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1 minute ago, BigDog90 said:

Dang I thought Delaney would atleast be Shelvin Mack. I'll give him time though.

MCW can't shoot.

Mack was an average all around player. Delaney while average on offense with some solid shooting, his defense is pretty bad. I am not sure I see NBA in his game and no offense to Bynum but he lost a step from his prime. He's not a NBA player anymore. 

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22 minutes ago, Spud2Nique said:

Wow Dwight went off. Please let this be a regular occurrence. The rooks look like the real deal, couple of mature pitbulls. Love it Hawks!!! Can't wait ..2 weeks now.

@NBASupes Ur next podcast airing from Boston? Lol...I kid I kid...serious you guys still at it?


@kg01 Hallmark movies huh?...mkay, though not surprised. lol

Aye , gotta give the ladies the remote sometimes.  You'll reap rewards.  Who do you think you are, Spud2Trump?

Lastly, Delaney will disappoint yall.  Hoping to be wrong.

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1 minute ago, NBASupes said:

Mack was an average all around player. Delaney while average on offense with some solid shooting, his defense is pretty bad. I am not sure I see NBA in his game and no offense to Bynum but he lost a step from his prime. He's not a NBA player anymore. 

Agree.  As a Jacket fan it pains me to admit that about one of our heroes.  Jack is still serviceable if healthy at least 

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Just now, kg01 said:

Agree.  As a Jacket fan it pains me to admit that about one of our heroes.  Jack is still serviceable if healthy at least 

I am thinking, we might need to trade for a PG. Even if it's a 3rd stringer behind Jack, we need a better option than we have now. I wish we still had Mack. 

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Just now, NBASupes said:

I am thinking, we might need to trade for a PG. Even if it's a 3rd stringer behind Jack, we need a better option than we have now. I wish we still had Mack. 

Seems he shld be available with Exum back in UT.  Hmmmmm, THJr to UT?

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I was looking at NBA rosters and the NBA is stacked these days at the SG spot. Looks like we might have to make a cut unless someone wants someone bad. Moose is the most tradable. His contract is friendly and his talent is as well but he's probably the best of the bunch outside of Scott. 



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10 minutes ago, kg01 said:

Seems he shld be available with Exum back in UT.  Hmmmmm, THJr to UT?

They are loaded at SG but weak at SF but their SG are mainly SF's anyway. So maybe. Mack for Hardaway makes sense for both teams. 

I think @kg01 is right, Mack for Hardaway Jr fits for both teams. 

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BTW, what did we do with the $2.4 million we got for Pick #54 (which became the Cavs' Kay Felder)?

Any Seller's Remorse after today's game? From what I recall, Felder looked good at the outset but waned as the game went on.


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2 hours ago, NBASupes said:

That's what I liked most, it wasn't forced like it was all year last year in Houston. It was all in the flow of the game. 

Maybe trading Tim Hardaway Jr for Michael Carter Williams is an option. 

I'm not nearly so ready to cut loose any player based on just two preseason games. But having said that, there could be some merit in your idea. Could be. Like we keep saying, it's hard to say w/o any inside scoop on Jack's actual status.

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2 hours ago, cam1218 said:

I didn't see all of the game but loved what I saw from Dwight and the rookies.

I heard on the radio pregame show today that they expect Jack to be ready for the season opener. Anyone else hear this?

Did anyone?

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Coming into the season: I had three players on my radar the most: Tim, Dwight and Dennis

I am starting to realize what Tim's issue is. He putting too much energy into the game and he's not realizing how to do it efficiently. This wouldn't be an issue if Tim just was more effect at what he's good at. Watching him, I think his best fit might be with a team that doesn't move a lot of on offense but creates a lot of open looks on offense so he doesn't spend so much energy on both sides of the court. I don't think Tim has the energy to play in a movement based system. That and he doesn't really do movement part well. I think he is a NBA player and he can be a solid one but maybe this isn't his best fit. 


Dwight, I do see what he can bring especially with his vision. He really improved it from Orlando days and even from last season where he showed flashes but a lot  more bad than good. A lot of movement when he posts up makes double teams really hard to do and it really opens up the lanes. It didn't open up the three point shot but when Sap is on the court, a lot will open up just by his all around impact and no one wants to leave Sap open anywhere on the court. My issue with Dwight is energy. He too doesn't seem to have the energy to really play in this system for an extended period and he looked sluggish on defense. While I did see him exert energy on offense and he was effective, his defense was bad outside of protecting the rim and he really missed a lot of rotations and moved about as bad as any big I seen in this system in awhile. He going to have to improve his defensive energy or he will not play as many minutes as he thinks. 

Dennis, I didn't see him try to be aggressive. He seemed like he was playing at 80% today. Overall, I like the patience. It was nice to see. Nothing really good to say nor bad. 

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Delaney was very good last game (at least statistically) against better competition. Maybe we should give him a few more games before shipping him back to Europe. I hope Jack has a speedy recovery either way.  And I didn't think Bembry would get much of a chance this season, but if THJ keeps assaulting the backboard then he may end up as our backup SG sooner rather than later. That rookie duo is a lot of fun to watch. Still hope THJ can turn it around when the real games start. 

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A win is a win is a win, but - - - I hate the fact that it was so close and we were playing against

the Cavs D-league team.

Hawks have 16 players under contract and 15  roster spots.  Something has gotta give.  Trade away

one more player than we get back would do it.  Expect a lot of player movement before the season

opener and Hawks just might get in on it.  Otherwise, we cut one player or maybe more and keep

some player on the roster without a contract for the season.  Nice problem.

Every NBA team should have a D-league team, just like baseball has minor league teams, but, alas,

Atlanta comes up empty in this.

Rookies looking good.  Almost all the bench looked solid.  Worry about Scott and his legal problem.

Humphries, Splitter, J Jack and Millsap didn't play last night.  Three still recovering.

Howard, Splitter and Tavares seem to have the center position covered.

What many of us consider our best player has yet to play this pre season.  Millsap will need to get

in "basketball shape" when the season opens.  Right now, Moose and his silly hair do looks more

than ready to be his back up and Humphries is waiting also. - - Moose, get a hair cut!

Our biggest worry around here on Hawksquawk seems to be the PG position.  We don't know

how well Jarrett Jack is coming along.  He might be almost there and it might be Christmas before

he's ready.  Can we get by with Delaney and maybe Bremby  until he's 100% ?


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9 hours ago, NBASupes said:

Rome is in grad school now. I'll see what he can do. 


Roster Locks: 






12 players









Delaney is close to a lock but Bynum is coming as we only have two PG's and one is hurt. 

Scott is really close to a lock. 

Moose and Hardaway Jr are fighting. Both are between 2nd/3rd stringers right now but they both got a lot of talent. 

Kelly is showing well. 


We will have to make a trade. 

There will be teams who will take Moose, Scott or Hardaway in a trade.  No one will trade for the PG's for obvious reasons. 


If we could trade one of these guys for a backup PG, I would like it. Like I said, get someone like MCW would help for one of those guys. 

I think Delaney is a lock (unless traded) - he is signed to a 2 year $5 mil contract.  Bynum has no shot to make the cut.

I'll say here what I've said elsewhere:  Moose has a greater chance of sticking around because of Millsap (he was supposed to miss 2 preseason games he's missed 3), Tiago (do we trust that he stays healthy?) and Scott being banged up (he's back but his legal case still looms large - any update anyone?) and add to the fact that he has actually played well.  He's playing with a confidence that I haven't seen before.

Jack may be the odd man out if he's not healthy enough to contribute.  He hasn't been cleared for 5 on 5 play yet (maybe not even 3 on 3).  We have 4 preseason games left for him to see the floor.  I've seen enough of Bembry to think he can handle some PG duties.  THJr is struggling - he might be the odd man out. Kelly has showed something but I think his chances are slim.

Exciting times.  GO HAWKS!!

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Feels like it is between Moose and Bynum. If Bud doesn't feel Jack will ever be 100% during the season then maybe Bynum's long range shot comes to fruition. Still the PF possibilities as many have noted remain with injuries and legal stuff so nothing is really cut and dry. Strange that the fifteenth roster spot is so important because that player will actually get time on the floor with us during the season with little doubt and normally that spot would only get scrub minutes. 

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