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House Money?


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There is a large contingent around Atlanta that feels the team is now playing with house money.

The most optimistic posters here felt an ECF appearance was the goal for a successful season if relatively healthy, absolutely no complaints after, A+ performances for the year across the board. Okay, an A- for Pero if you must.

It's an interesting debate, but all that matters is what the players think. A few questions:

1. What do you think was Bud's honest, realistic expectations for the team on opening night?

2. Did they change drastically during January?

I think the contrasting mindsets can be positive or negative depending on the player. Someone like Dennis may take it for granted and play freely, which is a plus IMO ( although I know some of us disagree). An old vet like Kyle may lock into a zone knowing the improbability of this run and the possibility of never getting back. We've seen how pressing and expectations can cause him to slump a bit.

Should the team put a lot of pressure on themselves to cash in this opportunity versus a seemingly favorable matchup, or just go out and enjoy themselves and the moment? I personally think this whole season has been a nice combination of both views.

Edited by benhillboy
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I think that they'll be locked in and ready to go. They've heard the talk about them not being a contender for months now. And to an extent, some might have believed it. Teams like the Hawks aren't supposed to contend for anything, even in a weakened East. They're supposed to win around 45 games and go away like they always do. That's been their script since the St. Louis days. That's why I had a really bad feeling about playing a Game 7. Not only would the refs be out to get 'em but they themselves would have some doubt about whether they truly belong.

After winning though, the paradigm changed. Imagine being Elton Brand right now. When he decided to come back for one more season, do you think he did that thinking the team would really still be playing at this point? You know that he isn't likely to see another ECF in his career so he's going to make sure that the bench is focused and ready to perform. And you know Korver want to atone for those missed shots in the Whiz series and will be dialed in as well.

Yep, they're playing with house $$$ as no one but the few on this board saw ECF in November but now that they're here, you might as well go for it...

Edited by Dejay
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I believe that Bud believed in his system of play, which worked.


I believe that Bud thought that this group of players were good enough and

smart enough to make his system work.  Again, he was correct.


I believe that this current team of Hawks believe in themselves.  They believe

that they, as a team, are capable of beating any other NBA team on any night.


They all know, both team and coaches, how hard it is to get to this point in the

post season, how long it's been since Atlanta has been here and that it may be

many years before they can get here again.


They all know that this team will not all be together again.  Some will go other

places because of big $$$ offers and some may retire and there is no guarantee

of the health of and of them, players or coaches.


Knowing and believing all this, I expect them to do their very best to go all the way!



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Great topic. 


Imo, pressure is squarely shifted off us as NO ONE in the media is picking or expects us to win this series.  Before now, losing a series would have been an indictment on us being a "regular season phenomenon" and not cut out for playoff basketball.


Personally, I hope and optimistically expect to see the team play much looser now.  No more missing chippy layups repeatedly that we usually make in our sleep.  


Should definitely be an interesting dynamic.


1) II don't expect Bud saw this team as an NBA championship team.  I suspect we surpassed preseason expectations for the regular season, and this type of postseason "run" is probably on par for what Bud and Co. hoped for preseason (not expecting to do it as a 1 seed though).


2) Did expectations change drastically in January?  I am not God, but I doubt too much.  At that point, I bet like fans, Bud probably felt we should make the ECF and make a run at the finals which we should.


You gotta coach this team like they can go all the way, but I do wonder if internally, the brass thinks this is a championship team.  There's no way in hell they thought so or that this was a "finished project" in the preaseason.

Edited by bumpyphish1
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It doesn't matter how anyone felt at the begining of the season.  It only matter how they feel now.  I'm pretty sure the Hawks players do not considering themselves under dogs like the media and it own fan base,  They have beaten each and every team left in the playoffs so I assume that they consider themselves the favorite  given their regular season resume.

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I also think we will play better in this series because the pressure has been taken off of us. The players knew that if they didn't make it to the ECF that this season would be considered a disappointment. They played poorly at times but always responded when their back was against the wall. 


Atlanta fans also seem to have the thinking of "here we go again" when an Atlanta team starts to struggle in a postseason game. You can feel it and hear it in the sound of the arena when things start to get tight. The last time the guys were on the home court we had one of those "here we go again" moments and Al Horford saved us. It was something we rarely see happen. Then we had another one of those moments in game 6 on the road. Now the players and the fans know WE CAN DO THIS and I can't wait to see how everyone comes out game 1. 

Edited by cam1218
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Hawks will come out SWINGING in game 1. I think we have the monkey off our backs and the city behind the team and with nothing to lose, that is a dangerous combination for team lebron.

Oh yeah, love is out and Irving isn't 100%. Hawks in 7.

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We have a shot to get the title and anything else should be a letdown.  This is probably as close as this roster will get without some changes next year and the one after so they better put it all on the floor.  I personally won't be satisfied unless they win a title but would definitely be proud if they go to the finals.  This isn't the 91 Braves ... they have been in the playoffs on a regular basis and have preformed extremely well since Thanksgiving.   Hopefully they expect themselves to win it all now. 

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Hopefully this team can come out and play like they have nothing to lose. I understand why the team played tight against Washington as the preassure from the local fanbase, who has been thirsting for an ECF since they began following the team, and the national media, who was chomping at the bit of a chance to trash the team, was immense. Now, with the fans expectations' fulfilled and the national media focusing their attention on Lebron, the hawks can go out and play to win, instead of playing not to lose.

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The team doesn't have a "legacy" to protect or continue to define, everything they've accomplished they've done in the absence of media attention.  The guys only care about themselves and have the expectation that they could always do better.  You could see this going back to the Indiana series and beyond, Ferry was adamant about just making the playoffs or having a competitive series wasn't the goal but that the team believed that they could do more and were building towards it.  The guys after the loss to the Pacers seemed almost cocky in that they couldn't believe that they lost and didn't see taking the #1 seed to 7 games as an accomplishment. 


There's just a completely different type of ego with this squad, they are not guys worried about how much money they'll get in free agency, or their endorsements, or how a win or loss places them in the discussion of all-time great NBA players, they expect that if they play hard and play smart that wins are likely to follow.  I imagine that even if they accomplish the ultimate goal of winning the championship that they wouldn't even sit back and say "wow" but rather "we expect to be back here next year". 

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I dont Know if u say this in english, but i think this Team done is duty but can go now for the bonus. This was an great season, i guess above 99,9% of the preseason expectations. Ging to the exf ahowed that the RS wasnt a fluke, even when the media is still sceptical - and also we whitness stringer games by the Hawks this season.

I hope we win this series, but it ist a shame if we loose now.

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I agree with others that have said the pressure is off now. It was extremely evident the team tightened up at times In these first 2 round. I expect us to now play loose, but also serious. These guys believe they can beat anyone if we play our game.

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