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Schlenk's Press Conference This Morning


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19 minutes ago, sturt said:

There is no magic button here. And I'm not sure what other options to you would suggest the opposite... what, they should be trying to promote from within?... they should be hiring from more successful franchises (and if so, which)?... they should be trying to hire from less successful franchises?... they should be interviewing the most astute Hawksquawk posters and making a hire from here?

Unless you embrace that last one as I do... ;)...I have no idea where you're going with that premise

My point is: they need to decide who they are.

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The presser was encouraging, but as others have noted some strange things as well.  I was very discouraged when Ressler started talking about being the ultimate voice AND taking charge of the Millsap negotiations. Hopefully, now that he hired Schlenk we have an independent thinker who has the freedom to mold the roster the way he thinks it needs to be. What I especially like is the accumulation of assets mantra. This is the Boston method that has worked for a championship, and got them to the 3rd round of the playoffs this year. 

However, this was a press conference. With the Hawks, unfortunately, I've learned to wait to see what the actions are before I get too excited. Hopefully, this works out better this time than in the past and we get an exciting, well built team in the next several years. Championship will be gravy, but for now I would be happy with a team that plays great, consistent, winning, team ball. 

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10 minutes ago, StrayDogThaGawd said:

My point is: they need to decide who they are.

From this, I take it that GSW and SA philosophies are substantively different, then? I'm listening. How so.

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We, the Hawk fans love to make something out of nothing, don't we.  Having people there for the press conference led us to believe - - - What?  So many things we could think of.

All I know is what is posted here.  Some things I really like and some I can let go and not worry about them any more.  All of us have to think, "Who will be here, come next season?"

My thoughts:

Some team will believe Millsap is the one piece that they need to go from good to great and will come up with the $$$ and the hot air to make him an offer he can't refuse.  Hawks will not try to match, overcome the offer.

Millsap is good.  In fact, he's very, very good.  Our problem is, Hawks don't expect to make the finals next season and are going to be building and hoping to find useable parts in the next few drafts.  Also, Atlanta will be looking for up and coming, talented players who are available to trade for or sign as free agents.

This is not going to happen overnight.  Building will take time. 

Last season's Hawks were bad.  Some of it was trying to fit a round peg into a square hole.  This was, in part, the fault of Bud.  He loves all his players and will stand up for them.  He had too many jobs and too much pressure.  Also, some of his great assistants have moved on and this hurts.

This old man wishes we could go forward right now and come up with the championship team next season but that is very improbable.  Time catches up with us all.  How well I know this.

If we're not that championship team immediately that everyone wants, I hope that we end up with a young, energetic and talented team, with the emphasis on team, that is very entertaining and one that every other NBA team dreads to see coming up on their schedule.



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5 minutes ago, sturt said:

From this, I take it that GSW and SA philosophies are substantively different, then? I'm listening. How so.

Yeeeaah, didn't come here for a debate.  The bottom line is, they've had a formula based on other successful teams before that didn't turn into championships.  If it works, it works, but so far, no good.  Catch you later, playboy.

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@Gray Mule I'm not sure how much to read between your lines, but be assured, I'm with you on almost all of that.

Then, to be even more explicit, like you I believe, I'm a subscriber to the ideal that Schlenk put forward with regard to his working relationship with Bud. I am a believer that Schlenk wants that, with 100% sincerity on his part.

So, nothing about the circumstances calls into question Schlenk's feeling toward Bud.

Then again... practically everything about the circumstances calls into question (a) Ressler's feeling toward Bud at this point... (b) Bud's feeling toward Ressler at this point... and yes, (c), Bud's feeling toward Schlenk.

Not sure how many ways there is to say this, but I'm now on #17 I think... It was indisputably within Ressler's power to schedule that presser at a time when Bud could have been there. And he chose not to do that.

Was that Ressler's choice, was that Bud's choice, or a mutual decision? Can't know. But someone made the choice, and if we believe that choices are made for reasons, then there was some reason it was thought best not to schedule it when Bud could be there.

So, the peace, love and harmony that I'd love to think is already poured into the foundation as the Colonel starts to build what he's going to build is, at minimum, uncertain and dubious and suspect. Not what any of us want to hear/think/perceive, but 2+2 does equal 4.

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12 minutes ago, StrayDogThaGawd said:

Yeeeaah, didn't come here for a debate.  The bottom line is, they've had a formula based on other successful teams before that didn't turn into championships.  If it works, it works, but so far, no good.  Catch you later, playboy.

You're new around here, and I know as well as anyone knows how prickly almost every other sports team forum is out there, so this is probably new territory for you, Stray...

That is, for a long time now, this site has enjoyed a culture that encourages spirited debate, but not at the expense of insulting individuals' intelligence. When someone takes an actual shot at someone here, it's almost always done in a spirit of humor and prepared for return fire. So, optimists and pessimists and conservatives and liberals and religious and atheists... we somehow get along and even tend to find a way to enjoy each other's input, whether we agree or disagree.

So, all of that to say, I meant no disrespect in any personal way. I was not persuaded by your assertion, but I was sincerely interested to get you to elaborate in case there is/was something I'm missing.



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19 minutes ago, sturt said:

You're new around here, and I know as well as anyone knows how prickly almost every other sports team forum is out there, so this is probably new territory for you, Stray...

That is, for a long time now, this site has enjoyed a culture that encourages spirited debate, but not at the expense of insulting individuals' intelligence. When someone takes an actual shot at someone here, it's almost always done in a spirit of humor and prepared for return fire. So, optimists and pessimists and conservatives and liberals and religious and atheists... we somehow get along and even tend to find a way to enjoy each other's input, whether we agree or disagree.

So, all of that to say, I meant no disrespect in any personal way. I was not persuaded by your assertion, but I was sincerely interested to get you to elaborate in case there is/was something I'm missing.

Fair enough, but the fact that changing the blueprint over the years hasn't yielded even a Finals appearance speaks for itself.  Maybe that'll change, maybe it won't.

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Get the feeling Tim and Baze will both be here and Sap is not really a possibility with that scenario. Like everyone says, love the guy but... got to start building going forward and at least for one year think Schlenk hangs onto Dwight, Tim and Baze or at the very least to the trade deadline in Feb. Not saying thats right or wrong but really what kind of quality offer is going to come around? Don't see it and even though many of us just want the Baze contract gone am not thinking that trigger will be pulled this offseason. Hope I'm wrong but...   

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2 hours ago, Peoriabird said:

I imagine a lot of posters are going to have a problem with  our new GM.

From that presser: "Not I said the Little Red Hen". Like his comments. Getting a little to long in the tooth myself to deal with what Philly has gone through lately. Even if I wasn't just don't want to deal with hoping of staying within single digits in a probable loss every game played. Little satisfaction there. 

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Blah blah blah, reading between lines blah blah blah.....that gives me a headache.

I'll just wait and see what he DOES in his first offseason rather than speculate and read between imaginary lines.

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Just now, JayBirdHawk said:

Blah blah blah, reading between lines blah blah blah.....that gives me a headache.

I'll just wait and see what he DOES in his first offseason rather than speculate and read between imaginary lines.

I'm gonna ride shotgun with this!

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6 minutes ago, Dnice said:

Missed all the hype this morning, I can review still but missed the commotion live.

They said they were going to replay it...not sure when cuz I just downloaded the app this morning. 

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1 hour ago, JayBirdHawk said:

Blah blah blah, reading between lines blah blah blah.....that gives me a headache.

I'll just wait and see what he DOES in his first offseason rather than speculate and read between imaginary lines.

By "him," I guess you mean Schlenk, but as explained in the blah blah blah part, it's not really about him per se... rather, it's about Bud and it's about Ressler.

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