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THJr Watch...


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17 minutes ago, AHF said:

An argumentum ad hominem is any kind of argument that criticizes an idea by pointing something out about the people who hold the idea rather than directly addressing the merits of the idea.    Ad hominem attacks are ultimately self-defeating. They are equivalent to admitting that you have lost the argument.



May I cite Urban Dictionary here:

An inappropriately strong negative emotional response from a perceived personal insult. Characterized by strong feelings of shame. Frequently associated with a cessation of communication and overt hostility towards the "aggressor."
Adam got butthurt when Mike stole his bitch.

Hmmmm..... A - H - F huh? Maybe it's.... ADAM HAWKS FAN!!!

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22 minutes ago, AHF said:

Reaching for the same gif you've already pulled at least 4 or 5 times in the past?



In his defense, that gif is the gif that keeps on giving. Lol

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@AHF is trying to act all dignified in response, but we all know what he's really doing right now to his 'puter screen


(he lost a bet and had to wear a razorback jersey, woooooo pig sooie!)

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9 hours ago, JayBirdHawk said:

1. That's unrealistic as the the other draft picks being top 15 as well

2. That's not even close to true

3. No we didn't

1. Is about opportunity cost. Let's say the most likely outcome for those picks is a below average nba player, but they still  have an opportunity to be better than  that  and could be starters or allstars. We can cheaply control and develop them for 3-4 more years than THJ. We already know what THJ  is. It would be very unlikely  he becomes significantly more than what he is. Please don't throw  Carroll  references because he really only needed more minutes. THJ has played heavy minutes and is below average. 

2. Why is this not  true? After this year our money will be tied up in Boss, Sap and Baze  if we take Bud cox at face value. Do you honestly think we'll  pay luxury tax to keep THJ?

3. Since when is the first pick outside the lottery not essentially a lottery pick? You can't be any closer to the lottery without being in it.

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23 minutes ago, ATLien_ said:

2. Why is this not  true? After this year our money will be tied up in Boss, Sap and Baze  if we take Bud cox at face value. Do you honestly think we'll  pay luxury tax to keep THJ?

Id be very disappointed if we resigned Baze. Great guy, great teammate, plays hard. But he didn't deserve to be a starter this year and he can be easily upgradable with either a vet or a younger player. We cant keep bringing in fringe NBA players, invest in their development and then over pay to keep them when average is their ceiling. How about bringing in some proven players, fringe starters al a Millsap and develop them in to similar beasts. If Baze was in the future plans as a SG  then maybe I would consider but to commit to him as a SF for the next few years is going to set us back like it has already done this season

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13 hours ago, AHF said:

The comparison with Oubre (a) isn't one I brought up and (b) is simply there to respond to the slamming of Oubre by getting people to be intellectually honest.  If you think Oubre's numbers suck and that he therefore lacks potential, how do you go the other direction when looking at THJr's numbers which are similarly limited and craptastic?  

I am not pumping up Oubre and think both guys have stunk this year.  

As I said, I think THJr is the better player for this season (which he should be given his years and thousands of minutes more NBA experience) and hope the recent few games become a trend for him.  I just need more before I'm ready to say that he has turned the corner or that his broken 3pt shot, lack of rebounding, steals, blocks, etc. aren't going to be a factor in how good he can be.

The biggest positive has been his improved defense given how bad it was in NY.  

I didn't say Oubre's numbers sucked.  I said they were spiked.  You're talking about a player who was forced onto the court when he had no other scorers around him vs. a player who plays true reserve minutes on a team filled with allstars.  Who do you think would get more shots?  I got that you have an agenda.  That's cool.   I'm just saying that you're not really comparing apples to apples here.   What has Oubre done since all the wiz got off the IL?

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13 hours ago, ATLien_ said:

1. Is about opportunity cost. Let's say the most likely outcome for those picks is a below average nba player, but they still  have an opportunity to be better than  that  and could be starters or allstars. We can cheaply control and develop them for 3-4 more years than THJ. We already know what THJ  is. It would be very unlikely  he becomes significantly more than what he is. Please don't throw  Carroll  references because he really only needed more minutes. THJ has played heavy minutes and is below average. 

2. Why is this not  true? After this year our money will be tied up in Boss, Sap and Baze  if we take Bud cox at face value. Do you honestly think we'll  pay luxury tax to keep THJ?

3. Since when is the first pick outside the lottery not essentially a lottery pick? You can't be any closer to the lottery without being in it.

1. Aaaaah good ole opportunity cost (loss of potential gain) - what exactly did we lose? being able to control a below average player (your words) more years? I think it's better to cut bait with an average player earlier rather than later.

Really, pray tell exactly what he is - a turnstile on defense, a chucker?  

2. We didn't lose DMC because the Hawks weren't willing to pay the Luxury Tax. You do know we can choose to not resign Al, trade Millsap and NOT resign Baze right. 

3. If we traded pick #15 for THJr you may have a point.

My main point here is I will reserve judgement on the trade and if it was successful or not.

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12 hours ago, RedDawg#8 said:

Id be very disappointed if we resigned Baze. Great guy, great teammate, plays hard. But he didn't deserve to be a starter this year and he can be easily upgradable with either a vet or a younger player. We cant keep bringing in fringe NBA players, invest in their development and then over pay to keep them when average is their ceiling. How about bringing in some proven players, fringe starters al a Millsap and develop them in to similar beasts. If Baze was in the future plans as a SG  then maybe I would consider but to commit to him as a SF for the next few years is going to set us back like it has already done this season

Agreed, My first preference would be to bring Bazemore back as a bench guy.  If he's back as a starter it should be at SG not SF.  We definitely need to upgrade the SF spot.

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1 hour ago, JayBirdHawk said:

Agreed, My first preference would be to bring Bazemore back as a bench guy.  If he's back as a starter it should be at SG not SF.  We definitely need to upgrade the SF spot.

Both spots need an upgrade.  Thabo has been a plus reserve quality player.  Bazemore has been a solid reserve quality player and the rest of our wings have been pretty terrible but for a few moments all year.  Look how bad our wings have been as a matter of roster construction this season when you rank our team by PER:

  1. PF - Sap
  2. C - Horf
  3. PG - Teague
  4. PG - Schröder
  5. PG - Mack
  6. PF - Scott
  7. C - Splitter
  8. SG - Bazemore
  9. C - Walter
  10. PF/C - Moose
  11. SF - Thabo  ------------------------------- (after this are the Singles - PERs less than 10)
  12. SG - Korver
  13. SG - THJr
  14. SG - Patterson
  15. SG - Holiday

(Kirk has only played 2 minutes for us so I've excluded him).

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22 hours ago, JayBirdHawk said:

1. Aaaaah good ole opportunity cost (loss of potential gain) - what exactly did we lose? being able to control a below average player (your words) more years? I think it's better to cut bait with an average player earlier rather than later.

Really, pray tell exactly what he is - a turnstile on defense, a chucker?  

2. We didn't lose DMC because the Hawks weren't willing to pay the Luxury Tax. You do know we can choose to not resign Al, trade Millsap and NOT resign Baze right. 

3. If we traded pick #15 for THJr you may have a point.

My main point here is I will reserve judgement on the trade and if it was successful or not.

1. That's the minimum of what you lose. You are going to have below average players on your roster no matter what so, You don't have 15 all stars. Mike Muscala is still on this team because he's cheap. Your back end rotation  guys need to be cheap. I'll ask you would  you rather  pay a rookie salary  or a veteran salary for a below average player?  If you let Tim walk what was the point  of all this. Bobby Portis is already better  than him a quick check on basketball  reference would show that. As a rookie (rounding) he's shooting  44% from the field and 34% from  3 and avg 7.5 ppg and 5.7rebuild with a Per of 15.1.  THJ is shooting (rounding) 40% from field and 26% from 3 and avg 4.8 ppg and 1.8 rev with a Per of 8.9. This THJ worse year statistically, but even his career best are worst than Portis as a rookie. Again Boby Portis would be the best backup big on this team and it ain't close. We would have been able to go after wing help instead of humphries. That's what we lost and that's  just one player. I'm not going to go look at every player drafted after 15 to beat this to death,  I chose Portis because that's who I wanted us to draft. 

2. Again Bud cox has said they are resigning  Boss and Baze as top priorty. I'm  going to take them  at their word. There's nothing to make me think they won't; their history says they will. 

3. Bottom line is we started with the 15 pick. Trading 15 for  2 second rounders and 19 does not strengthen  your argument in any way. I don't forget what we started with just because the made an even crappier trade before Tim's. So  to cover your semantics I'll just say we received 2 second round picks and THJ for the first pick outside the lottery. That changes  everything.  

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On 3/2/2016 at 8:41 AM, Hawkmoor said:

THJ is up and down........

Ahhhhh, you mean like Dennis, Jeff, Kyle, Kent, Mike, Mike, and Al?

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22 minutes ago, hazer said:

Ahhhhh, you mean like Dennis, Jeff, Kyle, Kent, Mike, Mike, and Al?

Being inconsistent can mean very different things even if the same word applies in different ways to different players.

For me, Dennis and Al are nothing alike in their inconsistencies.

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27 minutes ago, AHF said:

Being inconsistent can mean very different things even if the same word applies in different ways to different players.

For me, Dennis and Al are nothing alike in their inconsistencies.

I was implying that they're all inconsistent, THJr is not a special case. We don't have to guess what you're implying ;)

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