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Calderon... Looks like a chimp with that beard


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Seriously someone has to have told him that between his emaciated looking face, way too much beard for his head and those ears that he looks just like a chimpanzee.


But damn I'm proud to have that weird looking bastard on our team as without him we'd be doomed for sure. I wish his and Baze's passing vision would rub off on Dennis as that's probably the one thing that will keep him from being an elite PG.


Now just imagine that Calderon and Boban had a baby and that baby mated with Eric Stoltz from Mask and that ugly bastard mated with Charlize Theron in that one movie where she's actually not insanely hot and that fugly kid would be well on his way to looking like@kg01!



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community OMG

You said he looks like a what?  Hold on Nzinga, I got this one.

Dolf, let's stick with the 'plucked chicken' comparison for (no way)Jose.  And if anyone's kid comes out looking like kg, first thank your lucky stars, then check yo' gf.  It's not my fault.

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I agree with your post but give Jose a break on the beard.   I think he probably shaves every morning and gametime that's what it looks like:



Jose and Ersan were huge additions.   Let's hope it gets us a ticket to the next round. 

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41 minutes ago, kg01 said:

And if anyone's kid comes out looking like kg, first thank your lucky stars, then check yo' gf.  It's not my fault.

Please don't let @kg01 sleep with your girlfriend. She's gonna leave him with wobbly legs for the second time this week. 

1 hour ago, Dolfan23 said:

But damn I'm proud to have that weird looking bastard on our team

Lmao. I love it when mods let go and get loose.

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26 minutes ago, hazer said:

I was thinking the same damn thing. Monkey Boy from SNL...


23 minutes ago, kg01 said:

Yeah, the mod that's usually around is kind of a douc .... oh I didn't see you there @AHF


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@Dolfan23 It's funny you mentioned the monkey reference but did you see the dance he did when Dennis sealed the win with that 3 that bounced in? That was hilarious...I'm actually imitating it as we speak...it was basically like Will Ferrell here only standing up and more animated.


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20 minutes ago, macdaddy said:

Actually Baze has been the one guy all year who seems to have the ability (or desire) to get the ball to Dwight where he can do something with it.  

He did have those two oops upside Gortat's head dunk feeds to Dwight. 

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1 hour ago, Spud2Nique said:

Baze has passing vision? That's awesome can't wait to see it...

7 assists not good enough for you?  Especially when our starting PG had 1 assist?   As MacDaddy said, Baze is the only one who consistently gets the ball to Dwight when he's in a position to score.

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3 minutes ago, Watchman said:

7 assists not good enough for you?  Especially when our starting PG had 1 assist?   As MacDaddy said, Baze is the only one who consistently gets the ball to Dwight when he's in a position to score.

That is true regarding the Baze/Dwight combo but you never know if the pass will get there though. Whenever Baze drives I cover my eyes and peek thru my fingers.

Thing is, I think teams guard the Dennis/Dwight Lob more tightly. Teams guarding Jose tend to forget he was pretty good in his younger days. Every now and then he can drive by his defender for a layup.

There was a time(4 years ago) when someone said that Teague had no vision and you couldn't develop it - I disagreed. (That same person wanted to bench Teague and start rookie Dennis, smh - good times). Dennis will get better.

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55 minutes ago, Spud2Nique said:

@Dolfan23 It's funny you mentioned the monkey reference but did you see the dance he did when Dennis sealed the win with that 3 that bounced in? That was hilarious...I'm actually imitating it as we speak...it was basically like Will Ferrell here only standing up and more animated.


Thas skrong, Spud2.  Real skrong.  The camera caught every blessed minute of his lil' dance and it was glorious.

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29 minutes ago, JayBirdHawk said:

That is true regarding the Baze/Dwight combo but you never know if the pass will get there though. Whenever Baze drives I cover my eyes and peek thru my fingers.

Thing is, I think teams guard the Dennis/Dwight Lob more tightly. Teams guarding Jose tend to forget he was pretty good in his younger days. Every now and then he can drive by his defender for a layup.

There was a time(4 years ago) when someone said that Teague had no vision and you couldn't develop it - I disagreed. (That same person wanted to bench Teague and start rookie Dennis, smh - good times). Dennis will get better.

didn't Billy Knight try to trade Childress for Calderon back in the day?   Before we even had Bibby.   That would have been fun. 

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