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Game/Team Analysis.....


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I went to the game last night and it really felt like I was in a high school gym. Very empty dull atmosphere!!

This team is in TOTAL shambles and they have to start all over. No one on this team trust one another on the court. Everyone one is playing in their own game. There is absolutely no "team" in the fiber of the Hawks.

I can't count the number of times these guys would not pass the ball once on an offensive posession. Shareef consistently shoots with 2 to 3 men on him. Now maybe he has too, but that tells me he has absolutely no confidence in his supporting cast to take the open shot.

Too much 1 on 1 play with no ball movement. Guys are positioned in the same area, not spread out for efficient ball movement.

The bottom line on offense is these guys have to work too hard for their shots. If they score, it is a tough basket with most likely two guys checking the guy that scores. The only way they will win is have a lights out remarkable lucky shooting night. You can't consistently play that way an entire game and expect to win. That is why we do well in certain quarters and then emplode in others. No team can keep that type of luck up an entire game.

Now on defense....They have what you call the Atlanta Falcons syndrome on defense. The offense doesn't do enough to keep the defense competitive. In football terms "it's 4 and out" everytime. Instead of scoring the opponent is rebounding and off and running for transitional baskets which makes the defense always going into a transitional defense trying to stop fast breaks. So what happens is when the opponents offense runs a half court set these guys are all bunch up down in the post trying to stop fast breaks which leave their shooters wide open on the perimeter and the rest is history.

In other words the defensive and offensive problems are interelated. Bad offense tend to lend to bad defense and vice versa.

Now if the offense scores consistent with good ball movement, it will give the defense more time to setup their halfcourt defense.

Lastly, they just need more talent. With the exception of Shareef, this team is terrible talent wise. And until this team realizes it has to play as a team (ball movement, spacing and hitting the open man regardless of who it is) they will never win because they work too hard for shots.

With subpar talent you have to play as a team to win!!!

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WOuldn't it be nice to get these guys that don't care outta here?

I mean really..

SAR says Man up... He mans up.

Diaw plays.

Theo gets benched and responds with his first double double of the season.

Then you have the 4 horsemen... Whoose leader I guess is JT. He talks the talk... But never walks the walk. Doesn't play good defense and half the time doesn't try.

I say send them away.

Or better, just bring Terry off the bench until he can learn to appreciate starting.

I'm tired of the excuses for JT.... It's his time. No more blame game. JT's time is up.

I would rather lose with JV or DD out there trying... than JT out there hotdogging.

JT/Nailon/Jax to the Nuggets.. Lenard/White to the Hawks.

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I'm with Diesel on this one.

Terry is right that the coaching stinks, but you don't bring it to the media. He is a spoiled brat, who can't back up his words. He is really on par with Jackson in my opinion. With JT, for every good he brings, he brings something bad.

I like what Diaw brings, I like the energy Hansen brings.... these guys, in my opinion earned a start on this sorry team. No one can tell me that Dion Glover has EARNED his spot. No one can tell me that Stephen Jackson has EARNED his spot.

Trade JT for whatever you can get. If we can trade him and a late first rounder for Ray Allen... then freaking pull the trigger right now. In fact, I would be willing to trade JT and a top-5 protected first for Ray Allen.

We need to drop this baggage!


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Glover is the fourth horsemen who must stay...

However, we are not without hope.

JT/Hendu/Jax to NY.

Harrington/2nd to Utah.

Thomas to Seattle.

Barry/Ward to Atlanta.

I would obliterate this squad to get freedom.

I think:

JV/Barry/Diaw/SAR/Theo would play good basketball.

I would play DD/Hansen a lot off the bench.

I think we'd give up a lot of our problems in that trade. I think Seattle would take it because they get Thomas and they would possibly be able to play Flip Murry/Allen together. I think NY does it because they get McDyess Insurance and they get rid of Thomas...in the process they pick up a good young guard. I think Utah does it because Harrington is a big Man that can help their frontcourt.

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