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Thabo & Pero Arrested; Thabo OUT FOR SEASON due to injuries


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news flash, if he wasn't out at the club on a back to back he wouldn't be in this spot. 


see, critical thinking would suggest that, he had not made said bad decision, he wouldn't be in his current position, no matter what your opinion of the cops is.


all on Thabo and the other players that went. there's no victim blaming lol, he was just being an idiot.


lets also mention he has literally no ties to copeland and was only there to get in people's way.


it's his fault.


if we truly want a spurs culture, that shit has got to be stopped.


Parker got an eye cut in a club fight a few years ago and learned his lesson. hopefully this will do the same. 

I totally agree with you. If hawks wants to be a championship caliber team, every player should always stay out of trouble, and keep working hard instead of clubbing.


Im not hating on Thabo but he did made a bad decision and caused Hawks deep run playoff chances to slim down.. You always want to see your team in full power in the playoffs, not missing any players...


Hawks are preparing for playoffs, it's one of the biggest reasons why coach Bud always rest his starters back to back games. Now knowing that Thabo is not going to play in the playoffs. It's going to be really tough for Hawks.. it's just frustrating because hawks worked so hard to get number 1 seed and now has a chance to show everyone what can Hawks do in the playoffs.. but withouth Thabo, Hawks is not in full strength.

Edited by Spursfanpeacemaker
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I totally agree with you. If hawks wants to be a championship caliber team, every player should always stay out of trouble, and keep working hard instead of clubbing.


Im not hating on Thabo but he did made a bad decision and caused Hawks deep run playoff chances to slim down.. You always want to see your team in full power in the playoffs, not missing any players...


They haven't beaten a winning team on the road without Thabo.


Even with HC advantage you will have to win on the road a few times in the playoffs.

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They haven't beaten a winning team on the road without Thabo.


Even with HC advantage you will have to win on the road a few times in the playoffs.

That's why Thabo is really important to the team because of his versatility and defense. It's really sad, Coach Bud rest Thabo for a long time because of his calf injury. He wants Thabo to be fully healthy before playoff starts. Then Thabo broke his leg, and wont be participating in the playoffs.. If he didn't go clubbing, this wouldn't happen..

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Would you like to go on record? Cuz I havent heard a fat lady yet

Bunch of grown azz men crying and bitchin about other grown men on here I swear.

Lol that made me laugh. Im sure Hotlanta is just trolling =) Hawks still have a chance to go far in the playoffs  withouth Thabo.. but it would be better if Thabo is playing in the playoffs. Hawks is on a different level when Thabo is playing.

Edited by Spursfanpeacemaker
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"outside life" lol

it was 4 am with a game the next day and the playoffs around the corner. With a bunch of other losers in a club. People who go to clubs to get drunk are losers.

I should know about drunken losers because I had one for a father and he lost his leg because of it.

People will go to any lengths to coddle these players.

Dude claimed that he "Takes his professional career seriously". Obviously he doesn't.

He wasn't a "victim".... The cops told him to get the hell out of the way and he clearly didn't listen.

Because you were there right? Who says they were even drinking? You dont have any facts about what happened anymore than the next guy. Sorry bout your father but that doesnt validate your opinion on this situation. Bottom line, its not your nor anyone else's place to criticize the actions of another man especially when he owes you absolutely nothing. His teamates support him, his coach supports him, and every witness account that happened to be there that night has not said anything so far to undermine his character. So cry me a river but Im not going to lose sleep nor faith over this situation. I believe in my boys to rally behind this incident and get the job done. All you other "grown men" that want to continue to whine about another mans life can carry on. We got playoffs to get ready for. Thabo see you next year buddy get well soon. Next man up, lets get it.

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Lol that made me laugh. Im sure Hotlanta is just trolling =) Hawks still have a chance to go far in the playoffs withouth Thabo.. but it would be better if Thabo is playing in the playoffs. Hawks is on a different level when Thabo is playing.

Trust me I agree, I was one of his biggest advocates when we signed him. He was a godsend for us, playoff tested/proven, pedigree going against the best. Shined in big moments the whole nine yards. Any team would be better with a player like him. But after accepting the truth its time to move on. Life happens and you cant cry over spilled milk. Last I checked we start a guy named Demarre Carroll who has quite the knack for playing defense and is an even better offensive guy. Last I checked yea we lost games without Thabo on the road but how many of those games did we really try to win with our starters being rested? Last I checked the playoffs arent the regular season and I expect Al Horford to be a bigger difference maker for our squad than Thabo. I expect Baze to focus and step it up and make a name for himself. I expect the Atlanta Hawks to trust the system, trust each other, and compete until their last breath. Thats me though, I cant speak for the rest of you "Hawks Fans" on here.

Edited by RedDawg#8
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Because you were there right? Who says they were even drinking? You dont have any facts about what happened anymore than the next guy. Sorry bout your father but that doesnt validate your opinion on this situation. Bottom line, its not your nor anyone else's place to criticize the actions of another man especially when he owes you absolutely nothing. His teamates support him, his coach supports him, and every witness account that happened to be there that night has not said anything so far to undermine his character. So cry me a river but Im not going to lose sleep nor faith over this situation. I believe in my boys to rally behind this incident and get the job done. All you other "grown men" that want to continue to whine about another mans life can carry on. We got playoffs to get ready for. Thabo see you next year buddy get well soon. Next man up, lets get it.


I don't care what his teammates or the coach believes.


Where do you get this idea that "No man can criticize another man"? 


Since when?

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Would you like to go on record? Cuz I havent heard a fat lady yet

Bunch of grown azz men crying and bitchin about other grown men on here I swear.


They haven't had a quality road win since Jan 17th and they haven't won a game on the road against a good team without their best defender.


They're not winning the championship... Unless you're playing NBA 2k15.

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The Hawks have had to deal with adversity before the season even started. When the news broke about Ferry there was the same level of negativity. A lot of people thought this would be a wasted season. Many other people thought signing Thabo was a waste of money. Fast forward many months later and I see the same type of remarks after this incident and this time it's over a guy nobody wanted here to begin with.

Look, I know we will miss his defense and leadership but we will be okay. Starters will be playing extended minutes in the playoffs anyways and I think Bazemore will step up and play good D in his place. We are a tough group who responds well to things like this. It is just one more obstacle for them to overcome on their way to proving all of their doubters wrong.

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All Thabo and Pero have proven is they cannot be depended on to be there for the team. I dont dislike them or want anything bad to happen to them BUT as a HAWKS FAN I say goodbye and goodriddence. Obviously your responsilities to the team didnt mean much to you. When we need Thabo the most in the playoffs he wont be there. Id rather the Hawks spend their money on somebody who will. Thats my right to have my opinion as a fan.

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news flash, if he wasn't out at the club on a back to back he wouldn't be in this spot. 


see, critical thinking would suggest that, he had not made said bad decision, he wouldn't be in his current position, no matter what your opinion of the cops is.


all on Thabo and the other players that went. there's no victim blaming lol, he was just being an idiot.


lets also mention he has literally no ties to copeland and was only there to get in people's way.


it's his fault.


if we truly want a spurs culture, that shit has got to be stopped.


Parker got an eye cut in a club fight a few years ago and learned his lesson. hopefully this will do the same. 


News flash, if you want to be safe from all harm, lock yourself away in your house and never go outside. And even then a plane might fly into your house, so ya never know, do ya?


You say there is no victim blaming, then turn around and exactly blame the victim with, "he had not made said bad decision, he wouldn't be in his current position, no matter what your opinion of the cops is." 


So exactly what bad decision? Going out to a club to experience some nightlife is not a bad decision. It's a reasonable expectation of a "good time" by most sane people if you are a person so inclined to consider that activity a good time. They didn't go out into a situation asking to be put in trouble. They didn't ask the police to break his freaking ankle. You're probably the kind of guy that blames a woman getting harrassed simply on what she wears. Learn the definition of victim blaming...


if u hink the definition of an outside life is being in a night club at 4 am then that is a very sad way to live. They could ve all all had some good seafood played a light game of uno and then fallen asleep.

I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that you were the person in charge of passing judgement on everyone else, what to consider acceptable behavior.

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I am officially Thabo'd out.

Its unfortunate that he's unavailable but I believe in the whole living in a glass house thingy and not judging people by their worst action in life to determine the kind of person someone is as a whole.

Just like I didn't want Coach Bud gone for his DUI arrest (case still to be adjudicated), just like I didn't want Ferry gone for the off season mess, I don't want Thabo gone.

The Hawks have a game tonight and they'll be raising their SE Division Banner and I'll be in the house cheering them on and hopefully I get to say I was there for win #60

I expect, just like they've done since the start of the off season for the players to band together, let the off court stuff stay off court and focus on the games and playoffs ahead.

It's US against the world.


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I am officially Thabo'd out.

Its unfortunate that he's unavailable but I believe in the whole living in a glass house thingy and not judging people by their worst action in life to determine the kind of person someone is as a whole.

Just like I didn't want Coach Bud gone for his DUI arrest (case still to be adjudicated), just like I didn't want Ferry gone for the off season mess, I don't want Thabo gone.

The Hawks have a game tonight and they'll be raising their SE Division Banner and I'll be in the house cheering them on and hopefully I get to say I was there for win #60

I expect, just like they've done since the start of the off season for the players to band together, let the off court stuff stay off court and focus on the games and playoffs ahead.

It's US against the world.


Enjoy the game tonight JB!

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Another quibble with the TMZ video, although I agree it's getting past time to move on.


The scrum with the cops (and the site where Pero was detained) is clearly happening on the OTHER side of the street from the side where Copeland and the other two were stabbed.




Notice where the bridge (I presume, an MTA overpass) is? That's not even directly across the street. It's up the block from the opposite end of the nightclub, not even on the side with the "blue wall" where Copeland and his ladyfriend were laying. When the duo gets hauled off away from the scene, it's to an unspecified location around the corner at the bridge that's mere steps away.


How much of an "area" did bystanders have to "clear"? NYPD would respond: "it's whatever area we tell you to clear," naturally. Yet IF so much of this action with Thabo and Pero was going on on the other side of the street, across traffic, behind parked cars, away from the club on the other side of the bloody stabbing incident, with two guys that may have otherwise been helpful witnesses for an active investigation, then the actions of the PD get a little tougher to justify. It looks even worse because people are clearly casually standing around/going about their business steps away from what the PD purported to be an active crime scene.


(Brief Vine snippet of the TMZ video)



Asides: when you watch the scrum with Thabo (it now looks to me as though he stumbled off a curb into the street, away from the cops that were trying to cuff him, thus "Oh Noes, He's Resisting!"), there's two people casually hailing a cab and hopping in, right in front of the fray. Gotta love NYC.


Pero is already laid flat on the sidewalk in his white jacket and pants. Should be a fun trip to the dry cleaners! And, Thabo, help your own cause, and pull down your black hoodie around the cops. Do you not read American newspapers? 



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Saying "He wouldn't get hurt if he hadn't gone to the club" is like saying "You wouldn't have a car accident if you hadn't been driving". The fact that he was out  at night doesn't justify what Thabo experienced. FFS an Atlanta Hawks player's leg is broken and some of you here are almost upset that he wasn't shot. 

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One more bit of speculation on Copeland. Then I'll stop, because I've got a pregame thread (and more work) to attend to!


We've all seen the renewed focus on thwarting "domestic violence/spousal abuse," particularly with athletes after the Ray Rice elevator tape got engrained in our heads. The whole, "if you see something, say something" mantra. It seems Bleary chose to "say something": not to law enforcement, but directly to the feuding couple.


Most guys going out looking to stab people aren't dressed like Bleary was. It could be that Bleary, an Army vet according to family, witnessed a boisterous argument involving a sizable man (The rumor rag NYPost reports Copeland, who was at the club with Busta Rhymes, argued with and then stalked after Saltara, who then slapped Copeland, leading to more arguing). Bleary then (it appears to me) sought to intervene in hopes of defusing the situation before it escalated into something worse.


Then, when 6-foot-9, 235-pound Copeland turns his ire onto Bleary, the latter's military training/PTSD/general ego-driven freakout kicks in. He starts swinging away with his switchblade, fashioning himself a hero saving a damsel in distress and impressing his own female friend... only to be stunned when Saltara runs in to aid not him, but Copeland. At that point, Bleary just starts filleting everything that moves, including his own friend, until (NYPost reports) Copeland's driver could disarm and detain him until the cops arrive. Now, instead of a hero he thought he'd be, Bleary is getting portrayed as a zero.


"If you see something, say something" is right, but be sure to "say something" to the right people, those who are trained to de-escalate and hold people accountable for resorting to violence. Law enforcement should have been contacted to address a dispute among acquaintances that was getting violent. Cops instead wound up having to sort out the chaos around a multiple stabbing.



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