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As bad as some of our trades have been........they


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dont even come close to comparing to what the Bucks gave away for Gary Payton and Desmond Mason. I bet hardly anyone realizes this, just as I hadnt until I read it on a page 2 article on ESPN that when the Bucks traded for 34 games of Payton and a decent backup SG in Mason that they gave up the best shooter in the game in Ray Allen AND they also gave up one of the best young SGs in the game, who was at the time a throw in, Ronald Murray. Now, just imagine if the Bucks had Murray and Allen out there with TJ Ford, that would be a terrific backcourt......and that isnt even mentioning Michael Redd. They could have traded him for a very good frontcourt player and probably been at the top of the east right now.

Bottom line on this Christmas Day from me is that there are some less fortunate teams who make worse trades than we do.

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We, the Hawks fans, get into the rut of thinking,

"Woe is me. Everything that can go wrong, goes wrong

here. No one else knows the suffering we have to endure."

The truth of the matter is, every team has it's problems.

Not every trade turns out as teams had hoped. Dolfan23

gives us a perfect example above.

Yet, we, the Hawks fans, remember all the bad things

that management has done. We magnify them until

they are bigger than life. We still pout and complain

because Hawks traded away "The Human Highlight"

and still want to sign him back.

Here's an amazing fact that almost all of seem to forget.

And, it works every time, too. This is not just a one

shot deal. Try checking it out for yourself. You might be


For every game that is played in the N.B.A. on any given

night, no matter how many different games are on the

schedule, half the teams playing that night, loose.

Cool, Huh! And we thought that only the Hawks were

loosing. Now, the truth can be told. Half the teams

that play, loose!


from the old man of Hawksquawk - Just waiting for my

ten Grand Kids to get here for breakfast together on

this special occasion.

Hope for everyone of you a blessed day.

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Not only that, and it's really not worth revisiting at this point, but I guess I'm one of the few who actually thought the Rider/Jackson trade was a good one...it just failed so miserably it's rediculous. Pete made a amove that, had it worked out, would have really set this team up with a star player role player(JJ)as well as severla other possibilities..such as breaking out of the realm of mediocrity that we had become stagnated in...unfortunately, that move backfired so hard it's rediculous...

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That's giving Hawks management an easy out and frankly, they don't deserve one. I don't recall my parents ever excusing me for missing curfew because Johnny around the block missed curfew also. As I've stated before, I could care less who the Bucks traded for last year. I really could give a fat baby's ass who the Nuggets picked up in 1996 or who the Cavaliers got in 1995. Last I checked, the HAWKS are the only NBA team that reside in this town and they are solely accountable for the mess they're currently in. I never look around after another Hawk loss and say, 'oh well, half of the teams that played tonight lost.' All I care about is that the HAWKS lost and to me, that's all that counts. Forgive me for being selfish but that's the way I've always seen it. This team is the only NBA team I've ever known and I prefer to keep it that way. I never wax poetic about bad trades and bad draft picks that other teams have made; I focus on the ones the HAWKS have made and what they could do to make things right.


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The point is, in case you missed it, no one wins all the

time. If you did, what is the use playing.

All teams have their problems -- Not just the Hawks.

I want to win them all too! Who doesn't? When the Hawks

loose, Hawk's fans hurt if they are real Hawk fans.

If we were the only team with problems, if we were the

only team loosing, we would be more miserable.

I want the Games to be great games. I want the Hawks

to win more and more of them. I want them to become

the team to beat. I want the Hawks to be so blasted

good that when another team does beat them, they will

brag about beating the best team in the N.B.A.!!!!

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