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Tiago Splitter traded to hawks


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Great defender, rebounder and passer. Finishes at the rim well too. Great role-player for his price. Really just an awesome deal for us all-around. If we resign Sap (and I expect we will) we'll have the best big-man rotation in the league. We were already pretty close.


Now finding a wing will be the tough part.

IDK about that.  I think I would have to go with the Spurs Diaw/Duncan/Aldridge. 

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My only worry with Splitter is his ability to stay healthy.

A trio PF/C rotation of Millsap/Horf/Split will be deadly if they are all healthy.

Agreed. His health is the only concern here. Otherwise, we just got our man in the middle. I actually prefer him over Asik as he shoots much better.

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I am VERY pleased with this turn of events.


At C/PF we will have Al Horford, Paul Millsap, Tiago Splitter, and Moose.  I expect we will also sign a 5th guy or use somebody we already have.


That's a pretty good way to start the season and gives Coach Bud options if he wants to go big or small depending on matchups.  All the guys are BBIQ smart.


It's also a big "vote-of-confidence" for Moose IMO.  He will get a lot more minutes in this rotation.


Go Hawks !!

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I see Splitter = Antić.  Better inside play.


Um, no.


That's kind of a ridiculous comparison.  Antić was pretty much just passable as a deep bench big.  Splitter is efficient and has produced as a starter.

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When Millsap actually signs back here, I'll be a little more relieved. Until then, well...

And even if he does return, who plays small forward? Millsap doesn't have the foot speed or lateral movement to stay out on the perimeter, Thabo is coming off an injury and isn't a spring chicken anyway, and Bazemore is two inches taller than I am. I'm not an advocate for starting Hardaway there (or anywhere else but that's for another discussion). They have to bring in somebody to start at the wing...

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Al Horford is a center guys and gals..He might have the "size" of a pf, but he's better at center imo..


I tend to agree...but having Splitter will give Coach Bud more options depending on matchups.  There are probably a few teams that don't have really good "slasher-type" SFs that we can afford to play big and put Sap at the starting three and go Split, AL, Sap.


Who knows! 


I like it that Bud now has the options and the change from Pero (who was a really good guy for us overall) to Splitter - is a big upgrade.


We now have a "big" rotation with competitive size - more skill - and good BBIQ.


The fact that Coach Bud has coached Splitter in the past is huge (IMO)


I was pissed that we didn't get the best PF left at #15 in the draft before - but now I'm totally understanding.

Edited by DJlaysitup
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If a crippled mediocre center is your idea of good... Well, you have fairly low standards.

You are a real piece of work. Lmao

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