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Barkley admits he was wrong . . . then doubles down


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He says that he was wrong for saying that the Hawks would not make the playoffs.  

Then he says that the Washington Wizards will not only "beat us like a dog" ( subliminal Mike Vick reference, in my opinion ) . . . but that the Wizards will also reach the Eastern Conference Finals

LOL . . . Charles will never change, even though he's in the city all the time . . . probably his making the rounds at Cheetah.


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1 minute ago, TheNorthCydeRises said:

He says that he was wrong for saying that the Hawks would not make the playoffs.  

Then he says that the Washington Wizards will not only "beat us like a dog" ( subliminal Mike Vick reference, in my opinion ) . . . but that the Wizards will also reach the Eastern Conference Finals

LOL . . . Charles will never change, even though he's in the city all the time . . . probably his making the rounds at Cheetah.




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Just to clarify and in particular for the Milk Dud Head and his apparent fans whether they admit it or not there were only ten teams with better records than us this season. Remember there are thirty teams in the league. Barkley was more than a smidgen off. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Love the Hawks Twitter....hahaha

Before the Hawks-Wizards series, Barkley admitted that his preseason prediction that the Hawks would miss the playoffs was wrong, but he then added that the Wizards would beat the Hawks “like dogs” in a sweep. That, too, would prove incorrect. The Hawks are here to remind us about just that.

That editing at the end made for some excellent trolling. Nicely done, Hawks.

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