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Who Killed Lorenzen Wright Series


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This is just awful all the way around.  How about the 911 operator that heard the murder happen but decided to just go on with their day and not even report it?  I hadn't heard that or the fact that his body was basically scavenged to the point of being unrecognizable due to the delay.

The ex-wife seems all kinds of shady but I tend to think owing money to the wrong dude(s) caught up with him.

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I can't believe it's been over FIVE YEARS already!

((2010 'Squawk threads))

It usually takes some arm-twisting for me to watch FS1 but I will just for Part 3 when that comes on. I'm gonna watch Parts 1 and 2 now, but I wondered whether there were any reported repercussions for the Germantown 911 operators. Wright's family accepted mediation and a modest settlement in 2013 that was split up among his kids.


His ex-wife and mother have been squabbling in courts over visitation rights to the kids. The ex-wife also wrangled in court proceedings with Lorenzen's father over the trust money, and was questioned over how she's spent millions of dollars. She got remarried, is now a reverend, and has also been peddling a book, a fictional story based on her life with Lorenzen entitled, "Mr. Tell Me Anything."





As as aside, Twitter never deleted his profile from 2010, the one below less than ten days before his untimely demise. Anybody whose persona is publicly known should take, like, an hour every so often and dump their old social media messages, especially the crass and provocative ones.



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Re-linking Part 3 of the 2015 SI/FS1 piece, focused on the Ex.



Any chance the current hubby had something to do with the drag in the investigation by Shelby County?


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8 hours ago, Sothron said:

Kids have nothing. They said she spent 970k of the 1 million life insurance in less than a year after poor Lo Down was murdered. I hope they give everyone involved the death penalty.

To waste, er, to wit, from a 2013 Daily Mail (UK) article:




Court documents revealed this week in Shelby County, Tennessee, show how Sherra Wright, 41, lavishly spent $973,000 of the settlement within 10 months of receiving it - even though the money was designated to support the couple's six children.

The fast and furious spree included $11,750 for a trip to New York, $69,000 on furniture and a $7,100 deposit on a swimming pool - causing a legal battle to be set off this week between Wright and her father-in-law over what's left in the estate of the Memphis basketball legend - who earned more than $55 million during his career...

As part of [a] Permanent Parenting Plan filed in January 2010 as part of her divorce against Lorenzen Wright, Sherra demanded that he take out a $1 million life insurance policy for the benefit of his sons and daughters in the event of his death.

The divorce was finalized in February 2010 and in July, Wright, who was 34 at the time of his death was found in a deserted area of southeast Memphis riddled with gunshots - the murder remains unsolved almost three years later.

Records show that Sherra spent $32,000 on a Cadillac Escalade, $339,000 to buy and improve a new house, $5,000 for lawn equipment, $180,000 in property expenses, $2,273 on 'spring outfits for girls' and almost $2,000 on birthday party and gifts for 'Lorenzen Jr.'


Speaking of her former father-in-law, Lo's father, Herb Wright, was an overseas pro basketball player and former juinor college star who was, coincidentally, paralyzed by a shooting when Lo was ten years old. From a 1996 Chicago Tribune article:





This [summer of 1983] was a wondrous time for father and son, but this summer, like all summers, finally would end. The father drove his son down to his mom's home in Oxford, Miss., and returned to Memphis and his job at that rec center.

The next day, in Oxford, Lorenzen blithely began his new school year, and in Memphis a group of wise guys dropped by the rec center. They got themselves a game against a team that included Lorenzen's sister and aunt, and the more they found themselves outclassed, the angrier and more fractious those wise guys grew. Finally, having seen and heard enough, Herb Wright reacted.

"Get out," he told the wise guys.

"That's all right. We'll be back," one of them snarled.

They would come back that night with guns and bad intentions. Just before they arrived, Herb heard they were on their way. Got to get to a phone, he thought, and he hurried toward the rec center's back door and the phone he knew was in an nearby building.

But the wise guys were there as he burst through the back door. As he ran for help, there came a shot that flew by him. Still he ran, but a second shot did not miss.

"He tried to get up," Lorenzen says, "but he couldn't. He crawled to the side of a car. He was trying to get up and a guy pulled up and told him, `You've been shot.' "

"I knew I had to be paralyzed because I couldn't feel my legs," Herb remembers.

The father and son wouldn't see each other again for four months, wouldn't face each other again until the father drove to Oxford in a specially equipped van to bring his son home for the Christmas holidays. Herb, indeed, was paralzyed and facing his future from a wheelchair.

"But," Lorenzen remembers, "he didn't let it get him down, so I wasn't going to let it get me down. He just told me what had happened, and that he was going to dedicate himself more to my basketball and teaching me how to play. Seeing him be so strong, I thought I could handle anything."

"I let him know," Herb says, "that, `Hey, this can happen to you. It can happen to anybody. You never know what's going to happen down the line. But it's no reason to throw your hands up and quit.'

"What if I'd thrown my hands up and quit? He might not be doing what he's doing today."




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