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The problem with the Hawks.


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Jason Terry can't defend anybody. Last night, Gill, Heinrich, Robinson even Bronsus had their way with JT.

Reef doesn't show up until the end of the half and the end of the game.

Theo doesn't rebound well. All he does is blocks shots.

Jackson can't dribble and he takes too many shots.

Glover can't dribble, pass, and he takes too many shots.

NO Bench.

Diaw can't shoot to save lives.

CC has no business on the floor.

That's about the whole of it. We have many problems and when you put them all together, we stink. I would like to think that trading for a few role players would change things... Mainly, a ball handler. Terry acts like a little female dog every time a press comes around. I mean, [censored], he defers to a rookie from france when he sees token pressure. Second.. We need more rebounding. With Jax and Theo on the floor at the same time, our rebounding sucks. Teams know that if they get Physical, they will get 2nd and 3rd chances on their shots.

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Diesel Diesel Diesel. Some of what you said is true but I take issue with the following :

JT can defend somebody...Andre Miller

Glover also misses too many shots

I have no idea if Diaw can shoot or not.

Our bench does a good job with high fives and feigned enthusiasm.

Seriously though Reef is good.

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You just said: "Gill, Heinrich, Robinson even Bronsus had their way with JT. "

I watched the game but I don't remember JT guarding Gill or Robinson for any length of time..but how do u expect JT to guard SFs anyway. Henrich had a horrible game and Brunson actually didn't play badly ...he hit a couple jumpers.

I know JT is no defensive guru but his defense has been better lately...besides the backdoor to Henrich last night he played ok D.

"Reef doesn't show up until the end of the half and the end of the game. "

I remember when people were complaining about Reef not showing up at the end of games...now you are complaining that he does.....lol

Jackson has decent handles.

Boris just needs to shoot...he hesitates and thinks too much ...but his jump shot looks mechanically strong.

Dion thinks he is the microwave

CC should play more...we need someone to come in an knock the helll out of people and play with energy and just be a nuisance on the floor.

We do need to rebound better...but I think Terry needs to play Nazr and Theo more together.. he has been doing that of late.

We are not a good team by any means...but at least they have been playing like they care about something....lately.

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"Reef doesn't show up until the end of the half and the end of the game. "

I remember when people were complaining about Reef not showing up at the end of games...now you are complaining that he does.....lol

---I was thinking the same thing. everyone here bitching that SAR gets us to the 4th but then disappeared...last night he's absent in points (though had ten boards with ten to go in the 4th) and then started pouring in the points...finishing the game...and still D complains.

SJax has "decent" handles for a sf that plays above the rim and rarely slashes...unfortunately, that's not his game. He plays more like a swing, thus his handles are suspect.

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Just the facts man.

Last night, JT didn't play good defense. Chicago looked to switch off on JT everytime he was on the court. Gill had many open (wide open) looks on the switch. If Dupree were more confident, he could have scored 23 points on the switch. I know that Stotts is trying to deal with the problem... That's why many times you would see us switch from a man to a 2-3 zone to a Press in some instances. Still, teams knew how to get past Terry. IN fact, a lot of our fouling situations, came from whoever Terry was guarding blowing right past him. On the play where Diaw got that awesome block... What really had happened was everybody shifted trying to defend JT's man, that left Fizer (I believe) wide open on the baseline. The only good news is that Diaw was able to meet him at the goal and block his dunk. However, that took place all night. Jax and Theo trying to cover for JT.

About Reef, I love the fact that Reef takes over at the end... What I don't like is the fact that he was like 4 of 17 until the end. Reef is a mystery... When the game is on the line, he plays with so much poise it's like perfection. However, during the course of the game, I'm scratching my head saying... Who is this guy.

I don't know what's up with Boris. Him getting blocked was his own fault. He's timid around the goal. He's better on putbacks. Still, the fact that he won't shoot makes him a liability. Also, last night we found a player that Diaw can't clamp... Gill. Gill was able to get his shot off on Diaw and to move around Diaw and to switch over to JT for easy buckets. I was glad when Gill was off the floor.

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One thing about Reef...The few times he was matched up

he couldn't even guard a 38 year old Scottie Pippen. But

I saw a few parts of the game late and he seemed to play

well. Stephen Jackson is another story...He scored alot of

points, but he made bad fouls and bad turnovers again and

again....He does more to hurt your team than help it.

Nothing personal Diesel, but most of the stuff you said I

figured out along time ago and alot of other people did

aswell. How JT was DOY in college is beyond me...However,

the team does seem to be playing better.

I dunno how many games the team is back of 8th seed...

but these wins probably does nothing to help the teams

future as it could have a big effect on their lotto pick.

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JT has not been a good defender in the past, but he has performed better as of late.

He looked sloppy again last night though. On one-on-one matchups he didn't do his patented olay defense.... but he didn't switch well and e overplayed the pass a couple times. Overall --- I like his effort.

Reef was nowhere near 4-17. If he was that is quite impressive that he ended up 9-18. Reef normally scores a ton during the course of a game and then chips in 6 in the final period. I don't know where you got this thought? If anything, Reef has a tendency to fade in the fourth.

Diaw not clamping down on Gill is not an indication of Gill, but rather an off-night by Diaw. Remember, sometimes even the good ones get lit-up.... Reef vs. Wallace.


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