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Dennis interview on NBA.de (SPOX.com)


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Nice read, I used google to translate, because I'm far too lazy to translate such a long text
Link to German source


In three years I want to be All-Star

Dennis Schröder faces the next milestone in his career: for the Atlanta Hawks point guard runs the first time as a starter SPOX spoke with the 23-year-olds about the new role, the parting of Al Horford, his goals - and a special moment with. LeBron James.

SPOX: Mr. Schröder, the last time we met in mid-March in Atlanta. Since then, its role has changed significantly. The Hawks have Jeff Teague traded to Indiana and you thus cleared the way. What does this step for you?

Schröder: That is a huge step for me. It means to me extremely much that the Hawks and especially the coaches have me pronounced in this way their confidence. I now have a very important season ahead of me in which I have to show what I can.

SPOX: Your perseverance has paid off. What was the moment when you have learned that Jeff Teague is traded?

Schröder: The situation was quite strange. I was at the time on the road just in Germany by car and with the idea of just not at the Hawks. Then suddenly my phone plays crazy and I wonder why that is. (Laughs) I have suddenly all sorts of people posted on Facebook and Instagram and I had no idea what was going on. Then my agent I called and said to me that the Hawks have traded Teague.

SPOX: And how was your first reaction?

Schröder: I have not believed in the beginning and repeatedly said, that's much too early. To be sure, I then looked at the websites for the Hawks. I wanted to know for sure, but since it was then clear. I still can not believe that so far actually, that I will be starters.

SPOX: Were you immediately realize that you are with the departure of Teague for starters?

Schröder: Yes, that was clear. It was always a choice between Teague and me.

SPOX: Do you feel because even changes? Are you perceived differently even by the media or the fans?

Schröder: In Atlanta are the people to whom I am so encountered actually pretty happy. Clear and Jeff had many fans, he finally played there for eight years. But my first impression was very positive.

SPOX: Stock your fortunes and skills it will arrive in the coming season especially. Have you ever talked to Coach Bude Holzer about how their role will change now?

Schröder: We spoke on the phone right after the trade. He told me that there is a huge opportunity for me and that he firmly believes that I will master it. But he has also said that this is only the beginning. I do not want to stop working, but I did not anyway. I could from the moment of trades to wait to return to Atlanta to work with the coach and my team.

SPOX: This new role naturally growing pressure on your person. How much do you busy at?

Schröder: Pressure? (Laughs) About those things I'm not worried. I just play my game. That has always been my recipe for success, and this I will also now change anything. It does not really matter whether you are starting or coming off the bench.

SPOX: Where we are at grade pressure: Teague made it as starting point guard the Hawks for All-Star. You are only 23, it is still a goal that they have on the radar?

Schröder: That's my goal anyway. No later than in three years I will be All-Star. It is my claim, one of the best point guards in the NBA to be. For this, I'll do anything.

SPOX: Before the fourth season players can negotiate early contract extensions with their teams. Was there in this regard already talking with the Hawks?

Schröder: Yes, because there have been talks between my agent and the person in charge of the Hawks. After the Trade of Teague it is quite likely that we will sign this year. I would be delighted definitely to make the fix already this year. But you never know what happens.

SPOX: You have opened a bar in Atlanta and live there for three years. Can we assume that you will long remain in Atlanta?

Schröder: The new contract would be dated for four years and I've been playing for three years in Atlanta. As long as the Hawks are satisfied with me, I see no reason to leave. I like it there, I feel at the Hawks as part of a family.

SPOX: Personnel has at the Hawks but some did. With Al Horford you had on and off the court a very good chemistry. How does its absence is noticeable?

Schröder: It will be a completely different game for us. Horford could throw three or drag also to the basket. Dwight Howard is an athletic big man who sprints from basket to basket, however. This is my way of playing, of course, very accommodating, because I always want to make tempo. Howard helps me and makes proper pressure on the basket. So many options will definitely provide for our launchers and also I hope to place to get yourself on the basket at the end. One thing is clear: It will be a completely different style of play.

SPOX: Could you understand Horfords decision to move to Boston?Have you spoken to each other since then?

Schröder: That alone is his decision and up the business. But if I'm honest: I have not really understood why he runs away. He had here at the Hawks actually everything he has told me again and again in conversations. So it took me quite surprised that he has opted instead for Boston.

SPOX: It sounds as if you would take him resign a little sick?

Schröder: No, it was, as I said, his decision. And for me remains Horford a giant-type from which I learned a lot. Whenever he entered the locker room, was immediately a positive energy in the room. He always greeted each individually. I know that does not make the stars in other teams like that. The often come in, sit down, without saying a word and want peace. Al, however, has always treated everyone with respect and that is something that I have copied from him. I have learned from him a lot about dealing with people. It is definitely a great loss for us, but as I said, I can not blame him for its decision

SPOX: successor Howard contrast applies indeed as something more complicated type. How have you seen him before?

Schröder: It is definitely quite a joker. I think it will go with him mainly about finding the right balance between seriousness and fun. He will take up this new challenge but seriously, I'm sure. Especially since he is now playing again in his hometown. I will also talk to him again in peace.Howard is a superstar, but I'll be the one who feeds him. The main objective must therefore be that we both get along well.

SPOX: Howard is not the only new at the Hawks. What are your expectations going into the new season? You think that you can carry on from the last few years despite the disposals?

Schröder: That's definitely the goal, we do not want to be poor. In recent years, we were always in the top four and we naturally try again this time. The East is indeed become enormously strong, especially Indiana, but also we have to hide in no case. In principle, we can win every game. The most important thing now is that we optimally come together as a team in the coming weeks.

SPOX: Other teams also have to contend with disposal: After Kobe Bryant Tim Duncan still a big sport ended his career. How will that affect the Spurs?

Schröder: The Spurs have dazugeholt with Pau Gasol excellent player. Of course, Gasol is not Tim Duncan. But I think Coach Pop knows exactly what he does. He has now shown already for years. In addition, there are still guys like Tony Parker, Manu Ginobili or Kawhi Leonard. The Spurs always find a way to play along the top.

SPOX: The major theme of the summer but was of course Kevin Durant. Are the Warriors for you so that the "team to beat" - or rather the Cavaliers? The you know by now well ...

Schröder: The Warriors have four All-Stars. What do you want?(Laughs) Steph Curry is one of the best point guards and twice MVP become. Kevin Durant was MVP and one of the best players in the world. And then they still Klay Thompson and Draymond Green. As Warriors have actually win it all. Degrees of change from Durant is now but all the other teams in addition motivate why it is not easy for them.The Cavaliers hand as always depends almost anything to LeBron James.

SPOX: They had after playoff off against Cleveland a "moment" with LeBron when he took you by the arm. Did he follow a particular message for you?

Schröder: He told me that I have patience and just to continue playing. He said that the Hawks definitely my team are. He also said that I have the makings of a star. And that is of course the madness when the so a player tells you. He is currently the best player in the world, and probably of all time, Michael Jordan together. His word has been weight.

SPOX: In the upcoming season will indeed again a couple of times to meet Dirk Nowitzki.Have you talked to him once about his new deal with the Mavericks?

Schröder: We directly thereafter once texted. I've just written only, 'how long do you play still exist?' (Laughs)

SPOX: And he wrote back?

Schröder: He wrote: 'My boy, as long as the bone still join in.' (Laughs)

SPOX: For the new season, a further German has made the leap to the NBA. How do you rate the chances of Paul Zipser at the Bulls? They know each other so well a bit, you are currently in contact with?

Schröder: I spoke at the end of the regular season in Denver with him. He then gave me all contacts of the national team because I wanted to report before the European Championship Qualifiers with each individual. Since I did not know that this would happen with Teague. Paul was obviously a bit excited and nervous because of the draft. I just told him that everything will be fine.

SPOX: How do you see his chances with the Bulls?

Schröder: The first year is always difficult, that was with me too. He must to stop in no case work, even if he might need in the D-League. That will do him only good. One must not compare with players like Andrew Wiggins, LeBron James or Karl Anthony Towns. They had previously been a name and therefore also play immediately. You have to work at right if you come off as a young player in Europe. But I think the white Paul also.

SPOX: In summer you as always trained a lot. What priorities have you set? Where you do not have acute need for improvement?

Schröder: Everywhere! I want to get better. This year I got a lot of work on my shot and my body. I have to be even more robust, especially in the trunk area. I wonder how I'm going away now benefit in the new season.

SPOX: To be perfectly prepared for your first NBA season as a starter, you have canceled the EM-Quali with the national team. How heavy is you rate this decision?

Schröder: The course is not easy for me. I had contacted the whole team in advance and was very happy for the games with the national team. I wanted einschwören the team on our big aim Tokyo. As before, I am convinced that we will do that. Unfortunately I had to cancel for the European Championship Qualifiers, because I have a need to replace All-Star in the upcoming season. You have to be well prepared. Time will also be very important in order to optimally promote the integration of Howard and the other new. So I had to choose not to participate me ultimately.

SPOX: And finally: What can we expect in the next season of Dennis Schröder? What goals have you set personally?

Schröder: I just want to stay healthy and have a good season with the team. We need to be a proper one, so that we get to the playoffs. This is the first goal and then everyone can beat everyone. I will definitely give everything so that we again reach the conference finals after, 2015.


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That was a funny and good read, gotta love Google Translate, lol.

Highlights (for those who find it difficult to read):

1. Per Bud - a huge opportunity for Dennis and he firmly believes he can master it.

2. Talks have been ongoing with his agent about contract, said it'll be 4 years.

3. He doesn't understand why 'Horford ran away' - that made me laugh out loud.  He had everything here he said he wanted over and over so he was surprised he went 'green'.

4. Lebron told him to have patience and just play. He has the making of a star.

5. He wants to be an Allstar in at least 3 years.

6. Worked on his shooting and his body. Needed his 'trunk area' to be more robust :laugh1:.

7. Goals for this season - stay healthy and have a good season, get to the playoffs as forst goal, he will give everything he has to reach the ECFagain like  2015.



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6 minutes ago, JayBirdHawk said:

That was a funny and good read, gotta love Google Translate, lol.

Highlights (for those who find it difficult to read):

1. Per Bud - a huge opportunity for Dennis and he firmly believes he can master it.

2. Talks have been ongoing with his agent about contract, said it'll be 4 years.

3. He doesn't understand why 'Horford ran away' - that made me laugh out loud.  He had everything here he said he wanted over and over so he was surprised he went 'green'.

4. Lebron told him to have patience and just play. He has the making of a star.

5. He wants to be an Allstar in at least 3 years.

6. Worked on his shooting and his body. Needed his 'trunk area' to be more robust :laugh1:.

7. Goals for this season - stay healthy and have a good season, get to the playoffs as forst goal, he will give everything he has to reach the ECFagain like  2015.

Thanks Bizz.  I was muddling through it.  Tell Dennis to hang with Mr. 2Nique if he wants a more "robust" trunk area.

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1 hour ago, JayBirdHawk said:

That was a funny and good read, gotta love Google Translate, lol.

Highlights (for those who find it difficult to read):

1. Per Bud - a huge opportunity for Dennis and he firmly believes he can master it.

2. Talks have been ongoing with his agent about contract, said it'll be 4 years.

3. He doesn't understand why 'Horford ran away' - that made me laugh out loud.  He had everything here he said he wanted over and over so he was surprised he went 'green'.

4. Lebron told him to have patience and just play. He has the making of a star.

5. He wants to be an Allstar in at least 3 years.

6. Worked on his shooting and his body. Needed his 'trunk area' to be more robust :laugh1:.

7. Goals for this season - stay healthy and have a good season, get to the playoffs as forst goal, he will give everything he has to reach the ECFagain like  2015.



Horford "ran away" cuz he's a lil trick. Lol

1 hour ago, kg01 said:

Thanks Bizz.  I was muddling through it.  Tell Dennis to hang with Mr. 2Nique if he wants a more "robust" trunk area.

Ya, that and a fat c***...:-|


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7 minutes ago, kg01 said:

Calf?  Why would Dennis want you to give him a fat calf?

No, if he wanted a fat calf, he'd prolly seek your wife's help. She's a pro in that department. Years of sitting and bon bon eatin from Mrs. Gimp-01

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1 minute ago, AHF said:

Between @Spud2Nique insulting kg's wife and @kg01 suggesting that being in Spud's presence will make a man's trunk more 'robust' we have officially arrived at:


In an attempt to re-rail ....


Looks like the curse of the ATL starting point guard has bit Dennis right in the ankles.  Darn you, Jeff!  Why didn't you take the curse with you?!?

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4 hours ago, Spud2Nique said:

No, if he wanted a fat calf, he'd prolly seek your wife's help. She's a pro in that department. Years of sitting and bon bon eatin from Mrs. Gimp-01

Naw.  kg01's wife is gorgeous.  He posted a picture of her earlier in the year.


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2 hours ago, Watchman said:

Naw.  kg01's wife is gorgeous.  He posted a picture of her earlier in the year.


That is how I read it at first too but the fat calf comment was directed at @kg01, not his wife.  She is the pro at taking care of a fat calf, not the fatty.

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First off, those were very good questions asked to Dennis.  I can't imagine C-Viv doing that type of in-depth interview with Dennis, or anyone on this team.  Wish he'd start asking these guys the tough questions.

Second, I was impressed with the maturity and honesty in Dennis' answers.  He was completely honest about he and Teague.  I loved his answer about Horford "running away", which is correct.  And he knows that he has to work on his entire game, despite the confidence he has in his game right now.  Skill wise, he may not be on Teague's level yet, but he's far more mentally stronger than Teague, which may translate to him being the leader of this team.

I can't wait for this season to start.

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On 9/30/2016 at 8:18 AM, rd79 said:

He told me that I have patience and just to continue playing. He said that the Hawks definitely my team are. He also said that I have the makings of a star. And that is of course the madness when the so a player tells you. He is currently the best player in the world, and probably of all time, Michael Jordan together. His word has been weight.

Even with the odd translation that is pretty wild that LeBron made a point to talk to Dennis and say that. Need to add a word here and there to make the translation more accurate. 

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