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Thabo & Pero Arrested; Thabo OUT FOR SEASON due to injuries


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How much net income do you have Sup? I know you probably made millions as a college student slash scouting legend. What exactly gives you the insight into millionaires lives? What gives you such certainty that their lives are so much different than everyone else?Looks like to me they got treated by the Cops the same way you or me would have.

I know you're a Jesus fan check out that book of Proverbs there's lots of relevant info there around starting your business. Oh wait I forgot Jesus wasn't a millionaire. Maybe pick up that Kim Kardashian book instead.

I'm done with this topic. I'm glad to see there are still plenty of enablers male groupies around to keep Thabo and Pero warm.

You don't get it. The point was simple, don't judge and expect others to not judge you under a different set of circumstances. Here is the only thing me, you or anyone else should be worried about. Did the police do their jobs correctly or was did they not? 


As a fan, how long is Thabo out? Is he okay? 


His family or the team: Is his mentally okay? Did the police overreact and treat him brutally? How does this effect our locker room? Why, what and how? 


That's it. Anything else and you run the risk of being a chatty patty. 


Jesus wasn't the only man in the Bible. Even in the Bible, it said things that stood out and were true about relationships, women, men and what not. Do not cherry pick with me. 

Edited by nbasupes40retired
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All Thabo and Pero have proven is they cannot be depended on to be there for the team. I dont dislike them or want anything bad to happen to them BUT as a HAWKS FAN I say goodbye and goodriddence. Obviously your responsilities to the team didnt mean much to you. When we need Thabo the most in the playoffs he wont be there. Id rather the Hawks spend their money on somebody who will. Thats my right to have my opinion as a fan.

I agree with your opinion. Coach Bud and their teammates still supports them, so Thabo and Pero might still stay with the Hawks in next season, but you never know what will happen..

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Going to the club isn't a bad decision. Pretty normal thing for people to do, especially people with money. People are standing on this moral high ground looking down on someone for GOING TO THE CLUB? Seriously?

Going to a club in 2-4 a.m. somewhere in NYC instead of resting and preparing game in the same day? If Thabo didn't go clubbing he could have saved his leg and help the hawks in the playoffs. I'd say he did make a bad decision.. 

Edited by Spursfanpeacemaker
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Saying "" is like saying "You wouldn't have a car accident if you hadn't been driving". The fact that he was out  at night doesn't justify what Thabo experienced. FFS an Atlanta Hawks player's leg is broken and some of you here are almost upset that he wasn't shot. 

Clubbing and driving are not the same thing... Hawks are trying to prepare for Playoffs, then Thabo and Pero decides to club in 2-4a.m. somewhere in NYC instead of resting and preparing for a game in the same day. Some of us are not upset just because he broke his leg.... Were upset because he made a bad decision. For me im only criticizing of his decision making but that doesn't mean i officialy hate THabo.


Hawks are trying to prepare for playoffs, Coach Bud rest THabo a lot because of his calf injury, then Thabo decides to club somewhere in NYC instead of preparing for a game in the same day then ending up getting arrested, breaking his leg, and won't be able to help his team in the playoffs knowing that he's one the best defenders in the team and a versatile player. I see the reason why some of us will get upset..

Edited by Spursfanpeacemaker
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In my experience in life money doesn't change character it only magnifies character. If you are charitable you'll be even more charitable. If you're a womanizer you'll have a woman in every city. If like Cars you'll have a fleet. If your a idiot you'll be a bigger idiot. Stop using money as a crutch for why they made bad decisions. The Waltons have more money than the GDP of some countries I've never heard boo about them. Russell Simmons has plenty of cash Daymond John has plenty and I've seen both in clubs. I've never heard of them being arrested.

It's not the end of the world or even that big of a deal, but don't ask me to give them a shoulder to cry on. Learn from it, be better, stop making excuses, take responsibility for your own actions. To whom much is given much is required.


I'm coming from the perspective that nothing good happens after 2:00 a.m.  Clubbing after 2:00 a.m. on a game day in particular is just a bad idea, IMO.


I am not at the point of advocating curfews or barring clubbing but it is worth thinking about.  There is a very high probability this could end up costing the ASG and the Hawks organization millions of dollars.  Both because now they have to pay Thabo for not playing and pay for some portion of his medical bills if they are self-insured (not sure) and moreso because I think this turns us from a title contender into a significantly lower probability.  The arrests, injuries, etc. that come from clubbing and bar hopping after 2:00 a.m. can come back to haunt teams so it is worth thinking about addressing.  Teams already have clauses in some contracts like the clause that prohibits people from skiing, riding a motorcycle, etc.  I guess in principle I would like to see it where players are free to engage in these things but if they miss time because of a fight, etc. then the team doesn't have to pay but I'm not sure how you would draw the lines on that for non-criminal conduct.

Edited by AHF
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I'm coming from the perspective that nothing good happens after 2:00 a.m.  Clubbing after 2:00 a.m. on a game day in particular is just a bad idea, IMO.


I am not at the point of advocating curfews or barring clubbing but it is worth thinking about.  There is a very high probability this could end up costing the ASG and the Hawks organization millions of dollars.  Both because now they have to pay Thabo for not playing and pay for some portion of his medical bills if they are self-insured (not sure) and moreso because I think this turns us from a title contender into a significantly lower probability.  The arrests, injuries, etc. that come from clubbing and bar hopping after 2:00 a.m. can come back to haunt teams so it is worth thinking about addressing.  Teams already have clauses in some contracts like the clause that prohibits people from skiing, riding a motorcycle, etc.  I guess in principle I would like to see it where players are free to engage in these things but if they miss time because of a fight, etc. then the team doesn't have to pay but I'm not sure how you would draw the lines on that for non-criminal conduct.

I totally agree with you.

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NBA players are on different schedules than most people and there isn't much excitement to be had late at night apart from clubbing. But if you're going to do that, you have to have excellent judgement and self-control. I've never heard for Thabo getting in trouble before, so this could be the one time he slipped up and I'm not trying to ship him out of town for it. It's just very disappointing for a veteran player to hurt the team over something so pointless. 

Say what you want about the police, but I'm confident that if Thabo just followed instructions and bit his tongue then he'd be suiting up for tonight or the next game. If they overstep their bounds in any way, then you fight them the next day with your lawyer. No one wins a fight with the cops on the sidewalk. It's beyond foolish to try. 

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Saying "He wouldn't get hurt if he hadn't gone to the club" is like saying "You wouldn't have a car accident if you hadn't been driving". The fact that he was out  at night doesn't justify what Thabo experienced. FFS an Atlanta Hawks player's leg is broken and some of you here are almost upset that he wasn't shot. 


No, it's not. Almost everyone drives a car these days... Most people don't hang out in clubs at 4 am when they have a job the very next day.

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I'm just glad the story's been buried. As far as I know it hasn't been heavily covered by any facet of media at all.

They make a bigger deal out of Steph hitting a three or Jack Nicklaus sinking a putt than possible police brutality. These are the times I'm thankful we fly under the radar, it would be insult to injury if there were a media firestorm around the team like if this had been a CP3 and Blake. It's barely a story here with the surprising Braves start and opener.

Edited by benhillboy
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I'm just glad the story's been buried. As far as I know it hasn't been heavily covered by any facet of media at all.

They make a bigger deal out of Steph hitting a three or Jack Nicklaus sinking a putt than possible police brutality. These are the times I'm thankful we fly under the radar, it would be insult to injury if there were a media firestorm around the team like if this had been a CP3 and Blake. It's barely a story here with the surprising Braves start and opener.



So true! This is that one time that I'm like, "Why is NOBODY talking about my Haw... oh, wait, they're NOT? Good!"


Had somebody not gotten, like, stabbed, we might not even have had TMZ on the case.



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"Hi Steve, hey how's it going, what do you think about this whole situation?"

(you can click the link to listen to the interview)


OK time to wait for more details to emerge again. In the meantime, grab the popcorm1.gif and watch for Squawkers to continue to make asses of themselves in this thread.

Edited by hawksfanatic
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"Hi Steve, hey how's it going, what do you think about this whole situation?"

(you can click the link to listen to the interview)


OK time to wait for more details to emerge again. In the meantime, grab the popcorm1.gif and watch for Squawkers to continue to make asses of themselves in this thread.

Oh yea?!  Arthur Blank believed and stood up for Michael Vick too!  See, nothing good happens when athletes own pets just look at Larry Sanders and and and Qwyntel Woods!  An athlete that owns a pet is more likely to abuse it than they are to be involved in a boating accident.  Own boats, not pets! 

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"Hi Steve, hey how's it going, what do you think about this whole situation?"

(you can click the link to listen to the interview)...OK time to wait for more details to emerge again. In the meantime, grab the :popcorn: and watch for Squawkers to continue to make asses of themselves in this thread.

I'm sure almost everyone knows that Thabo and Pero have nothing to do with Copeland getting stabbed..

Edited by Spursfanpeacemaker
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They aren't charged with anything to do with Copeland getting stabbed to be innocent of........

Words right out of my mouth. Well, I guess I really mean words right out of my keyboard although it isn't really the keyboard it's the 0s and 1s related to the button press that the OS interprets for my browser...wait OK let me start over again...

On second thought. Dammit. I think this post just put me into the group of Squawkers who are making asses out of themselves by not reading/understanding/thinking/being a reasonable person.

But I do need to stand up to you @MaceCase and your ignorant statement a post ago. Boats don't kill people, people kill people!

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Words right out of my mouth. Well, I guess I really mean words right out of my keyboard although it isn't really the keyboard it's the 0s and 1s related to the button press that the OS interprets for my browser...wait OK let me start over again...

On second thought. Dammit. I think this post just put me into the group of Squawkers who are making asses out of themselves by not reading/understanding/thinking/being a reasonable person.

But I do need to stand up to you @MaceCase and your ignorant statement a post ago. Boats don't kill people, people kill people!

The only NBA related death involving a boat is probably Bison Dele and I believe a pistol was involved, now ATVs and mopeds are the real menance!





And kudos on both quoting and mentioning me in the same post, two notifications for the price of 1!

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I didn't say anything about Thabo and Pero getting a charged? I was just stating that Both of them are not responsible and have no connection with Copeland stabbing.

What? You quote a post directly saying that Koonin believes that the two players are innocent of the police charges against them with the statement they had nothing to do with the stabbing. 1st, duh, 2nd, it's irrelevant, that wasn't what was being discussed.
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