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With Whiz, Jeff! Ask for One With Whiz!


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14 minutes ago, NBASupes said:

A lot of us don't value  Jeff Teague the way we should due to us losing to Cleveland two years in a row. You blame Al, Jeff and Millsap when they are some of the best players we had in our franchise history.

True. I think it more has to do with the fact that he has one more year on his deal and its pretty clear that we have to choose between him or Schröder. All signs point to the front office choosing Schröder due to his age and upside. So, it's hard to get value out of a guy who plays at a fairly saturated position with only one more year on his contract, who is also approaching 30.

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12 minutes ago, NBASupes said:

Sap and Horford are excellent players. It's hard to replace very good players. Top 20 guys aren't all over the NBA. 

Yeah, there's only like 10-15 top 20 guys out there. :cool:

ETA: If you're interested, the BOS media has a story about how this trade makes it even more likely the Sellts can sign Al Horford.  Fkng kidding me. :banghead:  Why do I bother?

Edited by kg01
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2 minutes ago, Bankingitbig said:

True. I think it more has to do with the fact that he has one more year on his deal and its pretty clear that we have to choose between him or Schröder. All signs point to the front office choosing Schröder due to his age and upside. So, it's hard to get value out of a guy who plays at a fairly saturated position with only one more year on his contract, who is also approaching 30.

Uhm.  Teague is 27.  He won't be 28 til Dec?? What's this 30 stuff.   He's younger than Conley, Chris Paul, Steph Curry, and Kyle Lowry.. all guys that some of you would give your right testicle for.  Moroever, he's only a year or 2 older than Irving, Wall, and Lillard.   Some please stop propagating this lie that he's 30 or even close to 30.  He's 27.

Secondly,  I don't know if giving Schröder the keys is best for us, but we will see.



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22 minutes ago, Diesel said:

Teague regressing?  Statistically yeah.  However, a lot of that's because his stats are dependent on the team.  When Korver is hitting shots, everybody is statistically better.   When Korver's having a bad year, it definitely effects his PG .   When you run a system like Budball, you have to expect that your stats are going to take a hit.  However, when you watch Teague play... Has he lost a step?  NO.  is his shooting bad?  No.  In fact, he shot more threes at a higher percentage than any point in his career.   I mean people like to talk about how Bad Teague is and immediately call other PGs name as better.  Check it out.. Teague is clearly better than Michael Conley who is in his contract year.  CLEARLY.. no debating.   However, it's again a case of us who underrate Teague.  Now, we want to say that Teague for Noel (who is very thin to play the position, who we project as a off the bench guy like Splitter) is a win for us??  Really?  When?


You're right. Teague has greatly improved his shooting.  I don't think he has lost his step, but he is getting closer to 30. He's also beginning to lose his minutes to Schröder. I would not say that Teague is "clearly" better than Conley. I think they are actually pretty close, if not equal. Just different strengths (Teague's offense vs. Conley's defense). Noel will only be an "off the bench guy" because we have Millsap and Horf. Even then he would probably still play 25-30mins. The guy is a 22 year old, who has some of the best stats defensively in the league. I think getting a 22-year old who is one of the best defenders in the league for 1-year's worth of Teague is great return.

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Teague is better than Dennis right now offensively but Dennis is much better defensively and is likely to improve in that area.   As much as I am a huge fan of Teague and hate to see him go, we have to take opportunities to improve the team.  

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7 minutes ago, Bankingitbig said:

You're right. Teague has greatly improved his shooting.  I don't think he has lost his step, but he is getting closer to 30. He's also beginning to lose his minutes to Schröder. I would not say that Teague is "clearly" better than Conley. I think they are actually pretty close, if not equal. Just different strengths (Teague's offense vs. Conley's defense). Noel will only be an "off the bench guy" because we have Millsap and Horf. Even then he would probably still play 25-30mins. The guy is a 22 year old, who has some of the best stats defensively in the league. I think getting a 22-year old who is one of the best defenders in the league for 1-year's worth of Teague is great return.

  • Teague is 27... not 30.
  • He splits time with Schröder.. that's actually a good thing.   Most teams would love to have a great PG rotation. ... Obviously our fanbase is not astute enough to recognize the advantages and are quick to give up the better of the two for a bench player.
  • There's no debating that on the offensive end, Teague is better than Conley.  Defensively you may have a point, but the Hawks defensive plan doesn't require lock down defenders.
  • Would you be as quick to trade Conley for Noel? (since we're talking Conley).   The point is that circumstance seems to be driving this trade and not need.  Not if we have no plans to further change our frontcourt.   Problem is that Horf is not playing strong enough in the middle.   So to fix that, we're going to trade out an allstar quality PG for a bench player. .. and people here are saying that we're getting the better of that deal?? Really??  The only way that that deal is better is that we plan on making Noel our starter and we will use Horf and our capspace to get us a better Sf.  BECAUSE if all we wanted were more rebounds and blocks from the bench... Why not bring up and develop Edy??  Edy has potential to be exactly this.
  • So once again... Hawks fans are reaching for something that makes no sense without other moves that do make sense.  Like Jaybird said, it's possible that with the cap we can bring in Barnes.  That's something that I would applaud.  However, Horf is still not a guy that we can just Pay 100+ Million dollars and keep getting back regressive soft play from and try to cover it up with bench players.  Hello Splitter, wasn't that why we traded for you?
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Teague is 27.98 years old.  He isn't as good as Conley and is similar value to Dennis.  It is a strength having both since neither is consistent so the issue really comes down to whether we are best served splitting time between two PGs like them or acquiring another asset for one and living with his ups and downs.  The other side of that issue is when management plans to compete for a chip.  If it isn't next year, then you have to think about dealing him on a time horizon basis (i.e., a possible rational e is that having years of control over Noel > 1 year of control and bird rights for Teague).

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3 minutes ago, macdaddy said:

Well he got the month wrong but his math is actually correct.  

I'm having a hard time seeing where:

"He won't be 28 til Dec."

Is a mathematically correct statement. Yes, he'll be 28 in December but he actually turns 28 this month. One week. Like, a whole helluva lot sooner than later.

So he got the month and math wrong. If we're quivering over 1 week for birthdays (why the hell wouldn't we round up here?), then we're crashing towards an Excusodus type argument here.

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8 minutes ago, HawkItus said:

Not player for player.  If Sap leaves having Noel allows Horf to move to PF.   Thus replacing Sap.    

He ain't a replacement for Sap tho.  Different players, different impact IMHO.

Nah, I hear you.  I've never been sold on Al needing to move to the 4 and magically being more effective.  He's a 5 whether he likes it or not.  That said, if this facilitates us trading Sap for a wang upgrade then I'm all for it.

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21 minutes ago, Diesel said:

Uhm.  Teague is 27.  He won't be 28 til Dec?? What's this 30 stuff.   He's younger than Conley, Chris Paul, Steph Curry, and Kyle Lowry.. all guys that some of you would give your right testicle for.  Moroever, he's only a year or 2 older than Irving, Wall, and Lillard.   Some please stop propagating this lie that he's 30 or even close to 30.  He's 27.

Secondly,  I don't know if giving Schröder the keys is best for us, but we will see.




3 minutes ago, Diesel said:

Jeff Teague

Jeff Teague

Jeffrey Demarco Teague ▪ Twitter: @Teague0

Position: Point Guard ▪ Shoots: Right
Height: 6-2 ▪ Weight: 186 lbs.

Born: June 10, 1988

Pretty sure the turns 28 in December versus turns 28 next week is what fanatic was flagging.

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Just now, hawksfanatic said:

I'm having a hard time seeing where:

"He won't be 28 til Dec."

Is a mathematically correct statement. Yes, he'll be 28 in December but he actually turns 28 this month. One week. Like, a whole helluva lot sooner than later.

So he got the month and math wrong. If we're quivering over 1 week for birthdays (why the hell wouldn't we round up here?), then we're crashing towards an Excusodus type argument here.

I looked at the wrong month elsewhere.. but still he's only 27 and still younger than those players I said he was younger than and a year or 2 older than those others.   As far as Math... It's a big blight that somebody said that I got the math wrong when the math clearly shows that he's 27....  Try to spin it as much as you like.

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If the Hawks get Noel and Convington I'll be dancing in the streets with @kg01's mom like Kevin Bacon just came to town.

Sap is an awesome player, but I can see the Hawks signing Horf as a veteran presence/mentor and trading Sap for picks or young talent.  Horf can play outside with Noel playing inside while he improves his shot.

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1 minute ago, AHF said:


Pretty sure the turns 28 in December versus turns 28 next week is what fanatic was flagging.

Oh no no no, we should totally go down the path of me being wrong in saying that he is 28 which I totally did somewhere around here ..... lemme find it .....

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3 minutes ago, Diesel said:
  • Teague is 27... not 30.
  • He splits time with Schröder.. that's actually a good thing.   Most teams would love to have a great PG rotation. ... Obviously our fanbase is not astute enough to recognize the advantages and are quick to give up the better of the two for a bench player.
  • There's no debating that on the offensive end, Teague is better than Conley.  Defensively you may have a point, but the Hawks defensive plan doesn't require lock down defenders.
  • Would you be as quick to trade Conley for Noel? (since we're talking Conley).   The point is that circumstance seems to be driving this trade and not need.  Not if we have no plans to further change our frontcourt.   Problem is that Horf is not playing strong enough in the middle.   So to fix that, we're going to trade out an allstar quality PG for a bench player. .. and people here are saying that we're getting the better of that deal?? Really??  The only way that that deal is better is that we plan on making Noel our starter and we will use Horf and our capspace to get us a better Sf.  BECAUSE if all we wanted were more rebounds and blocks from the bench... Why not bring up and develop Edy??  Edy has potential to be exactly this.
  • So once again... Hawks fans are reaching for something that makes no sense without other moves that do make sense.  Like Jaybird said, it's possible that with the cap we can bring in Barnes.  That's something that I would applaud.  However, Horf is still not a guy that we can just Pay 100+ Million dollars and keep getting back regressive soft play from and try to cover it up with bench players.  Hello Splitter, wasn't that why we traded for you?

I totally agree that Teague is a really good player.   But just praying that Edy can be a rotation player is not a plan.   The dude had never even run or played any sport before a few years ago.   To compare his potential to impact a game to Noel doesn't make any sense. 

There are a million reasons that we have to pick a PG and this summer is the time we will get the most value from one of them.   Watch Teague's exit interview again.  Does he sound like a guy who wants to come back and play with Dennis?   

We need to spend some money on additional talent at other positions.  If we go with Teague over Dennis then we are right back next summer trying to figure out how to keep Teague and add talent the same way we are with Baze and Horford.  

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