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The Hawks are considering pushing the "reset" button? What did I miss???


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Looks like Hots prefers the CTRL+ALT+DEL buttons! :-)

Welcome back!

EDIT: Also, props to the whole 'Squawk gang. Even with all the rightful consternation about the play on the floor, the decorum around here has been really good lately.


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2 minutes ago, Dolfan23 said:

I'm pretty swamped with the job search right now and learning to live like a North Carolina trailer park hobo with no dinero (sorry if that reference is too personal @hawksfanatic) but I hope to get involved in posting again on a regular basis soon.

Oh so now you're all buddy-buddy with old @kg01 and want to be all anti-rural and such. Yeah yeah, keep talking shit about NC all you want. Don't think I've got a comeback for all these NC insults? Psshh, yeah well I got news for you I *do* have a quick comeback for these insults!

.... cockboys!

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C'mon @Dolfan23 nobody's buying that story.  There's no boot camp for strippers.  You clearly got early release and for that I offer my congrats.  Hope you were able to kick that nasty meth habit.  Nah, who am I kidding, a coke-meth'd Dolfan is the life of the party amirite?!

And don't worry, @hawksfanatic, no more NC bumpkin jokes .... well, one last one.  I found NC's answer to the space program ...faceplant

"To duh moooon, Cletus!  Oh, sh*t, maw"

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Welcome back to Hawksquawk!

Since you're moving from Houston to a North Carolina trailer park, welcome to the real world!

Last night, the Hawks ended their game by being buried by a 23-3 run.  They awoke this morning,

shaking their head, their eyes beady and asking "What happened?"

Earlier in the game the Pacers hit 8 in a row to take control and it was over at that point.  Pitiful!

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Well it's about time.   Welcome back @Dolfan23.     I thought you were on a mental health vacation again.     Welcome back to being a Hawks fan.   Last year was all a dream  and it's 5 years ago again.     And just to catch you up on some proposals to fix things we've seen more than one suggestion of bringing back Joe Johnson, Josh Smith, and Marvin from the braintrust here at the squawk.   

And lot's of complaining that we did the Spurs a solid and traded for Splitter when we could have brought All-Star center Zaza back to the Hawks.   But that is mostly from me.  

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Well it's about time.   Welcome back @Dolfan23.     I thought you were on a mental health vacation again.     Welcome back to being a Hawks fan.   Last year was all a dream  and it's 5 years ago again.     And just to catch you up on some proposals to fix things we've seen more than one suggestion of bringing back Joe Johnson, Josh Smith, and Marvin from the braintrust here at the squawk.   

And lot's of complaining that we did the Spurs a solid and traded for Splitter when we could have brought All-Star center Zaza back to the Hawks.   But that is mostly from me.  

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Well it's about time.   Welcome back @Dolfan23.     I thought you were on a mental health vacation again.     Welcome back to being a Hawks fan.   Last year was all a dream  and it's 5 years ago again.     And just to catch you up on some proposals to fix things we've seen more than one suggestion of bringing back Joe Johnson, Josh Smith, and Marvin from the braintrust here at the squawk.   

And lot's of complaining that we did the Spurs a solid and traded for Splitter when we could have brought All-Star center Zaza back to the Hawks.   But that is mostly from me.  

Nah no but maybe I need a mental break. I basically said hey I've been here 9 years with a comfy job and decent wages so why not quit that and spend every waking minute in front of the computer to learn some new stuff while in the middle of an oil crisis, which would make getting a new job super easy...

Oh hell to the no on osh. I can see an argument for duck or JJ as long as it costs us nothing.

Crazy about medium Z. I guess Colin was refreshing the hell out of the ballot website!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Golden State Warriors laid a whooping on the Cleveland Cavs.  They have a new head coach.

Oh, if "The King" was here, after last night, Bud would be looking for a job.

Not saying that all this is Bud's fault but it's easier to replace the head coach than the team.

Someone has to take the blame as loss after loss piles up.  So you see Dolfan 23, we have a problem

and we are all looking for a solution.  Any fresh ideas?  You just getting out of rehab or prison,

depending on which poster we believe, please help us.  We need it!!



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