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Deep interview with Dennis


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Dennis was easier to understand in this than he is whenever he's interviewed before/after games on SportSouth. It was an interesting podcast, I listened to it yesterday but nothing really stuck out for me. So I can't recall everything they talked about or in what order, but it's a good listen. I'd like to hear some comments from our German posters about the racism in Germany. From interactions with other cultures, I've always had the impression that dropping an n-bomb on someone was American and the word doesn't translate over to other cultures because...well they don't all speak the same language. But possibly I'm misinterpreting something here.

Aside from the Dennis podcast, there's something about these podcasts that are just not believable. Like, I have a hard time believing some of the things said in any of The Vertical podcasts because they're like infomercials. From the agents clearly putting these players on to the ads for SeatGeek and Me-Undies it is all just super cheesy.

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I was really shocked after listening this and i would say dennis overact a little bit too much, but i can't speak for black people who lives in german. I can't say that racism isn't a problem in germany  as we can see right now during the refugees crisis but i feel that it isn't that big. And also the german racist normally use some other bad words then the "n-bomb" but is also known here...


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I think in general racism seems to be different in Germany. It's more about not knowing black people than hate them. There are no official stats about race in Germany - I think because we have a bad history and because to classify someone by race already is the 1st step to racism, but I remember something like about 1 to 2% blacks in Germany. Actually racism is a bigger issue in regions with the lowest percentage in foreign population. So it's more "I don't know you and I'm affraid of different things" than "I know you, I hate you and I will shoot you in the back during a traffic control"

But especially for kids it may be hard because other kids will always tell what they are thinking. I know a story about a 3 of 4 years old boy wondering loudly about a "speaking monkey" in a supermarket. Must be very hard for the black person but this wasn't about racism. They boy simply hadn't seen a black Person his whole life before.

There are some real Nazis and racists too, but I think racism is a smaller issue than in the US.


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31 minutes ago, rd79 said:

I think in general racism seems to be different in Germany. It's more about not knowing black people than hate them. There are no official stats about race in Germany - I think because we have a bad history and because to classify someone by race already is the 1st step to racism, but I remember something like about 1 to 2% blacks in Germany. Actually racism is a bigger issue in regions with the lowest percentage in foreign population. So it's more "I don't know you and I'm affraid of different things" than "I know you, I hate you and I will shoot you in the back during a traffic control"

But especially for kids it may be hard because other kids will always tell what they are thinking. I know a story about a 3 of 4 years old boy wondering loudly about a "speaking monkey" in a supermarket. Must be very hard for the black person but this wasn't about racism. They boy simply hadn't seen a black Person his whole life before.

There are some real Nazis and racists too, but I think racism is a smaller issue than in the US.



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It really depends where you live. In many small town rural areas its just like this everywhere. But its waning because also those areas see an influx from other cultures. So the ignorance decreases, but actual racism increases due to such small towns loosing their inclusive culture in front of their own eyes and many not liking it. Which I understand since crime does increase and social cohesion decreases. Let a a big city be a big city but let these small towns be what they are. Im against this globalist mono-culture and dont like seeing these many regional and national cultures decrease. All in all its a complicated topic.

Im originally from Berlin Kreuzberg(a neighberhood with some 100k Turks and equally many other people with migration backgrounds). Im also half Gypsy from my mothers side and lived in 2 black/maroccan/turk/chav neigberhoods in Rotterdam and Nijmegen, Holland. All my friends in Holland where "foreighners", also because the Dutch back in the 80's/90's still hated the Germans for ww2, so naturally I allied myself with blacks etc. The anti-German hatewas popularized trough football matches, media etc. In the meantime special tv programs where aired for school-children to popularize Germany as Germany just grew completely integral to the Dutch economy. But in my days as a small kid there I went trough some srs shit. I grew up in a single-mom poor household and I had to completely stick up for myself and police never cared as much as they care for "real racism" againt people of colour. But I got the namecalling("mof" the n-word for Germans), constant fights outnumbered and with larger kids resulting in broken arm, nose, jaw black eye, kicking my dog, spraying a swastika on our door, fire-crackers in the mail, etc,  and even a school-director once made me fall by lifting up his foot when I ran by(he was a kid in the "hungerwinter" after ww2). So everywhere I got this. It wasnt just stupid small kids, but also authorities like school director, media and police. It really roughened me up in good and bad ways. I take it for what it was. Life isnt all cookies and cream and also Dennis's experiences must have shaped him in positive ways seeing how and where he is today.

I traveled allot(+ 7 years, railway contruction europe wide)and know many countries. All in all Germany is a cakewalk for other cultures  compared to other countries. This is the most PC country perhaps and I noticed Germans dont really have a chav-culture among whites. Even poor white germans are pretty civilized and laid-back compared to the Dutch, English etc. I actually know a zillion "foreighners" feeling just like me but then again also know a zillion who hate Germany for various mostly idiotic reasons, or turks who hate blacks etc. Everyone does it, everyone can fall victim to it, even me, the blond blue eyed german kid in the wrong place and the wrong time. But I got trough it and in the end did more damage than was done to me and today feel like I did my part in the Dutch-German situation being allot better.

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After listening to the pod-cast the n-word thing stood out for some explenation. We dont really have the n-word. We do have the word "neger" which translates directly to the english word negroe. It was since ever just a common word to describe blacks, but after some pc-campaigning in the 80's it slowly has become our n-word. In holland the word "neger" is still in common use and no one ever really cared untill recently as the pc-culture is growing rapidly everywhere and takes notes from other countries in this globalized world. Im sure Dennis has been confronted with that word in a negative context multiple times, but I also know many instances where blacks freaked out because for instance an elderly women gave candy and called the kid "neger". She just doesnt know better. The PC brigades just cause damage where before there was none and I think it makes the issue worse since for instance Dennis been in bad situations with that use of the word but also good or neutral situations become bad and stand out as such when a simple word is used that just got a new negative connotation with many good people just not being hip to it. The issues are many but not these stupid labels. I've seen videos where black activists thought the word blacks is racist.


People like MLK would roll in their graves seeing what these new movements have become.

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1 hour ago, DS17Fanboy said:

After listening to the pod-cast the n-word thing stood out for some explenation. We dont really have the n-word. We do have the word "neger" which translates directly to the english word negroe. It was since ever just a common word to describe blacks, but after some pc-campaigning in the 80's it slowly has become our n-word. In holland the word "neger" is still in common use and no one ever really cared untill recently as the pc-culture is growing rapidly everywhere and takes notes from other countries in this globalized world. Im sure Dennis has been confronted with that word in a negative context multiple times, but I also know many instances where blacks freaked out because for instance an elderly women gave candy and called the kid "neger". She just doesnt know better. The PC brigades just cause damage where before there was none and I think it makes the issue worse since for instance Dennis been in bad situations with that use of the word but also good or neutral situations become bad and stand out as such when a simple word is used that just got a new negative connotation with many good people just not being hip to it. The issues are many but not these stupid labels. I've seen videos where black activists thought the word blacks is racist.


People like MLK would roll in their graves seeing what these new movements have become.

I think you misspeak on MLK.  He was all about respect and equality.  He most assuredly would be against anything that painted minorities in a perceived or otherwise negative light.  You don't get to call pejorative names, just because that is what you are used to doing.  That's like saying you can call a woman the B' word because you are used to using it and don't know better.  You can't.   I think you over simplify Dennis's experience and anyone else's by assuming you know how what they feel, or how they should feel.  It's just a long slippery road that I suggest you just back away from.  If a man say's don't call me Shirley, respect his wishes and educate others.  

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You completely misunderstood me and misunderstand MLK. Which I understand since MLK is falsly misrepresented and milked 24/7 in US  media, govt, NGO's etc. MLK would never just invent stirr ups.


We know that as early as the 17th century, “negro” evolved to “n* word” as intentionally derogatory, and it has never been able to shed that baggage since then—even when black people talk about appropriating and reappropriating it. The poison is still there. The word is inextricably linked with violence and brutality on black psyches and derogatory aspersions cast on black bodies. No degree of appropriating can rid it of that bloodsoaked history.

Which is not the case with german word "neger", which always was the word for "negroe" and never had a bad connotation untill idiot do-good people gave it one. So now even old granny giving Dennis some candy using that word is a bad experience for a child. MLK's of this world actually had the intelligence to understand whats what and didnt fight smokescreen battles for attentionwhoring and funding and in the end just turn everyone against each other.

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1 hour ago, DS17Fanboy said:

After listening to the pod-cast the n-word thing stood out for some explenation. We dont really have the n-word. We do have the word "neger" which translates directly to the english word negroe. It was since ever just a common word to describe blacks, but after some pc-campaigning in the 80's it slowly has become our n-word. In holland the word "neger" is still in common use and no one ever really cared untill recently as the pc-culture is growing rapidly everywhere and takes notes from other countries in this globalized world. Im sure Dennis has been confronted with that word in a negative context multiple times, but I also know many instances where blacks freaked out because for instance an elderly women gave candy and called the kid "neger". She just doesnt know better. The PC brigades just cause damage where before there was none and I think it makes the issue worse since for instance Dennis been in bad situations with that use of the word but also good or neutral situations become bad and stand out as such when a simple word is used that just got a new negative connotation with many good people just not being hip to it. The issues are many but not these stupid labels. I've seen videos where black activists thought the word blacks is racist.


People like MLK would roll in their graves seeing what these new movements have become.

No he wouldn't.  He would totally support what's going on with most of these groups.  

There's a reason why MLK was hated and eventually killed.  He was arguably the most disruptive force, from a protest standpoint, this nation has ever seen.

A lot of people that talk about MLK, don't really study his movements and actions.  They latch onto a few ideas, and think he's all about one thing.  MLK was complex as hell, and would be absolutely hated in today's world, even moreso than Jackson and Sharpton.


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vor 24 Minuten, TheNorthCydeRises sagte:

No he wouldn't.  He would totally support what's going on with most of these groups.  

There's a reason why MLK was hated and eventually killed.  He was arguably the most disruptive force, from a protest standpoint, this nation has ever seen.

A lot of people that talk about MLK, don't really study his movements and actions.  They latch onto a few ideas, and think he's all about one thing.  MLK was complex as hell, and would be absolutely hated in today's world, even moreso than Jackson and Sharpton.


He was killed exactly because he fought the real battles and not this pc bullshit served around DC thinktanks and pressuregroups between lunch. He understood for intance that the primary battle at the time he was killed was the economic one and where he included every race.

U have to trie and take a completely different pov from the american on this german matter. It would litterally be like these pc groups and DC banning the word "blacks" and "afro-american"over the next few weeks on. Because that is literally what happened in Germany.  You get all sorts of confusing situations, people slipping their tongue,  children not knowing no better, elderly never knowing no better. And foremost people like Dennis who suddenly should feel offended and understandibly when considering the pov of a child and the limited social-construct he grows up in. So in essence, prolly half the times young Dennis felt really bad was because of these pc stinkers.

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