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Prince is the next Hawk to be a candidate for idiot of the year


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53 minutes ago, RedDawg#8 said:

You guys are trippppppping  over nothing man. If that picture offends you because of the gun itself then that's one thing. But if you're getting all up in arms about the ethnicities of the people in the picture when the caption has NOTHING to do with race or social issues or anything controversial at all then you are making a pretty big stretch. What song would you sing with a gun to your head with no mistakes. Taurean Prince says his ABCs, freaking laugh and move on. 

Or how about this, if the sight of a black man being held at gunpoint by a white man offends you, then maybe don't b*tch about it on a Hawks message board. Flag the photo as inappropriate if you're petty, and then don't share the image on other websites to further perpetuate and promote its "offensiveness" to others who otherwise would have no clue if it's existence. You're not doing him or anyone else any favors by reposting it just to be condescending 

.....and if you are really that bothered by it then maybe get out in the community and help fight against brutality and gun violence as a whole and not just complain about what TP is doing on his twitter.

Im willing to bet the same people up in arms about this photo would never even say the words BLM. Maybe you don't even really care about it's imagery being offensive to those oppressed but are just yourself offended due to some underlying guilt complex. It's possible

And lastly, you don't do anyone any favors by trying to sympathize with the plight of young black men when you are using broad generalizations about how he must feel being a young black male. You have no clue what he fears. You cannot make that assumption that he has a negative experience or attitude towards law enforcement just because of what's going on out here in the world. A good bit of his daily life involves relying on said law enforcement to protect him from crazy nutjob fans and other people who may want to do him harm. Not all black people hate or fear the police. Yal have got to stop watching so much tv. Most of us just want accountability, equality and justice for all. 

Now, answer the d^mn question:

What song would YOU sing in that situation???

I'm definitely going with my ABC's too lol

Love ur avatar pic that's awesome bro! Red dawg rec red dog ina bang bang Ina ina bang bang..my friends and I loved red dog beer back in the day...good times and smooth ass beer from what I remember.

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You're really reaching dude, Michael Jordan at the end of space jam reaching smh. And this is coming from a black man. You're making something out of nothing. Let the man live, it's just an effing joke i've been seeing it for days on my timeline. Calling the man an idiot for having a sense of humor is ridiculous

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The headline had me thinking Prince pulled a 'Molly Mike?' Whew!!!

I saw his tweet earlier yesterday and my first reaction was 'that's a disturbing image' then I read his question about the song.

I thought ok, I get the joke but wrong image attachment. And I went about my day.

I didn't think then and I still don't think now it warrants any kind of backlash.

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5 hours ago, High5 said:

The thread title had me worried for a second. He should be more careful as a public figure (because of reactions like this), but this barely registers on the dumb athlete scale.

That was my thought as well.  The thread title had me thinking he said or did something idiotic, that would be making the rounds in the media.  Like spending $30,000 at a strip club or something.

As a person who is normally hypersensitive to negative imagery, the pic when viewed simultaneously with the question, didn't raise any alarms with me.  

I was actually looking at this at work last night when an older white co-worker came up to me to talk during break.  He saw and read the picture ( tweet ), and his response was . . . "How will the guy know if you're singing the song correctly?"

And you know what?  That's a damn good question.

If it wasn't a well known song that you're singing, how would the person know if you're singing the song right?

Edited by TheNorthCydeRises
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I'm not judging Prince, his character nor his intentions. I don't actually care what he believes or likes or doesn't like.

I'm judging the FACT of what the picture actually shows and I'm sorry if none of you think it's dumb to post that with everything going on in America but it's dumb to me. 2016 was all about BLM and yet here's a picture of a black man with a gun to his head... Okay yeah it's not a big deal based on the old expression of a gun to your head but did he need that picture to get his point across? That's what I'm referring to with calling him an idiot here.

Like it or not he's a role model to young kids and he represents the Hawks organization which has had far more than their share of racially insensitive issues over the past few years. You have to be smart about what you post on social media when you're a professional athlete and this was unnecessary.

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But you have a zoomed in picture of tits on your profile, but no one's using it to judge your character. Smile, laugh, and live a little. 

Hey if there was a tits mattered campaign that was causing rioting across America you can bet I wouldn't be making light of it...

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And I also gotta make sure everyone here knows I'm a huge Prince fan and believe the kid is going to be a star.

Anyway that's all I have to say on the matter. If I'm just an old man yelling at clouds then it's all good I guess we all become to guy at some point.

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