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I hate lebron James.


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3 hours ago, cavsfan said:

coach wanted to sit them out to rest.   they are back monday

Of course. Rise the horses against a good Atlanta team and play lights out (but barely win). Rest VS scrub teams. 

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7 hours ago, volman said:

Of course. Rise the horses against a good Atlanta team and play lights out (but barely win). Rest VS scrub teams. 

always does on 2nd night of back to backs.. i wouldnt  but thats not my decision.  IMO they're paid to play not sit.  so play them.  

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I'm of two minds with Lebron.  

I really respect the following things:

  • His skills and physical talents are among the greatest ever in the game.  He can play and has a natural basketball IQ that only the very greatest have.
  • He has never had any issue off the court.  He doesn't have problems partying, driving drunk, getting caught with a floozy, etc.  Now that can all fall apart as we've seen with others in the past but it is worth respecting all the same as I'll assume its legit unless there is some reason not to do so.

I do not love the following things, though:

  • The calls.  Both on defense and offense he gets a crazy number of calls that would not go to a lesser known player.  Hated this about Jordan as well.
  • The arrogance.  The whole "look at me" chalk routine.  The TV event to announce he is taking a crap on Cleveland.  The whole whine to media routine rather than deal with people face to face.  Ugh.
  • The opportunism.  Takes the easier path to make the game as slanted towards him as possible.  The whole bailing on Cleveland to go team up with two other superstars thing will always stick in my craw.  Don't like it and as soon as they started to get old and Cleveland stacked up more premium lottery picks (and #1s) than anyone else in the league he immediately jumped ship again.  Give me Tim Duncan making things work in SA.
  • The entitlement.  Seems to think that everyone owes him for his greatness.  His GM and Owner have to cater to his whims on the roster and even having the highest $$ roster in the league isn't enough for him.  The fans owed him adulation and he resented when he didn't get enough of it.  The refs owe him calls and he whines when they don't come even when they are completely unwarranted.  Etc. Etc. Etc.

Now I'd love to have a player of his ability in Atlanta and I'll be honest enough that I won't pretend that I wouldn't want Atlanta to sign him.  Heck I would have wanted the Braves to sign a talented fraud like Barry Bonds.  But it doesn't mean I have to like him.  And I don't.

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1 hour ago, AHF said:

I'm of two minds with Lebron.  

I really respect the following things:

  • His skills and physical talents are among the greatest ever in the game.  He can play and has a natural basketball IQ that only the very greatest have.
  • He has never had any issue off the court.  He doesn't have problems partying, driving drunk, getting caught with a floozy, etc.  Now that can all fall apart as we've seen with others in the past but it is worth respecting all the same as I'll assume its legit unless there is some reason not to do so.

I do not love the following things, though:

  • The calls.  Both on defense and offense he gets a crazy number of calls that would not go to a lesser known player.  Hated this about Jordan as well.
  • The arrogance.  The whole "look at me" chalk routine.  The TV event to announce he is taking a crap on Cleveland.  The whole whine to media routine rather than deal with people face to face.  Ugh.
  • The opportunism.  Takes the easier path to make the game as slanted towards him as possible.  The whole bailing on Cleveland to go team up with two other superstars thing will always stick in my craw.  Don't like it and as soon as they started to get old and Cleveland stacked up more premium lottery picks (and #1s) than anyone else in the league he immediately jumped ship again.  Give me Tim Duncan making things work in SA.
  • The entitlement.  Seems to think that everyone owes him for his greatness.  His GM and Owner have to cater to his whims on the roster and even having the highest $$ roster in the league isn't enough for him.  The fans owed him adulation and he resented when he didn't get enough of it.  The refs owe him calls and he whines when they don't come even when they are completely unwarranted.  Etc. Etc. Etc.

Now I'd love to have a player of his ability in Atlanta and I'll be honest enough that I won't pretend that I wouldn't want Atlanta to sign him.  Heck I would have wanted the Braves to sign a talented fraud like Barry Bonds.  But it doesn't mean I have to like him.  And I don't.

i always tell people, I do not like everyone I work with.  I do work with everyone I work with.     LeBron is the same.   I would not be friends with him,  but I would in a heartbeat want him on my team.   as far as his wanting a loaded team?  why wouldn't he?   Westbrook does not have a loaded team,  he is putting up incredible numbers.   come playoff time  as a fan  how does that excite you.. sure he went for 35 12 12 in the playoff games  but lost !    only numbers I want are  NBA title numbers.  anything less is failure...    these guys are PAID to win championships.  

Cleveland lucked out that it has a billionare for an owner who uses the Cavs as a tax write off..  I mean 40 MILLION dollars this team lost last year..  Sold out every home game,  including playoffs  for the season.   Lost 40 Million Dollars...     Gilbert owns the minor league hockey team that won the Calder Cup,  he owns the Arena football team that probably is losing money.    Doesn't seem to phase him..   the Cavs again will lose money this season with that payroll ...      

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My dislike for Lebron is solely based on his basketball personality when he's on the court and talking to the media.

As a person outside of basketball I don't think anyone can question his character.  As @AHF says he doesn't have any legal issues and to expand on @HawkItus he is a good role model for all young kids that watch the NBA and he does a lot for his community.

The Wall is kind of cheesy to me but it does give really good and deserving people the chance to change their lives when he could be just mindlessly spending his money like so many other successful NBA players.

If the Hawks had him I could ignore his basketball behavior for his on-court production.  I'd probably find him annoying as a teammate but I'm sure he would be cool to grab a beer with and chat outside of the limelight.

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I just don't like Lebron cuz he looked like an old ass man at 18 coming out of high school...now I don't like him cuz he's bald. Never trust bald receding hairline muthafuckers. 

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1 hour ago, cavsfan said:

i always tell people, I do not like everyone I work with.  I do work with everyone I work with.     LeBron is the same.   I would not be friends with him,  but I would in a heartbeat want him on my team.   as far as his wanting a loaded team?  why wouldn't he?   Westbrook does not have a loaded team,  he is putting up incredible numbers.   come playoff time  as a fan  how does that excite you.. sure he went for 35 12 12 in the playoff games  but lost !    only numbers I want are  NBA title numbers.  anything less is failure...    these guys are PAID to win championships.  

Cleveland lucked out that it has a billionare for an owner who uses the Cavs as a tax write off..  I mean 40 MILLION dollars this team lost last year..  Sold out every home game,  including playoffs  for the season.   Lost 40 Million Dollars...     Gilbert owns the minor league hockey team that won the Calder Cup,  he owns the Arena football team that probably is losing money.    Doesn't seem to phase him..   the Cavs again will lose money this season with that payroll ...      

Why wouldn't he want a stacked team?  Because maybe he wants to prove his greatness by winning a championship without artificially getting that kind of team through collusion and opportunism.  

LeBron would be thrilled to beat a bunch of grade school kids if he could get the table tilted that heavily in his favor.  He will abandon his hometown team and did.  He circumvented the rules to recruit players that were then under contract with other teams to try to stack the deck in his favor and would have signed anywhere in the country as long as he had two guys who would make winning titles easy.  The fact that he could do it in a warm weather, roids factory like Miami didn't hurt but he didn't come for the atmosphere.  

Then as these guys who he recruited to ease his path to a ring and asked to take second and third seats on his glory train started getting older and the challenge factor was going to increase he abandoned them.  Think he would have returned "home" if there hadn't been a bunch of #1 picks?  Hell no.  He went because they had so many #1s that he was sure he would be paired with Kyrie and another big star at the time in Love and still have plenty of other talent on the roster since they had other picks and his owner promised he would spend through the roof.  As you said, they are losing huge dollars solely because their payroll is crazy and he is still complaining that the team isn't stacked enough in his favor.

I'm free to call all that out as evidence of bad character that I do not want other guys to emulate and I'm free to hate that kind of mentality as a fan.  Think of how much it would suck if all stars adopted that attitude just jumping to the star stacked team that makes their work the easiest instead of trying to build something.  Think I still respect Durant anymore?  Similar to LeBron I do as a player but not as a competitor anymore.

I get why you can stomach it as a Cleveland fan.  I'm not a Cleveland fan so it is just more reason to dislike him from my end.

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50 minutes ago, AUhawksfan said:

My dislike for Lebron is solely based on his basketball personality when he's on the court and talking to the media.

As a person outside of basketball I don't think anyone can question his character.  As @AHF says he doesn't have any legal issues and to expand on @HawkItus he is a good role model for all young kids that watch the NBA and he does a lot for his community.

The Wall is kind of cheesy to me but it does give really good and deserving people the chance to change their lives when he could be just mindlessly spending his money like so many other successful NBA players.

If the Hawks had him I could ignore his basketball behavior for his on-court production.  I'd probably find him annoying as a teammate but I'm sure he would be cool to grab a beer with and chat outside of the limelight.

I know you don't see the Cleveland media.. but this guy has a microphone stuck in his face after every single practice..   answer the same questions day in day out.   then he has dip shits like Charles barkley always questioning him, or skip bayless..  

as long as he respects his teammates and his team..  he's what I want..  and he shares the basketball probably more than he should..  but he's done that since high school..  

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1 minute ago, macdaddy said:

I"ll keep saying it.  Seems obvious to me but teams in the luxury tax shouldn't be allowed to sign mid season free agents at all.   

Smh...I'm sorry there are some loopholes in the collective bargaining agreement. They need to get this straight. There's no parody in the league when you have teams like the Warriors and Cavs doing whatever the hell they want. The NBA is a money making whore. They gave me a lil taste when I was 7 years old and got me hooked. Now I feel like I can't get away. It's kinda like those Scientology people. 

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The NBA  made a crap load of money the past two years off the  Warriros vs Cavaliers finals...   they would not make that same money off the  Spurs vs  Celtics finals .    Its a money hungry business,  and they're not going to stand in the way of it.. Not when it benefits them..    Otherwise why would the allow the Cavaliers to lose 40 million dollars, and do the exact same thing this year??    Im not saying it is right,   but TV billion dollar sponsorship  wants  it.   so the NBA  doesn't want to cause heart ache in that relationship...   After this year  those guys the Cavs signed for the remainder of the season will be gone (likely) and they will have money from their depature to steal more players.    But there is something wrong with this picture when a backup player (Mozgov) can leave the Cavs and get 32 million a year from the Lakers?  seriously???  


But ask yourself this... if Atlanta's owner said  match what those teams are doing,  bring me in a super-mega- team   you'd be all onboard with it...  

tickets are still very affordable here.  I paid $120 to sit 5 rows from the floor to see the Cavs Bulls game. 

the Cavs owner doesn't care ,  he's more worried about his sky scrapers he is building in Detroit and their new arena  then how much money he loses in Cleveland's team...


34 minutes ago, AHF said:


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31 minutes ago, AHF said:

Think I still respect Durant anymore?  Similar to LeBron I do as a player but not as a competitor anymore.

I get why you can stomach it as a Cleveland fan.  I'm not a Cleveland fan so it is just more reason to dislike him from my end.

I don't completely disagree but I do get why Durant left.  I wouldn't want to play with Westbrook either.

It's good to want to build something with the team that drafted you to a fault.  If you don't see an opportunity in your future to win it all though why would you stay?  To get people to say you're a "good guy" for staying?  That's more important than a chance to play for a championship?

At the same time, there are plenty of teams and GMs that don't show loyalty around the league.  Goes both ways.  It's a job just like any and I've left plenty of jobs for something better.  I've also been let go being loyal before.

More than anything I blame Lebron and the league as a whole for making it easier to stack teams up like this and creating that culture.  I think Durant is just the product of something that has been happening for years now.  Players that want a chip see that as there best chance to compete for one - it's a purely numbers game once you look at how often Lebron and some of these other teams like the Warriors have gotten to the Finals.

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14 minutes ago, cavsfan said:

The NBA  made a crap load of money the past two years off the  Warriros vs Cavaliers finals...   they would not make that same money off the  Spurs vs  Celtics finals .    Its a money hungry business,  and they're not going to stand in the way of it.. Not when it benefits them..    Otherwise why would the allow the Cavaliers to lose 40 million dollars, and do the exact same thing this year??    Im not saying it is right,   but TV billion dollar sponsorship  wants  it.   so the NBA  doesn't want to cause heart ache in that relationship...   After this year  those guys the Cavs signed for the remainder of the season will be gone (likely) and they will have money from their depature to steal more players.    But there is something wrong with this picture when a backup player (Mozgov) can leave the Cavs and get 32 million a year from the Lakers?  seriously???  


But ask yourself this... if Atlanta's owner said  match what those teams are doing,  bring me in a super-mega- team   you'd be all onboard with it...  

tickets are still very affordable here.  I paid $120 to sit 5 rows from the floor to see the Cavs Bulls game. 

the Cavs owner doesn't care ,  he's more worried about his sky scrapers he is building in Detroit and their new arena  then how much money he loses in Cleveland's team...


It's hard to believe that any of these owners are losing money other than on paper somewhere.   I don't all the revenue associated with owning a team is really reported when they say how much they make.

But anyway.   Yes the Cavs, GS finals is going to be the big money maker but i think it's short sighted to continue to to promote certain teams over true parity.  How much more revenue would be realized by the league as a whole if 2 or 3 teams weren't dominating the competition and there were 8-10 teams that felt like they had a title shot instead of just 2 or 3. 

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