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Thabo & Pero Arrested; Thabo OUT FOR SEASON due to injuries


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My grandmother says that nothing good ever happens after midnight. You best not be calling my grandmother an asshat.

Me-maw asshat actually sounds fairly dignified.

But now we're advocating players don't even leave the hotel after midnight? What are they, magwai? Don't get them wet either or they multiply.

Going out at night to an expensive club is not a material risk. To say it is more dangerous than walking around New York in broad daylight also does not demonstrate it to be a material risk.

Blaming an accident on Thabo being out in a club only demonstrates one is a demonstrable asshat that forces their moral attitude on others. Now if someone can present an argument for Thabo taking on a material risk that isn't based on morals or anecdotes then I'll listen. But the NBA, NBPA, and Atlanta Hawks have all condoned Thabo's actions either implicitly or explicitly. Only moral self-righteous asshats have had the gaul to BLAME Thabo. So those people should be ridiculed.

And yes, training camp needs to start ASAP.

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My grandmother says that nothing good ever happens after midnight. You best not be calling my grandmother an asshat.

In fact, we all know it to be true as a general rule of thumb, no matter how hard you try to argue against it, that going clubbing and being out late come with certain risks. Whether this particular risk was forseeable and whether the Hawks lawyer speak recognizes it as a material risk is, er, immaterial. Sure, they were within their rights to be out. And it seems likely that the cops were out of line. But when i had kids i quit going out late and hanging around in clubs... because a lot of times bad stuff happens and i have responsibilities. And it is best to not put yourself in that situation in the first place.

Damn, can preseason start already??? I would much prefer to actually talk and read about actual basketball games.


Exactly.  Bad stuff happens even when the person who is victimized has done nothing to blame.  I'm not blaming Thabo anymore than I am blaming a girl for getting #$*faced drunk at a frat party for being raped or blaming someone for getting mugged when walking in a bad area of town.  The ultimate responsibility for the bad acts falls on the bad actor.  

The cops appear to be at fault in this scenario.  


If I am investing millions of dollars in someone's top notch athletic performance I'd still want them to avoid early morning clubbing on the same day of a game - both because of the risk and because of the drag on performance with a game that same day.


I'm rooting for Thabo to take these cops to the cleaners in court and to see a fully healthy year from him this season.  Also rooting for him to be in bed at 3 a.m. on the day of a game.  We missed him in the playoffs last year.

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How does this show that being at at 2 a.m. on a game day is a good idea?  


Doesn't Pero say wrong place, wrong time?  That is exactly the point.  


Like I said, I hope Thabo nails the cops to the wall.  Too late for the Hawks to contend for a 2015 title.

Edited by AHF
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I think the "wrong place at the wrong time" adage is getting misappropriated. You can be in a movie theater watching Shrek 10 or Frozen 2.0 with your kids when a crazed gunman lets loose into the crowd and that seemingly innocuous place and activity can be considered "wrong place, wrong time". Heck, you can be plucking weeds in your garden when a meteor hits and the same is true. It denotes a convergence of rare probabilities rather than the notion of engaging in a supposed dangerous activity and a likely possible outcome occurring. In other words, a man jumping into a snake pit wouldn't consider himself "unlucky" if he gets bit and invoke "WPWT".

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Enough with this back and forth already saying the same old sh!t. Yall can keep acting like there is no risk associated with going to clubs and staying out late, but of course there is. Stop being silly. I dont care if people make choices that might harm thrmselves; thats part of a free society. But this time the poor decision came back and had negative consequences and it was bad for the Hawks team. Lets move on. Damn.

I agree 100%. Spin this anyway you want and make excuses but the bottom line is if they had been in their room we wouldn't be talking about this.

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I think the "wrong place at the wrong time" adage is getting misappropriated. You can be in a movie theater watching Shrek 10 or Frozen 2.0 with your kids when a crazed gunman lets loose into the crowd and that seemingly innocuous place and activity can be considered "wrong place, wrong time". Heck, you can be plucking weeds in your garden when a meteor hits and the same is true. It denotes a convergence of rare probabilities rather than the notion of engaging in a supposed dangerous activity and a likely possible outcome occurring. In other words, a man jumping into a snake pit wouldn't consider himself "unlucky" if he gets bit and invoke "WPWT".


Someone walking in a high risk part of town at night who gets robbed would absolutely say they were in the wrong place at the wrong time and did nothing wrong.  All of that would be true.  Just like being out in and around clubs and bars at 2-3 a.m. is WPWT.  In fact, he immediately prefaces the statement by acknowledging the risk by offering the justification "in the NBA going out isn't forbidden."  Why would he mention this if it was a low risk gardening in his back yard scenario?  He wouldn't.  He says that because he knows that bad things happen going out at that hour and he is offering a justification that this type of risk is OK.  They just happened to get unlucky.


Whether he meant it literally (bad part of town at night) or idiomatically (meteor plucking weeds in garden), it applies to this scenario.  

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Maybe you're just reading it as he is admitting there was risk but claiming that the act isn't forbidden by the NBA could be more obviously read as there ISN'T an inherent risk. You know "yea I got hit by a meteor BUT normally that wouldn't happen thus why there aren't restrictions on gardening".

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I agree 100%. Spin this anyway you want and make excuses but the bottom line is if they had been in their room we wouldn't be talking about this.


Or they could've been robbed in the hotel lobby and we could be discussing why teams don't just play all home games and avoid the risk altogether.

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Or they could've been robbed in the hotel lobby and we could be discussing why teams don't just play all home games and avoid the risk altogether.

Come on, you know if they had been in the room at 4am instead of some club he would not had the problems. What about how it hurt the team in the playoffs, was he putting his team first being out at 4am? You cannot defend that.

Edited by Vol4ever
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Come on, you know if they had been in the room at 4am instead of some club he would not had the problems. What about how it hurt the team in the playoffs, was he putting his team first being out at 4am? You cannot defend that.


Hey there's plenty of folks getting into a-plenty of trouble in hotel rooms at 4am.  Just ask Warren Sapp ... or @spud2nique spiteful.gif (gotta get into regular season form, Spud2) 


If they got injured in a car wreck and been out would they be 'me' guys for using motor vehicles?


How would you (we) feel if we found out most of the team had been out that night?  I'm not saying they were but we can't sit here and act like Thabo/Pero were the only guys who ever go out.


Please understand, I do hear your point.  I tend to wish all players are saints who go to bed at 8, eat all the right things and basically eat/sleep/crap basketball at all times.  However, I understand that's not realistic and just because they don't do all those things it doesn't make them bad people or selfish.  In this case, going out got them 'got'.  That doesn't mean they are of diminished character.

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OMG...I can't believe you guys are still at this.....



You have a few more weeks of offseason to wade through.  It's gonna get worse.


To pass the time, let's watch @AHF help Elaine open this bottle of champagne ...




I think I just called myself Elaine.)


And a new nickname is born?

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We've just been chasing each other around the same mulberry bush just to kill the time. There's a clear middle ground.


Like all people, athletes take risks, and some better calculated than others.  If I had my druthers, Baze wouldn't be biking assertively through Atlanta streets, Dennis would hang up his skateboard for good, and Lamar wouldn't have a pet alligator. But I trust they put some thought into it before participating in those activities.


Going out on the town in between games on back-to-back nights? Think twice about it, and if you do go, be vigilant (oh, do I hate that word) extra-careful. Because Bad Things can happen, especially when The Freaks Come Out At Night.


Those Bad Things rightfully include the risk of you and your significant other getting filleted by an overzealous eavesdropper. (Chris Copeland, we hardly remember thee). Those Bad Things can include getting run over by a reckless taxi driver, failing to recognize a loose manhole cover, or enjoying dinner at an establishment frequented by Pizza Rat. All of these and many other Bad Things can happen in the sunshine, too. But the fraying of one's Spidey Senses can accelerate in the hours immediately following an NBA night game and a flight out of town.


In any town, however, the exhaustive list of Bad Things should NEVER include getting pulverized by "Officers of the Peace" while serving up a 20-spot to one of their town's many homeless people. Not at 4 AM. Not at 4 PM.


You shouldn't have to be Mother Teresa to avoid getting your leg broke. Yet Thabo's attempt to briefly approximate Mother Teresa during his and Pero's night out on the town kind of says it all. If you have reason to be just as terrified of some members of the police department under a street lamp as you would for some dudes hanging out in a dark back alley, something has gone Joker-style wrong in that town.


Try not to be out too late at night, especially on nights between NBA games, because Bad Things can happen. Those Bad Things, however, should never include being harmed and having your livelihood imperiled by the very people you're expected to solicit when Bad Things happen.



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Its obvious that some folks have never been business owners.   I still think it was a bad move on both players part.   I always remember that saying "moma says aint nothing good that happens after midnight."   



Im done on this because it has been ran into the ground.    


On to training camp and the pre-season.

Edited by Vol4ever
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