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There is an element of luck that shines with ever part of Denver's movement.

[censored] Chillz, Many teams make moves to dump salary to get under the cap.

Look at what happened to Chicago. They got rid of a lot of salary a few years ago...

They couldn't get 1 free agent to come. For three straight years, they missed the #1 pick overall... One year, the Wizards won that #1 pick with a 1 out of 68 chance.

It was Luck that Mello got to Detroit. For One, Detroit Moved up in the NBA Lottery with Memphis' pick. Had Memphis given the pick to Detroit the year before, Mello would be a grizzlie right now. Also, there were many trades that Detroit turned down on draft day. Plus, Detroit was convinced that they could use Darko even while they have Ben Wallace and Okur...I like Prince, but Prince is no Mello. So what Denver capitalized on was the fact that Detroit took a guy who they didn't need and they passed up on a guy that is better than their starter... What's that????

I'm not saying that Kiki didn't put Denver in a good position... But for that matter, Gabrielle Put Orlando in a good position. OcConner put Utah in a good position, West put Memphis in a good position and Krause definitely put Chicago in a good position... BUT Sometimes, what makes the difference between a chicago and a denver is LUCK.

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First off, Boykins isn't making much money from Denver. His contract is 5 year 13.5 million. That starts off less than 2.0 million. That means that between Zimmerman and Sleepy Claxton, they spent more than they would have to keep Boykins and pick up a BU like Best.

Second... I acknowledge the smart moves. It's good to make smart moves, but it's not all about Smart moves... Getting Lucky is a big part of what happened in Denver. To deny it is silly....

Kiki couldn't have written a better script..

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"So what Denver capitalized on was the fact that Detroit took a guy who they didn't need and they passed up on a guy that is better than their starter... What's that????"

a mistake by detroit. go complain to them!

"But for that matter, Gabrielle Put Orlando in a good position. OcConner put Utah in a good position, West put Memphis in a good position and Krause definitely put Chicago in a good position... BUT Sometimes, what makes the difference between a chicago and a denver is LUCK."

no. luck is not what differentiates a great GM like kiki from a moron like krause. you just have no idea what you are talking about. you attribute all these different factors to just basic luck, when that isnt the case. you act like no one controls anything and just some teams are lucky and others arent. you are making excuses for your own team as well as others. let it go.

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"Getting Lucky is a big part of what happened in Denver. To deny it is silly...."

smart scouting/drafting...great trades to get cap space in the future...signing the RIGHT players who want to be in denver...there is no luck. well no more than any other team. kiki just has a plan and a vision and knows what hes doing.

nice try but your rant is flawed.

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Denver put themselves in a position to have cap space and build their team with quality players that work well within the system. They are playing great basketball (defeated the LAKERS) and everyone in the organization is doing his share of the duties.


THERES ALWAYS luck involved in success. Ask the NETS. When they went to the FINALS for the first time, Jason Kidd + Thorn admit that luck had a lot to do with it...

- it was a time when KIDDs stock was down since he hit his wife and the SUNS were willin to trade him... which enabled him to become a NET in the first place

- during their run to become one of the best Eastern Conference teams, Kerry Kittles had a very good year... he was hurt with injuries left and right but had 1 good year... and that year happened to be the year that Kidd came over. the rest is history and he is not as injuryprone.

- Kenyon Martin with #1 pick... they had a small chance of landing the first pick but they got it...

LAST YEAR, the nets played 5 games in the first round of the playoffs vs the BUCKS... wat if, it was the BUCKS DAY and all their players just had their day... everything was goin in for them. Wat if KIDD was sick that day? and the BUCKS won?


- what the Nuggets did was incredible... they turned their season around (compared to last year) and they are playing great basketball. they got quality players in FA and are in a great position to trade/draft more players next year. but again, its their year.. and everything is going great for them... luck is on their side.

do not depend on LUCK to always be there... but yes in deed, luck is with u NUGZ fans as of now... enjoy it while u can... cuz the HAWKS sure miss those days when we had lotta luck

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You're funny.

There's absolutely nothing different in what Kiki did and what Krause did. The only difference was that Krause had bad luck working for him.

I mean think about it. For three straight years, he was supposed to get the first pick of the draft. For three straight years, he was snubbed. He was turned down by several FAs including Eddie Jones who had shook his hand then changed his mind.

The only difference between the two is that Kiki had a lot of LUCK on his side... You say that Dumars is an idiot... But you have not come to the conclusion yet that his idoitic move was LUCK for Denver. Say what you want....it's a matter of being in the right place and having the right amount of favor...

Chicago has been in the right place several times... NO favor.

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again your ignorance shows no bounds. you attribute every move kiki makes due to luck. that is just pathetic. all his trade are luck because the other team was stupid. all his draft picks were luck because teams who passed on players were stupid. all his signings were luck because their ex teams were stupid.

shut up already! you are wrong. deal with it!

kiki is a great GM. sure some of it is luck but that goes for all GMs. you are still upset that things havent gone your way for your team. well thats because your team made DUMB decisions. stop blaming bad luck. and stop attributing kikis moves to good luck. if it was all luck then other teams could do it just by chance. well they tried and couldnt.

krause is a moron. he tried and failed. kiki was much smarter and now we see the results (denver vs chicago even though they had a 2-3 year head start). krause failed. kiki did not.

i dont know what dumars was thinking but that was his decision. how is that luck? he might have messed up. maybe he didnt. for all i know its bad luck we didnt get 1st evn though we had the same chances cleveland did. thats bad luck (bad luck is also being the only team to fall in the lotto EVERY TIME except once...which we have done). i did a mathematical study on this...we have the ALL TIME WORST lotto net movement in the history of the lottery. thats bad luck. how bout that?

give kiki his due. he earned it.

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"Denver put themselves in a position to have cap space and build their team with quality players that work well within the system. They are playing great basketball (defeated the LAKERS) and everyone in the organization is doing his share of the duties."

we barely lost to the lakers (kobes buzzer beater) but we did beat teams like sacramento, spurs, mavs, hornets, etc...

"THERES ALWAYS luck involved in success. Ask the NETS. When they went to the FINALS for the first time, Jason Kidd + Thorn admit that luck had a lot to do with it..."


"do not depend on LUCK to always be there... but yes in deed, luck is with u NUGZ fans as of now... enjoy it while u can... cuz the HAWKS sure miss those days when we had lotta luck"

disagree. again you think this luck factor is either there or it isnt. like it makes the ball go in the basket. or it plays defense for us. luck is a part of it, but a small part. im not going to enjoy this luck because we are winning despite of it.

hawk fans are just making excuses and blaming LUCK. i dont buy it.

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not the point. GS signed Claxton because they thought Boykins was too small to be their starting PG and Arenas was leaving via free agency. Remember, Claxton was signed before the NVE trade was made. Where is the luck in that for Denver? Denver simply signed an available Boykins to a reasonable contract and he is dong what they thought he would do, provide energy and scoring off the bench.

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