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Our fan base isn't strong enough for us to tank!!


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I keep hearing cries on here about tanking but even when we have had  "good teams" attendance was not good. If these guys tank for 2-3 years there might not be any fans left. That is a luxury the Atlanta Hawks don't have.  That is probably why tanking has never been an option because those fans may never come back. 

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4 minutes ago, Wurider05 said:

I keep hearing cries on here about tanking but even when we have had  "good teams" attendance was not good. If these guys tank for 2-3 years there might not be any fans left. That is a luxury the Atlanta Hawks don't have.  That is probably why tanking has never been an option because those fans may never come back. 

We are past the point of choosing. Howard being traded, and Sap leaving makes losing a done deal.

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Atlanta will get behind a team for two reasons:

1. It's a championship contender and the team is competing at a high level

2. There's a star player that connects to the city (Ex. Mike Vick) 

outside of those two things happening idk if I could see the city supporting a loser like teams with richer basketball histories do. 

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18 minutes ago, Flight said:

Atlanta will get behind a team for two reasons:

1. It's a championship contender and the team is competing at a high level

2. There's a star player that connects to the city (Ex. Mike Vick) 

outside of those two things happening idk if I could see the city supporting a loser like teams with richer basketball histories do. 

I've been saying this for over a decade on this forum. We have a glutton of entertainment and sporting options to choose from. This isn't a one-horse town like Portland or Salt Lake City who will come out no matter what. You'd better win, have a star player, or get used to seeing a bunch of empty seats. We don't take losing too well down here, too many other things to do...

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3 minutes ago, KB21 said:

He's the next "Next LeBron James".  Same crap was said about Andrew Wiggins, who is more the next Jamal Crawford than LeBron James.

I said 'who' for a reason. I'll wait until he gets to the league before taking the hype workshop seriously...

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Hawks are a 27-to-32 win team this season, they'll get their lottery pick. This team will be playing exciting, young, uptempo ball which is great entertainment. But will eventually need to snag that star via trade/FAcy. You can play good basketball with character guys all you want, this town thrives on flash. Pair a flashy star with a sound, solid, character team and you'll have your sellouts. This is still 3 years away...

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I don't know if Zion Williamson is another hoop mixtape star (think: Seventh Woods) but yeah a player like that I could see the city getting behind. Flashy arrogant athleticism sells as I saw someone else put it.


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I want a championship, but most importantly I want to start the season thinking we can somehow win one. I enjoy the seasons where we win 50, seem close to being relevant. 42 win seasons with first round exits aren't acceptable and if that is our current ceiling we have to find a way to rebuild. Whether it is the draft or capspace, we have to accept it must happen. The fans that showed up for last season will still show up when we are relevant again (and more will too).

I don't want to tank, but we have to take a step back to get better.

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Our fan base will be around once we start winning again. And it is fair weather fans for most sports in Atlanta.

I can remember back in the late 70s being able to buy a nose bleed ticket on a Saturday, walk down to about the 20th row, and watch Phil Neikro pitch. Then came the 90s and the young guns and you could not buy a weekend seat.

If you truly want consistent sell outs in Atlanta, you have to have a near great team like when we had Dominique. It is the only way to pack it in.

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