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Foul shooting and Rick Barry


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So many players would be embarrassed with the shooting style but history has proven foul shooting success with Rick's underhand shot and with our incoming center maybe Rick's approach diminishes the Hack-a-Dwight approach. Not sure how many foul shooting awards he has but I don't think really big players can shoot a foul shot like Mark Price or Kyle Korver. Gray Mule's post about close games are won all the time at the foul line are accurate. Rick would probably show up for free. 

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So I'm guessing Gray Mule and I are the only Squawkers that think there is a possibility to avoid benching D12 in the last two minutes of every game? Coaches get paid to coach so coach the heck out of our new center's shooting at the line. Too many games lost in the past because of that issue. 

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7 minutes ago, Thomas said:

Because Tiago or Humph will be there late in games I'm guessing.

No way. I do not think have Dwight in there will kill us. We will be fine. 

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In there when? Dwight has been yanked late in games and that is documented history. Trying to be strategical here with what has been an issue in the past with D12. My confidence in Bud and staff is always very high but there is the last minute decisions this past year for example that have cost us. Of course now we're not talking about Moose getting abused in the paint late in games and it will be a nice departure from that recent history. Someone needs to address the foul shooting for us now more than ever and hopefully improve it and a blanket statement we'll be fine doesn't explain anything at all because as is he won't be in there the last minute of any close game.    

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1 hour ago, Thomas said:

So many players would be embarrassed with the shooting style but history has proven foul shooting success with Rick's underhand shot and with our incoming center maybe Rick's approach diminishes the Hack-a-Dwight approach. Not sure how many foul shooting awards he has but I don't think really big players can shoot a foul shot like Mark Price or Kyle Korver. Gray Mule's post about close games are won all the time at the foul line are accurate. Rick would probably show up for free. 

You can't hack a player in the last two minutes of the game. If you do, the player shoots free throws and the hacked team gets the ball back.  So Dwight will be on the floor the last two minutes. I hope he improves. 

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Just now, marco102 said:

You can't hack a player in the last two minutes of the game. If you do, the player shoots free throws and the hacked team gets the ball back.  So Dwight will be on the floor the last two minutes. I hope he improves. 

Like I said, we will be fine. People wanting to complain about stuff 

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11 hours ago, marco102 said:

You can't hack a player in the last two minutes of the game. If you do, the player shoots free throws and the hacked team gets the ball back.  So Dwight will be on the floor the last two minutes. I hope he improves. 

Believe that is away from the player with the ball. D12 will be in the paint to rebound and like you said I hope he improves at the line. It's not a technical to foul a player in the paint trying to score with the ball. 

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It isn't going to happen.  Barry already tried to reach out to Dwight and was rejected.


Dwight Howard also rejected the thought when Rick Barry personally approached him and asked if he wanted to be trained to make them underhanded.

“I’ve got good form and I have confidence in my shot,” Dwight replied. “I don’t need to shoot underhanded free throws.”


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I just wonder if he hasn't actually tried it.   I mean you've got basically one guy in the modern history of basketball (that i know of) who has used that technique and shot 90%.   If it was really a more effective technique you have to think somebody else would have done it.   I'm thinking that Barry was just good at shooting and good at practicing.   I'm not convinced that it is inherently more effective.   I do agree that if you're shooting 50% you should try it.   

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Guys don't want to do it because it is the "Granny style" of shooting a basketball and they think it makes them look weak using it. If I was a player that couldn't hit free throws I would shoot from a wheelchair if it made me a better player. But that's just me.

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8 minutes ago, Sothron said:

Guys don't want to do it because it is the "Granny style" of shooting a basketball and they think it makes them look weak using it. If I was a player that couldn't hit free throws I would shoot from a wheelchair if it made me a better player. But that's just me.

I think that's true but it can't be the case that all of them are too macho to even try it.    I mean Deandre is appearing in ads in drag.   

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Shaq's HOF speech included Rick Barry reaching out to him to try the underhand ft and during the speech shaq said...thanks but no thanks Rick.


I would try it if I were any of the current big men in the league shooting 60% or less but at the same time I'd also hop on to Amazon and buy a beret and parasol because I'd need it. Lol

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Ego and looking cool is a huge factor.

Shaq on Rick Barry:

"He came to LSU one time and wanted me to shoot free throws underhanded. 'Nah, Rick, I can't do it. I'd rather shoot zero percent. Can't do it. Too cool for that.'"

Wilt Chamberlein went underhanded, improved his free throws and then went back to struggling shooting normally:


"I felt silly – like a sissy

Rick Reilly from SI did an article on this:


"I ... asked [a few players] a simple question: 'What would it take to get you to shoot free throws like Rick Barry?' Not one called me back. Or e-mailed. Or texted. ... None.

"Do you know why? Because NBA players care more about looking cool on SportsCenter than winning games for their teams."


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1 minute ago, Spud2Nique said:

I honestly don't really understand how shooting underhand is easier. To me, it looks a lot more difficult.

I totally agree that I don't think it's a cure-all.   Still the idea of not trying it because it doesn't look cool is stupid.   I mean does it look less cool than this?:




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3 hours ago, Spud2Nique said:

I honestly don't really understand how shooting underhand is easier. To me, it looks a lot more difficult.



The key to a successful foul shot lies in the arc of the ball—in general, the higher the better. While an official-size basket is 18 inches in diameter, the basketball itself is only about 9 1/2 inches, which gives a margin of 8 1/2 inches. But when the ball is thrown nearly straight at the basket, in the style of Shaq, the margin disappears because the rim of the basket, from the perspective of the ball, resembles a tight ellipse. “That’s why these guys miss so much,” Peter Brancazio, a physics professor emeritus from Brooklyn College and author of SportsScience: Physical Laws and Optimum Performance says. “Because of the sharp angle of the typical overhand throw, there ends up being a much smaller window for the ball to go in.” If the ball comes down at the basket from a steeper angle, the way it does if tossed up in the high arc characteristic of an underhand throw, the margin reappears. “That means there’s a far greater chance of making the basket,” he says.

Another reason why the granny shot helps a free thrower win cheers rather than jeers: It gives a backward spin to the ball. If a ball with backspin happens to hit the metal rim of the basket, the friction of contact suddenly reduces its forward velocity. “It’s like a drop shot in tennis. The ball bounces, but it doesn’t have a forward motion on it,” Brancazio says. This effect tends to freeze the ball at the rim and greatly increases the chance that it will tip into the basket rather than ricochet off.

The underhand throw can also minimize the drift of the ball. “A little sideward nudge at the start of the throw will translate into a big movement toward the end,” says Tom Steiger, a researcher who taught basketball physics at the University of Washington in Seattle. The trick to keeping the ball moving along a single plane toward the basket lies in “minimizing the sideways motion,” he says. “In other words, you have to keep your elbows tucked in.” If they are sticking out, that can easily add an unwanted nudge to the ball, which results in a missed shot. The underhand throw provides better stability than the overhand “because you’re holding the ball with both hands,” Steiger says. This helps players balance the subtle motor muscles in the hands and keeps them more relaxed. The movement of the underhand throw is a simple, easy-to-control upward pendulum motion. By contrast, the more conventional overhand free throw shot involves separate movements of the wrist, elbow, and shoulder that can add errors, Steiger says. “If the ball ends up rolling off one side of your hand even a little bit, you’ll miss.”

Excerpts from the article.

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