refill and be back in front of the stage within 5 minutes.  That's a 30 minute to 60 minute adventure at most festivals and good luck getting your spot back.  All for only $750.


I thought this year's lineup was kind of weak.  I went in 2012 and 2013 and those were DEEEEEP

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I got Paul Trillsap.

One thing I found odd was having to answer the video game question. I would put down "none" but I you have to answer it. I could vaguely recognize all the games on there except for one called IntelliGym. So I searched for it. And it looks like one of those luminosity brain games that you play on your ipad to "improve cognitive blah blah blah." Pretty cool that we have players doing that, although I would imagine if other NBA players found out who on our team played that as their video game they might laugh at them. Kind of a nerdy thing to do, but video games are kind of nerdy (dorky? mom's basementy? what is the word I'm looking for?) in the first place. At least the IntelliGym guys are improving their basketball knowledge.

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Mike Scott..

About the third question, I knew Scott would be my result. Lol. Fruit snacks was the dead giveaway.

I thought they would put Old English Malt Liquor in the choices somewhere. Definitely would've been an Elton Brand choice. Lol. If you get Elton, I don't think I would share it with the squawk.

Edited by willthepureshooter
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I got Paul Trillsap.

One thing I found odd was having to answer the video game question. I would put down "none" but I you have to answer it. I could vaguely recognize all the games on there except for one called IntelliGym. So I searched for it. And it looks like one of those luminosity brain games that you play on your ipad to "improve cognitive blah blah blah." Pretty cool that we have players doing that, although I would imagine if other NBA players found out who on our team played that as their video game they might laugh at them. Kind of a nerdy thing to do, but video games are kind of nerdy (dorky? mom's basementy? what is the word I'm looking for?) in the first place. At least the IntelliGym guys are improving their basketball knowledge.


The last game you probably played was Snake on the 1st gen flip phones

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Which way to go here... either you're awful nonchalant about your gf "getting" Pero OR it doesn't surprise me that you'd date a Pero type?

Haha I knew you were gonna see this. I tried to slip it by since you were busy. No it actually surprised me that she got Pero, I laughed for like 5 minutes. Then she said oh is Pero the big guy with the tattos? I said ya...she said dang I wish I got Horford.....


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The last game you probably played was Snake on the 1st gen flip phones

Well, do bar games count? Then it might be Big Buck Hunter or Golden Tee. Non-bar games, well you might not be too far off with that guess.

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