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Hollins not too worried about Hawks' Kyle Korver... he's no Curry


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ATLANTA — Nearly everyone who took the court in Game 1 between the Nets and Hawks struggled. But not Kyle Korver.


The Nets and Hawks both struggled to find a rhythm in their playoff-series opener. Korver, however, was the difference maker. With Al Horford and Paul Millsap ailing, Korver did enough to help the Hawks earn the win, scoring 21 points and making 5-of-11 three-pointers.


But don’t expect Nets coach Lionel Hollins to drastically change his game plan to account for Korver as the series goes on.


“How many shots did he take [in Game 1] and how many did he miss?” Hollins said. “See, if he’s that good, he’d make all of them. Everybody misses, man. He’s a good shooter, I acknowledge that and we acknowledge that as a team. We game-plan for him because he is a great shooter.”


During Monday’s practice at Georgia Tech, Hollins was reminded that, according to statistics, Korver is one of the best three-point shooters in NBA history. But that didn’t change Hollins’ outlook.


“Until he starts shooting 100 percent, we’ve got to play and be in position to help, and then recover,” Hollins said. “It wasn’t like we’re talking [stephen] Curry. … He’s a great come-off-the-screen guy, he’s great with moving without the ball, but he rarely puts the ball on the floor like Curry and shakes you up. Now, you start talking about Curry, and trying to game-plan for him, it’s a lot different than game-planning for Korver.


“We have to game-plan for their whole team,” Hollins continued. “They have a really good team. They won 60 games [in the regular season]. If we start just game-planning strictly for Korver, all those other guys are going to wreck us, too.”

But still, even if the Nets aren’t going to build their whole game plan around stopping Korver, there are things they can do to slow him. Especially in transition.


“We have a certain way we want to play him,” Deron Williams said. “I think a couple times we didn’t do that, and as a result he got free. It’s something you just have to pay attention to because he’s constantly moving. When you look at the film, there’s never a time when he’s just stagnant. It’s tough to guard him. You have to give a lot of help. We’ll do that next time.”


Korver flourished in Game 1. But he was about the only one.


The Hawks weren’t sharp in the opener. And heading into Game 2, Atlanta coach Mike Budenholzer has the challenge of formulating a game plan with two of his most important players nursing injuries.


Horford is dealing with the aftereffects of a dislocated right pinkie. At practice Monday, the big man said there’s a chance he might not play in Game 2. But each of the Nets asked about that didn’t believe him. But even if Horford plays Wednesday, his finger — which required an elaborate tape job for him to return in Game 1 — likely will affect his shot.


Meanwhile, Millsap returned from a shoulder injury late in the season. He said that wearing a protective sleeve was a hindrance in Game 1, when the All-Star forward scored six points on 2-of-11 shooting. Millsap said he’s unsure if he’ll wear the sleeve for Game 2.


“That’s not my problem,” Hollins said. “That’s Budenholzer’s problem. All I can be concerned with is what we put on the court and how we play.”


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His coaching style and candor are pretty weird. He rarely says anything during play and never stands up. I don't question if he's a good coach, but he's definately a dinosaur when it comes to New NBA Logic.

For all practical purposes, yes, Kyle should be treated like he shoots 100%. Hollins would need a crash course in True Shooting to realize it though.

Edited by benhillboy
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His coaching style and candor are pretty weird. He rarely says anything during play and never stands up. I don't question if he's a good coach, but he's definately a dinosaur when it comes to New NBA Logic.

For all practical purposes, yes, Kyle should be treated like he shoots 100%. Hollins would need a crash course in True Shooting to realize it though.

I can picture @hawksfanatic looking at Hollins like


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Well, it's not like Korver is going to drop 45 or 50 points on you.

That doesn't mean that you make no effort to stop him at all or anything like that, but it's not a surprise that not everyone thinks that Korver is the player on the team that must be shutdown the most.

They're stupid if they don't think he's the guy you gotta shut down first. Now that he's actually pulling up off the dribble and hitting 3's and taking them early in transition he's far more dangerous than most still see him as. The guy is like blasting cap to the fans and when he hits a 3 the crowd erupts and the energy among the team clearly goes up. As good of a 3pt shooter as DMC has become he doesn't make the fans hold their breath when he shoots and he doesn't have defenders expecting the ball to go in.

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I just understand why Hollins would say that. I mean he's been an NBA lifer, it's not like he's new to the game. Why on earth would you give the Hawks bulletin board material after you've lost 5 straight to them. Baffles me.

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They're stupid if they don't think he's the guy you gotta shut down first. Now that he's actually pulling up off the dribble and hitting 3's and taking them early in transition he's far more dangerous than most still see him as. The guy is like blasting cap to the fans and when he hits a 3 the crowd erupts and the energy among the team clearly goes up. As good of a 3pt shooter as DMC has become he doesn't make the fans hold their breath when he shoots and he doesn't have defenders expecting the ball to go in.


As good of a shooter as KK is... He is a 10PPG scorer. He is a shooter and not a scorer like a Ray Allen or Reggie Miller was. He is only going to take a small number of shots most games unless you leave him wide open.


Yes, you want to defend him well... But Teague and Millsap are both more explosive scorers. 

Edited by Hotlanta1981
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As good of a shooter as KK is... He is a 10PPG scorer. He is a shooter and not a scorer like a Ray Allen or Reggie Miller was. He is only going to take a small number of shots most games unless you leave him wide open.


Yes, you want to defend him well... But Teague and Millsap are both more explosive scorers. 

the way the nets handled him last game though, made him put up ray allen, reggie miller type numbers.

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Trivial Trivia Part Deux:


The beginning of the end for Lionel Hollins' tenure in Memphis (perhaps) came when he reportedly snapped at new Grizzlies Basketball Ops VP John Hollinger, for interrupting players during practice without Hollins' permission.


According to the news reports, Hollinger had stepped onto the Grizzlies' practice court and meddled with which NBA Player???



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Trivial Trivia Part Deux:

The beginning of the end for Lionel Hollins' tenure in Memphis (perhaps) came when he reportedly snapped at new Grizzlies Basketball Ops VP John Hollinger, for interrupting players during practice without Hollins' permission.

According to the news reports, Hollinger had stepped onto the Grizzlies' practice court and meddled with which NBA Player???


Hmmmmm....imna go with Tony Allen. My runner up is Tayshaun???

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Trivial Trivia Part Deux:


The beginning of the end for Lionel Hollins' tenure in Memphis (perhaps) came when he reportedly snapped at new Grizzlies Basketball Ops VP John Hollinger, for interrupting players during practice without Hollins' permission.


According to the news reports, Hollinger had stepped onto the Grizzlies' practice court and meddled with which NBA Player???



My first guess was Demarre but then I must admit I cheated and looked it up. All I will say is I was on the right track...

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