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Delly from a Cavs fan perspective


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Horford didn't dragged Delly, it was clearly that Delly kept leaning toward to Hordford's leg, like he did to Korver. If Horford did dragged Delly, Al Horford wouldn't get mad and react in the first place.


just look and the feets of delli between 9-13 sec he's clearly jumping towards horford
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I have no problem with Delly, I liked him since summer league. Al was tripping with the wind-up. Dellavadova just performs as a rugby player turned marginal basketball player would.

He better not lay a finger on Steph though. Me and Dray will kill him.

Edited by benhillboy
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Delly went after 3 guys legs. He got Horford and Gibson ejected. He got rid of Korver for at least 7 months.

No wonder Cavs fans love him. Why would opposing fans dislike that?

I just am glad the refs come down so hard on his victims.

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It was clear he was pushing off with his legs to continue his motion towards Horf's legs, even after Horford's left hand is off of him. So it wasn't Horf "pulling him onto him" (and why would anyone think that Horf would intentionally try to drag Delly ONTO HIMSELF?). It was a bad move of Horf to drop a bow, but by the way he pulled his ankle/foot out from under Delly immediately before that Hogan move, you can tell Delly got his ankle shot in. Can't say I wouldn't have an instinctive reaction to instantly retaliate against him either. And I probably would've gotten ejected too. If not for play then for giving the refs more than they would ever want to hear from a player.

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Dellavadova is going for Horford's knee.  Come on man...  Just stop already.   He's using his momentum (and REALLY leaning/falling/scooting into it).  Can the refs call that?  Ehhhh...not really.  It's a dirty play that the league needs to review and players who are repeat offenders need a stiff penalty.  Dellavadova isn't doing it in the heat of the moment on a shot attempt.  He's out there LOOKING to take someone out.


The key to this play is that they are tangled up.  I don't know if that's Delly or Horf so much (looks like Horf is pulling him).  However, it's what Delly did that caused Horf's reaction.  If you're honest, that's a tech (live a shoving/fighting technical) on Horford or possibly a double tech.  This being the playoffs, you expect that sort of thing.  It's not "ZOMG horford is trying to kill that little guy!"



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I have no problem with Delly, I liked him since summer league. Al was tripping with the wind-up. Dellavadova just performs as a rugby player turned marginal basketball player would.

He better not lay a finger on Steph though. Me and Dray will kill him.

Wow. So you are fine with him going after Korver and Horfords legs but you will have a problem if he goes after Stephs?

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And that whole rugby argument is such bullshit. I grew up playing rugby and soccer. I didn't try to grab the soccer ball with my hands and run to the other side, and I sure as hell didn't try to body slam anyone while playing soccer. All athletes play multiple sports, and the fact all these morons from TNT and cavs "fans" keep using that lame excuse shows you the lazy/bias analysis of the media, and for those "fans," well, we know they probably haven't watched a full game of any sports in their lives. Probably just watch YouTube Lebron highlights and call themselves "fans." Yeah I'm in a bad mood.

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And that whole rugby argument is such bullshit. I grew up playing rugby and soccer. I didn't try to grab the soccer ball with my hands and run to the other side, and I sure as hell didn't try to body slam anyone while playing soccer. All athletes play multiple sports, and the fact all these morons from TNT and cavs "fans" keep using that lame excuse shows you the lazy/bias analysis of the media, and for those "fans," well, we know they probably haven't watched a full game of any sports in their lives. Probably just watch YouTube Lebron highlights and call themselves "fans." Yeah I'm in a bad mood.

I would like to see how long that rugby excuse would have lasted if delly was on our team and he made the exact same plays on kyrie and lebron. They would be calling for his expulsion from the league.

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So first off I'd like to say this has a been a good hard fought series and you guys have been playing really well even missing basically 3/5 of your starting lineup.

My question is why did are you guys so angry about Delly?

I don't think Horford should of been ejected at all, (flagrant 1 at best)

But watching the replay over and over, Horford dragged delly backwards and down into his body, i mean, was Delly suppose to fall forwards? I actually agree the Bulls series that what Delly did on Gibson should of resulted in a suspension but in this case, Horford essentially pulled Delly towards and knee and got mad when he fell on it. So I don't really understand why the big outrage.

watch the video over again and you will see Della hopping and driving into Horford...reckless. I don't think he intended to hurt Horford, but you can't drive and hop into a player with zero repercussions. Since Horford did get ejected, I wish he would have really loaded up and unleashed his elbow. At least he would have earned it at that point.

I just don't see Horford pulling Della. I see Della driving and hopping into him.

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Dellavadova is going for Horford's knee.  Come on man...  Just stop already.   He's using his momentum (and REALLY leaning/falling/scooting into it).  Can the refs call that?  Ehhhh...not really.  It's a dirty play that the league needs to review and players who are repeat offenders need a stiff penalty.  Dellavadova isn't doing it in the heat of the moment on a shot attempt.  He's out there LOOKING to take someone out.


The key to this play is that they are tangled up.  I don't know if that's Delly or Horf so much (looks like Horf is pulling him).  However, it's what Delly did that caused Horf's reaction.  If you're honest, that's a tech (live a shoving/fighting technical) on Horford or possibly a double tech.  This being the playoffs, you expect that sort of thing.  It's not "ZOMG horford is trying to kill that little guy!"




Agree his obvious, dirty play is difficult to legislate.  That's why players have to do it themselves and the refs have to allow it.  BOTH Webber and Miller mentioned on the telecast that going after a guy in the air or going after guys' legs was inexcusable and that the NBA fraternity(sic) wouldn't have it.


Unfortunately, for some reason (I wonder what it was), both backed off calling a spade for a spade (i.e. that the guy is a dirty player).

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Della looked like a running back pushing the pile at the goal line. Watch him load up with his legs to squat thrust. Whether he was intentionally trying to hurt Horford, I can't know. But he has a pattern of throwing his weight into players' lower extremities. And in this play, he loaded up to thrust into horford at least twice. If you watch that and call it "falling", you're a hopeless homer who can't stand criticism of his own team.

i agree. See it the same way you do. My wife agreed and she can't stand my Hawks:(
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That guy is a former rugby player from a former prisoners colony. Thats what he knows, thats what he does. These guys know about "little things" like that...and he's seemingly good at it. And then looking at you straight with his droopy blue eyes and his childrens haircut.

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As most posters know from a few of my previous posts over the years...my son was a rugby player.  He played 3 years for Walton High (3 straight state championships) and then played at LSU (a highly rated college squad).  In my recollection he never went through an entire season without some sort of injury...it's a very physical game.  Luckily he never got a really big injury, but sprained ankles and banged up shoulders tended to be a fairly common occurrence.


There is so much direct contact that the players quickly learn the "tricks of the trade" and how to identify a dirty player and what to watch out for - still - you can't protect yourself all the time.


My thing is, basketball is a totally different game.  If the players play 82 games + playoffs in the NBA with a rugby approach, there won't be anybody left at the end of the year.  My son always said that they needed a week between the big "15" games just to get all the bangs and dings healed up.


The NBA needs to get a handle on this - quickly.




Edited by DJlaysitup
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And that whole rugby argument is such bullshit. I grew up playing rugby and soccer. I didn't try to grab the soccer ball with my hands and run to the other side, and I sure as hell didn't try to body slam anyone while playing soccer. All athletes play multiple sports, and the fact all these morons from TNT and cavs "fans" keep using that lame excuse shows you the lazy/bias analysis of the media, and for those "fans," well, we know they probably haven't watched a full game of any sports in their lives. Probably just watch YouTube Lebron highlights and call themselves "fans." Yeah I'm in a bad mood.

I played Rugby too and I will tell you this - you go after legs like that in rugby and your own teammates will get on your ass. Rugby is a brotherhood also and trying to injure someone gets you blasted from all sides .

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I played Rugby too and I will tell you this - you go after legs like that in rugby and your own teammates will get on your ass. Rugby is a brotherhood also and trying to injure someone gets you blasted from all sides .


Agreed...it is kind of like a fraternity with only the occasional really dirty player (at least at the higher levels).


Another thing though...rugby is played on a grass field with footwear adapted to the playing surface.  The traction isn't generally as good and when the player goes down it's a (little bit) softer surface.  If they played rugby on a basketball court like surface and in basketball shoes (maximum traction) there would be a lot more injuries - especially to ankles and knees.


Bottom line is - disregarding the rugby comparison - the NBA cannot afford to have guys getting injured at the pace we have seen it lately.  Love, Korver, AL out of a game for "retaliation"...this is getting out of hand IMO...folks go to the games to see the stars perform at the highest level, not to see how well the "next man up" will perform.

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Delly clearly doing this on purpose IMO. He's just smart enough not to make it look obvious. When you see a pattern of the same type of situation occurring over, and over again though, it becomse clear that the guy is purposefully rolling his back into players' legs. You can say it's just him scrapping, but how come every other notorious scrapper like Tony Allen, Reggie Evans, Iguodala etc never end up with their backs on players legs and this guy does? I don't buy it's just a coincidence.

Agreed. No doubt Dellerverdover knows exactly what he's doing, so does Dellavadova and Dellavedova.

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Agreed. No doubt Dellerverdover knows exactly what he's doing, so does Dellavadova and Dellavedova.


Yeah Spud, I think he probably does too.


I remember when the Denver Broncos were employing some "tactics" with their offensive line play (basically going after knees) and the NFL later banned those tactics.  You could make the argument that they really weren't trying to "injure" just to slow down the defense (defensive linemen had to reduce aggression for self preservation).


Similarly, if the NBA doesn't do something, who will want to go all-out for a loose ball if they know the Delly-diver-roller is on the court?


The NBA better nip it...nip it in the bud.

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Marcus Spears was on His and Hers on BSPN earlier this morning and he called Delladiva out for being dirty and said you could see him jumping into Horford to initiate the contact and trying to go for his knee/ankle on the landing. At least one guy on national tv can call it honestly.

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