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Marc Gasol "mentions" ATL in interview


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Marc Gasol basically means losing Millsap and Carroll, but it may be worth it in the long run if Carroll gets overpaid. I'd rather retain Carroll for $10M and Millsap for $16M, but if that's not possible Gasol at $20M is better than either of them. He shoots, passes and posts better than Sap. He lacks his defensive versatility, but he's probably a better defender purely based on his ability to protect the rim. They're comparable rebounders I think.


If we lose Sap and Carroll, signing Gasol and someone like Jerebko (along with our new draft pick) may make us a better team overall, though we'd have some growing pains.


I've become really fascinated by this possibility. Gasol moves Horf to the 4, of course, and... as I'm sure someone has already said somewhere in this thread, but I just didn't go through and read it all... that's a dream low post, isn't it? Even better, really, than that Horford/Howard one that we all drooled over all those years.


Of course, then conventionally-speaking, you end up starting Thabo beside Korver at the wing, and maybe you draft any of the number of 3D guys at #15 to serve the purpose that Thabo did coming off the bench before.


Tempting. And I have to think Gasol would really give a situation like ours some serious thought.

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Allow me to get on my soapbox for a minute. I get the whole PC police thing SORT OF, but this is also a strawman argument.


The U.S.'s issues abroad (of which there are many) have no bearing on whether or not it's ok to drop the R-Bomb. I do a lot of work with children and young adults with disabilities and the word does nothing but cause harm. Maybe it didn't always do that, but it does now. So why say it? It doesn't benefit ANYBODY to say it, it's not funny (any fifth grader can use shock humor, believe me I know) and it actually hurts a lot of kids' feelings. In America and elsewhere.


Now, back to basketball.


Edit: Also, thank you @AHF for trying to keep this civil, you're a phenomenal moderator.


I get what your saying, but that mentality and enough people giving in to it is precisely why the PC agenda works. And once it works, on its term now causes "mentaly disabled people"(imo that sounds allot more offensive really) to be hurt over a word slung around perhaps millions of times before and after it was no longer PC. So retards will be confronted with the wordnumerously anyhow. But before it didnt get anyones knickers in a twist(I love saying that). So who really looses? Me? The word police? No, the only ones who loose are the retarded.


Its impossible to stop a word. Even more when it doesnt have an actual profound history and clearcut racist connection like the "N-word". People will use it. People like me who dont mean any harm by it. People who do mean harm. People talking to retards. Retards picking up conversations. On the street, on the radio, on the internet etc.


I dont want to lecture you on your proffession, but I would rather strengthen them and make them aware of things like I just said, instead of strengthen a hyper-awareness and hyper-sensitivity to something that can not be stopped and something people often mean no harm by.

Edited by DS17Fanboy
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I think that's not a problem only in USA.


We are in the era of being politically correct.

I dont know how its in Spain, but Germany isnt nearly going out like the US. Another country I know like my own, Holland, isnt doing that either.


However you are correct its being worked on, but that is because USA as global hegemon, as the global center of think-tanks, as the global conveyor of popular culture, and as the country the global political elite always listens to(picking up on things or not), seems to have gotten others to join the party. However late they are at the party.


In Germany recently some people with to much airtime are now throwing insuations of anti-semitism at anyone posing questions around MSM, banking, etc. You dont even have to mention jews. The argument is that code-words are used instead of the word jew". Crazy stuff like that.


In Holland recently we had this tiny campaign endorsed by some UN officials, and lots of UK/US media, that "black pete" is supposedly this racist fest where the whole country partakes in. Having people wearing "blackface". Which in US/UK culture has its own history, while in fact the whole style of drawing is just shitty 1930's drawing ala Popeye the Sailorman, Mickey Mouse etc. And when I grew up in Holland in a black neigberhood black pete was everywhere and we all loved black pete. He was the sidekick to a white saint, but nobody cared about the saint. Black pete was so much more fun. Also in the former colonies, like Suriname, Antilles etc, the black people paint "blackface" on themselves. It never was a thing, not among whites, not among black.


But its the same story as with the retards. Now suddenly blacks feel offended, where there was no such thing before the PC brigade started the ruckus.


And again, all based on the American perception of "blackface". Now we can perhaps no longer celebrate a childrens fest that always was on par with Christmas concerning its national importance. At least not without all kinds of complaining and whining. Thats called cultural imperialism.


And surely this is only the start. Next up is homosexuals getting a spoof in each and every thing. RPG's in medieval nordic fantasy settings having a quota where 15% of the world of Skyrm now needs to be black, and 20% Hispanic etc. Its just obnoxious really. Lets not get them away with it.

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Just FYI - "retarded" used to be used commonly in the US.  It is now considered offensive to a lot of people as society gets more educated and understanding of mentally disabled people.  

As the father of an autistic child, this statement gets my full en-dorse-ment.  It's not that I think it's always offensive when used but it still gets thrown around a bit too loosely.

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As the father of an autistic child, this statement gets my full en-dorse-ment.  It's not that I think it's always offensive when used but it still gets thrown around a bit too loosely.


As the uncle of one, I cringe a little when I hear it and think that it's generally been a good thing that we've tried to strain it out of the socially acceptable vocab. And, at least in the circles I run in--which might not be the same as eddielives--I don't hear it all that often, actually.

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Man, I saw the thread was growing and didn't expect this lol. Look what you did, Marc Gasol!

Yup Marc is the dream player this off season....I'm trying not to get that caught up in the idea of him really coming or any other big name free agent but it's fun to pipe dream and as true hawk fans most of us just can't help it!

One thing I do know if the Hawks can't pull a top free agent name this off season after having that fantastic season and making it to the ECF I honestly don't believe the Hawks will ever land a big name free agent unless another star talent is somehow is already on the team....at least this time when we go after a top name free agent we won't get laughed at since the team is actually good already.

Edited by JTB
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One thing I do know if the Hawks can't pull a top free agent name this off season after having that fantastic season and making it to the ECF I honestly don't believe the Hawks will ever land a big name free agent

Unfortunately ONE great season out of so many mediocre ones won't change perception overnight and it's unrealistic to expect such. We would all like it to be the case but it shouldn't be surprising if it doesn't happen. Sustained success on the court and a stable (new owner and uncertainty at GM) front office will. Edited by JayBirdHawk
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i dunno. "Expect" is a strong word, but "have some reason to be optimistic" I think is applicable.


As a player, you have to see what has happened in the last two years in a new regime (at least in terms of the basketball ops), and you have to read what players say about how fun it is playing in the SA-type system, and come away from that with some positive vibes.


Now, you might be the type of player who doesn't buy-in to the whole notion of this style of play being legit, and in that case, ATL wouldn't be attractive. That's fine. The lack of attraction is mutual, I think.


But if you're the type of player who authentically is chasing a championship (ie, over chasing personal fame and money), I'm not sure that you could ask for a much better situation. It's a city that, even in the franchise's years of malaise, has long been a favorite of NBA players. It's now a franchise on the cusp of doing something significant, and if you're a player like Gasol, you might just perceive that ATL is SA, but with a younger roster, and a widely-regarded weaker conference..,. and that you (Gasol) might just be that player that fits the puzzle that makes this team complete... the player whose presence puts the franchise over the top.

Edited by sturt
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i dunno. "Expect" is a strong word, but "have some reason to be optimistic" I think is applicable.


As a player, you have to see what has happened in the last two years in a new regime (at least in terms of the basketball ops), and you have to read what players say about how fun it is playing in the SA-type system, and come away from that with some positive vibes.


Now, you might be the type of player who doesn't buy-in to the whole notion of this style of play being legit, and in that case, ATL wouldn't be attractive. That's fine. The lack of attraction is mutual, I think.


But if you're the type of player who authentically is chasing a championship (ie, over chasing personal fame and money), I'm not sure that you could ask for a much better situation. It's a city that, even in the franchise's years of malaise, has long been a favorite of NBA players. It's now a franchise on the cusp of doing something significant, and if you're a player like Gasol, you might just perceive that ATL is SA, but with a younger roster, and a widely-regarded weaker conference..,. and that you (Gasol) might just be that player that fits the puzzle that makes this team complete... the player whose presence puts the franchise over the top.

hey! why go to the real thing when you can go to an imitation that is less talented and less proven!

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hey! why go to the real thing when you can go to an imitation that is less talented and less proven!

Less proven but in a weaker conference! that's what gets me....how do you look pass that if your a player like gasol or LMA? Either one of them added to this team puts a stamp on a return to the ECF....unless they are too afraid of lebron James I wouldn't really understand why they wouldn't be interested in joining the Hawks

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Unfortunately ONE great season out of so many mediocre ones won't change perception overnight and it's unrealistic to expect such. We would all like it to be the case but it shouldn't be surprising if it doesn't happen. Sustained success on the court and a stable (new owner and uncertainty at GM) front office will.

I hear ya...but I disagree because of the conference Atlanta plays in is so weak any star talent can come to the east and dominate especially if they go to a good team. This Hawks team should be viewed differently going into the off season for once.

-We have the coach of the year

-A legit fan base that supports the team

-management is a lot better with a new owner

-Atlanta is a fun place to hang out at (I know this from the many times I have visited)

-we have a great cast of players to put around a star talent

-we play team basketball which I think is attractive to more players than fans believe

-just came off a historic season and made it to the ECF

-easier path to the conference finals with the Hawks

For once we offer the whole package! What can possibly be a good reason a star wouldn't want to come here this time? I really can't wait to find out cause I know it's going to be something extremely dumb....I will start to believe in NBA conspiracies if a star talent doesn't have a good reason for not coming here.

The only good reason I can think of is gasol or LMA saying I want to go play for the Spurs but he'll they both can't go there and if one of them picks the mavs over us I think there's something going on in the NBA behind the scenes

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I hear ya...but I disagree because of the conference Atlanta plays in is so weak any star talent can come to the east and dominate especially if they go to a good team. This Hawks team should be viewed differently going into the off season for once.

-We have the coach of the year

-A legit fan base that supports the team

-management is a lot better with a new owner

-Atlanta is a fun place to hang out at (I know this from the many times I have visited)

-we have a great cast of players to put around a star talent

-we play team basketball which I think is attractive to more players than fans believe

-just came off a historic season and made it to the ECF

-easier path to the conference finals with the Hawks

For once we offer the whole package! What can possibly be a good reason a star wouldn't want to come here this time? I really can't wait to find out cause I know it's going to be something extremely dumb....I will start to believe in NBA conspiracies if a star talent doesn't have a good reason for not coming here.

The only good reason I can think of is gasol or LMA saying I want to go play for the Spurs but he'll they both can't go there and if one of them picks the mavs over us I think there's something going on in the NBA behind the scenes

part of management is the GM - still unresolved. Bud has 1 year left on hiscontract. What if he doesn't get an extension or declines to sign one? That needs to be resolved before FAcy starts.

Are we really a legit fan base? I loved what I saw THIS season. A legit fan base sticks with team thru good and bad that's us Squawkers.

Players will also look at how we handle OUR own free agents.

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hey! why go to the real thing when you can go to an imitation that is less talented and less proven!


While what SA has done is admirable, there's no denying that there's little but Leonard to get excited about at this stage. Duncan and Ginobili are on the cusp of retirement, and conventional wisdom says Parker and Diaw's effective years are mostly behind them. Leonard is really the only all-star level asset that can be counted on to be there (assuming, of course, he re-signs, which I can only imagine is a given).


So, less proven, okay... but less talented? I may be a homer, but I don't see how that is even barely asserted.

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I hear ya...but I disagree because of the conference Atlanta plays in is so weak any star talent can come to the east and dominate especially if they go to a good team. This Hawks team should be viewed differently going into the off season for once.

-We have the coach of the year

-A legit fan base that supports the team

-management is a lot better with a new owner

-Atlanta is a fun place to hang out at (I know this from the many times I have visited)

-we have a great cast of players to put around a star talent

-we play team basketball which I think is attractive to more players than fans believe

-just came off a historic season and made it to the ECF

-easier path to the conference finals with the Hawks

For once we offer the whole package! What can possibly be a good reason a star wouldn't want to come here this time? I really can't wait to find out cause I know it's going to be something extremely dumb....I will start to believe in NBA conspiracies if a star talent doesn't have a good reason for not coming here.

The only good reason I can think of is gasol or LMA saying I want to go play for the Spurs but he'll they both can't go there and if one of them picks the mavs over us I think there's something going on in the NBA behind the scenes


I don't know how much faith to put into anything one can read at this stage, but fwiw, what I'm reading is a lot of suspicion that LMA wants to get back to Texas.

Edited by sturt
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