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Well the NBA wanted to make sure Lebron goes to the finals


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When u think dirty player ... The opposite of AL Horford comes to mind

Seriously, Horford is a class act. You just can't touch any of LeBron's teammates evidently.

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How the hell do they only give him a technical? He was trying to destroy his ankle!!

tne technical just shows there is something wrong with what he is doing. They will wait until he does it to Curry to punish him
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tne technical just shows there is something wrong with what he is doing. They will wait until he does it to Curry to punish him


Credibility of the NBA will go way down if Dellevedova doesn't receive a suspension.

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This scrub Delladiva has now done something dirty to get Taj Gibson ejected for no reason and now he did it to us. No one can tell me with a straight face the NBA isn't telling the refs to make damn sure the Cavs make it to the Finals.

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I don't know or care if I'm repeating anything someone else said.  I haven't been this pissed after a Hawks game in my 30+ years as a fan.


It's not enough that the Cavs get every call.  It's not enough that half our guys are injured.  You have to go out of your way to eject our guy?


And the explanation is "elbow to the face", "I had to eject him"!  Really?!  And in the very next quarter our guy gets elbowed to the face and the call is, "Meh, loose ball"?  How in the motherf*ck was Horford's play NOT a loose ball?


Look, I'm not a conspiracy theorist but this is just comically uneven.  Comical!


And the "story" will be how the great Liibrown gutted out a tough victory.  It's past time for folks to put a stop to this nonsense.  I can live with not getting calls.  What's happening to us is flat out a crime.


DellavaDleague is a clear, dirty player.  How Reggie Miller saw it and tried to talk around it was just ridiculous.  "Uh, he's an irritant but if he's going after guys' knees ... but he's not a dirty player ... he's just an irritant ... but there's a history of ending up at guys' knees ... uh, but I don't think he's a dirty player ...."


Well, which one is it Reggie because it can't be both?


I need to get offa here before I get myself in trouble with the mods.

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This was one of the worst ejections in league history. It will not be discussed as much because the hawks are down 3-0 but this sent a clear message to Atlanta tonight.

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It's just a completely helpless, hollow feeling as a fan to know that you weren't supposed to win because of crap like this.


But going forward, what does everyone think...how do you actually make the NBA and Silver take notice? Does the organization raise a stink to the league office about the one-sided officiating? I honestly think there are a few owners—our new ones included—who should get together and demand even more transparency than the new reports the league is doing. Make it the entire fourth quarter and make the league office put out a report on every single FF2 that is called, evaluating it. Hire a third party made up of former refs and others who are experts in interpreting the rules to make judgments on this, not just the NBA itself. Like an ombudsman for the refs. 


This has gone on long enough. Owners not named Dan Gilbert need to stand up on this and demand better. It should be embarrassing for the league. This is FIFA levels of ridiculousness with officiating right now. I sure wish there was something as non-LeBron fans we could do around the league to get their attention and let them know the paying customers are sick of it.

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Al Horford ended TJ Ford's career on a dirty foul to the head that almost paralyzed him. Yeah he's a class act.

Wrong. Ford always had a back condition and had actually been "paralyzed" multiple times. He played with that condition his whole career, including after that incident, but hey carry on with your nonsense

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