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Any doubt about JT now?


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diesel, dude, you need to stop hugging bigdog's nuts man...i mean we know you were against trading him but come on man..

we sucked with him..we suck without him..either way, we sucked so him being here wouldn't do anything to change that...

we got free agent money to pickup hopefully a good free agent in the offseason from the trade...we'll have new owners..

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  • Premium Member

Common [censored] sense Doc...

YOu say we suck with him, we suck without him...

But did you ever think...

We are the same freakin team without him?

Doesn't that tell you that all the blame we gave him wasn't his to take?

I mean, last two nights, we look worse than we ever did with Big Dog. To me that states that Big Dog was not the problem.

That's all I'm saying. I'm not hugging his nuts, I'm just wondering how some of you who were so emphatic about trading him away are complaining now.... You got what you wanted... Suck it up.

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Suck what up!....Dog is horrible....he didn't help us win...it doesn't matter that he is gone...he is no teams savior...get over it.

You act like the reason we are not winning is because he is gone.......we were a horrible team with him....he is not a difference maker.

We were not good enough defensively to hide Dog...maybe Philly is...but I doubt it.

I would trade Dog every day and twice on Sundays.

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If we'd started the season with JV/Jax/Grob/Reef/Theo. I don't think we'd have the record we have now. I Think it would be much better! WHile we still wouldn't be a great defensive team. We would score better and more easily.

We probably wouldn't be a playoff team still. But we'd have two clearly defined main scorers, one inside, one outside. We'd have a competent playmaker. We'd have a good spot up 3pt shooter and we'd have a solid shotblocker/paint defender. That's just our starting lineup.

Then working in Dion, DD, Diaw, Nazr and Nailon off the bench. I just can't see us being as bad as we are now.

Right now we're a team of players that don't mix. We've been trying to build a team around one players shortcomings and it is not going to work. Well, unless we get a Jones/Barry.

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what do you want diesel? everyone to go we were wrong, you're were right? it's not going to happen man...i am glad we got rid of big dog... so you keep trying to harp on how you were against his trade isn't going to do anything but steer the focus away from what it takes to get better to what we could have done that would have made no difference.

i know we still suck, but i'm glad he's gone... we can use the cash to get a REAL player in the offseason..i expect with the new ownership that we willl...

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Diesel why don't you shut up. I didn't care if Big Dog left or not. So get over yourself. What do you want an award or somehting. Maybe if you removed your mouth from his D!@! for a second you could see other things going on the league. Besides your trades of the day.

I'm just tired of hearing Big Dog this and Big Dog that. I have said this numerous times in the past. He is gone. Move on. Talk about today's team and not yesterdays.

If you prove me wrong on something I man enough to come on and give you credit. But, like I said I never cared if Big Dog left or not.

Also if I was right about something I wouldn't be making a post everyday bragging about. Your such an A@#Hole some time.

Sometimes you bring good things to the table and other times you are just an idiot.

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Yeah u r right..... we would probably be 10-20.

That team would probably set the record for jump shots....and wouldn't be better defensively. Ball movement would be non existent and we wouldn't play good team defense....if Reef is going to be our best player...our second best needs to be a vet guard....thats how we get better quickly.... get Theo and Reef some vet starting guards.

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Swole, you're funny...

In reply to:

You act like the reason we are not winning is because he is gone.......we were a horrible team with him....he is not a difference maker.

If you take the time to look up, notice. That last year:

With Theo common off of injury and out of shape.

With Email Hurt.

With No diaw, No Jax, No JV.

With DD playing like a rookie.

AND with Big Dog.

That we were a better team than we are now. We had a better record. We looked better. We beat better teams.

You were one of the main ones making promises that we would be better without Big Dog. Well, Big Dog is gone and we are not better. In fact, we're worse.

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Dude, it's already listed in the long list of I was right and you were wrong...

I mean it goes along with the I told you that trading Smitty for JR/JJ is a bad idea theme.

However, what I really want is an honest look at our team. Too many of you guys still have on the colored glasses that makes it impossible for you to see what's really wrong.

Wake up.

It's not Reef. It's not Theo. It's not even CC and Hendu.

Guess what the problem really is??

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We won 35 games last year with the great Big Dog ....will probably win around 30 this year... ...he came out of the gate shooting every [censored] thing he could ...to prove to us he could carry us and ...make us better....but when his limited game...and no defense and TO machine....and bad ankles started to show....he withered like the role player he is....why in the world should we have kept Dog around....give me one reason....

"Big Dog is gone and we are not better. In fact, we're worse."

What the [censored] is the big difference between 25, 28 or 35 wins...... none.

Since you are looking up shiit.....how many games did we win the year before Dog? I think it may have been 33 .....so an old asss jumpshooter who can't dribble or play defense...has only a midrange jumpshot and bad ankles....and gets paid a ton of money...is worth keeping around for 2 wins?

Nope ...you trade him for anything you can get....just like we did.

The simple fact is trading Dog was a good move.

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