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Watched, on the computer, as the Atlanta Dream lost their game.

Had the TV on, muted, as the Braves were getting killed.

Then, I found the Atlanta Hawks summer league team were on ESPN 2.  I got to watch

most of the second half as the young Hawks won.  Didn't see our 2 draft picks, however.

I discovered, by checking the box score, neither one played at all.  Guess I will still

have to wait on the regular season to watch them.  Oh, well.  Edy played.  I saw him.


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I have no idea who this guy is but some interesting tidbits:


As most of you know, I was in Las Vegas for Summer League this week. Unlike Orlando where it is more of a closed environment and teams, players, and media were all willing to talk a lot, Vegas is a lot more controlled. I was able to pick some stuff up, but not enough for a thread on each team's board. So here is everything all condensed in one place. 

It might not always be the most newsworthy stuff, but all things I thought interesting enough to share. It is alphabetical by city, so you can find your team. Enjoy!


1. They love DeAndre' Bembry. They think he has a chance to be a rotation guy this year. Among the things talked about were his basketball IQ, passing and willingness to defend. 

2. Kevin Pangos has been really impressive. He has a real shot to make an NBA roster as a 2nd or 3rd PG.

3. Taurean Prince has a ton of potential, but will need a lot of seasoning. Expect a lot of D-League time.

4. I asked about the roster crunch and was told they feel they can make a minor deal to solve it.

5. They are super excited to have Malcolm Delaney. He might be the backup PG until Jarrett Jack (who they are also excited to have) is ready to play.



Not much about Dwight beyond excited to have him. They do think he'll help the occasionally rebounding woes a lot! I asked about how after emphasizing shooting from all 5 spots, they now have two non-shooters in Howard and Schröder and was told "We'll get to camp and see what we have."

I think Bembry will get some minutes here and there and then more next year or if one of the others gets dealt.

And nothing really on Tavares, but that dude is huge. You know a guy is big when he stands out around other NBA players and he is massive.

Not much about Dwight beyond excited to have him. They do think he'll help the occasionally rebounding woes a lot! I asked about how after emphasizing shooting from all 5 spots, they now have two non-shooters in Howard and Schröder and was told "We'll get to camp and see what we have."

I think Bembry will get some minutes here and there and then more next year or if one of the others gets dealt.

And nothing really on Tavares, but that dude is huge. You know a guy is big when he stands out around other NBA players and he is massive.


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20 minutes ago, JayBirdHawk said:

I have no idea who this guy is but some interesting tidbits:


I saw that this weekend but figured I was being realgm'd.  Bembry a rotation guy?  This year?  Seems odd although I do think he played well in SL.  Also, he seems more destined for DLeague time than Prince just due to roster make-up.  Speaking of 'made up'.

His other comments seem juuust reasonable enough to not sound made up but juuuust vanilla enough that, if they were made up, no one would call him on it.  "Hawks are excited to have D8"?  "Walter's big"?  Well, duh.

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1 hour ago, kg01 said:

I saw that this weekend but figured I was being realgm'd.  Bembry a rotation guy?  This year?  Seems odd although I do think he played well in SL.  Also, he seems more destined for DLeague time than Prince just due to roster make-up.  Speaking of 'made up'.

His other comments seem juuust reasonable enough to not sound made up but juuuust vanilla enough that, if they were made up, no one would call him on it.  "Hawks are excited to have D8"?  "Walter's big"?  Well, duh.

I was ambivalent about posting it but it's the offseason.

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1 hour ago, JayBirdHawk said:

I was ambivalent about posting it but it's the offseason.

I hear you.  What else are we gonna talk about?  @Dolfan23 and his unnatural obsession with Uruguay and the Horford emojicon?  @Spud2Nique and his (alleged) trip to Hawaii?  I mean, I haven't seen no pineapples or news reports of pasty, fat white dudes nearly drowning .  Did he really go?

30 minutes ago, AHF said:

I don't buy into that assessment of Prince but I will be disappointed if we traded Jeff Teague for a guy who can't help the SF rotation of a team that has nothing but a bunch of SGs trying to play SF.

Sounds to me, if the guy actually did speak to someone Hawks-related, that he was fed a false "assessment".  Despite coming in late, Prince actually looked to be playing at a higher level than the rest of them.  Smooth, decent decision making, etc.  I'm not going too crazy 'cause it was SL.  But he looked more like a 2nd SL guy than a 1st SL guy (if that makes sense).

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The only issue I have with Prince is Baylor's stupid zone scheme. If he didn't play in that scheme, I'd say he should be able to help now from what I saw. Unless they want to try to develop his point forward skills which...why do that, there are plenty of passers on the team.

I'd say give Prince 20 games in "learning mode" to break his zone scheme tendencies.

As it was with Payne, if Prince can't contribute close to immediately as a college senior the Hawks whiffed on their scouting report.

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No way about Prince not being a rotational guy this year. That's bs. He's ready, more so than Bembry in my opinion. Also, everyone knows ur the white cul de sac guy @kg01 don't front.

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I think Prince gets minutes this year and could have an opportunity to start despite being a rookie.  His size will enable him to be a better defensive matchup at the three than anybody else on the team not named Thabo.  He won't be asked to do alot, just defend and be ready when the ball swings his way.  I think he can do that.  Allowing Bazemore to play shooting guard would seem to be important also as they need him in a position where he can play well on both ends.

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I won't pretend to know much about Prince other than what I saw during SL, but he looks to me like someone who will be a competent (occasionally over-aggressive) defender out of the gates. I really like his size and his tenacity on that end. That's not someone who is likely to be relegated to the D-League. Especially if he can hit his open looks at a decent rate. He struggled with his shot a bit in SL, but he was also taking on a lot more responsibility than he will this season. And it was only a few games with limited practice anyway. 

Edited by High5
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31 minutes ago, JayBirdHawk said:



I'm a little sensitive with my Hawk-related news, but I have an issue with the characterization that he's playing there instead of here.  Nah, he doesn't have the option to play here.  Not right now at least.  That report makes it sound like he's all, "No thanks, Hawks.  I'd rather play in France."

25 minutes ago, lethalweapon3 said:

Right in between Cannes and Nice. Nice!

"ahhhh..." Hawks, if y'all need an extra scout over there, sign me up!


Uhhh, lately that posting doesn't sound quite as ... Nice. :ermm:

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1 minute ago, kg01 said:

I'm a little sensitive with my Hawk-related news, but I have an issue with the characterization that he's playing there instead of here.  Nah, he doesn't have the option to play here.  Not right now at least.  That report makes it sound like he's all, "No thanks, Hawks.  I'd rather play in France."

Uhhh, lately that posting doesn't sound quite as ... Nice. :ermm:

True but most of us know he wasn't coming over this year.

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1 hour ago, Spud2Nique said:

No way about Prince not being a rotational guy this year. That's bs. He's ready, more so than Bembry in my opinion. Also, everyone knows ur the white cul de sac guy @kg01 don't front.

I'm about as white as your hands are big (wha?).  Weren't you having some trouble palming golf balls the other day?

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Just now, JayBirdHawk said:

True but most of us know he wasn't coming over this year.

Most of us know that but half the mouth-breathers reading those reports are like, "Man the Hawks cain't even get they own draff pix to sign. :laugh:"  Stupids.

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1 minute ago, kg01 said:

Most of us know that but half the mouth-breathers reading those reports are like, "Man the Hawks cain't even get they own draff pix to sign. :laugh:"  Stupids.

I've already resigned myself to the fact that most 'mouth-breathers' know squat about the Hawks even if it's in black n white.

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