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It is amazing that you guys don't see the lame duckness of Bud?  We have turned the team over to an ISO PG... Iso play was not something that Bud believed in or preached as he came in.  He preached and believed in ball movement and scoring from any position.   We don't have that now.  We have moved back to dribble, dribbble, dribble, dribble, Shoot.

Haven't you learned ANYTHING from being a Hawks fan?  Do you really think that IsoSchro is going to change from being what he is??  Did you miss all the years of fans pleading with Smoove to not shoot the boneheaded shots?  It happened that way because Woody was willing to take the boneheaded shots as long as he got the good rebounding and defense.   Well, when it became important for Smoove to stop shooting the boneheaded shots... he wouldn't.   Well, Schro has been allowed to be the new Joe Johnson as for as Isolations are concerned.  IN fact, he came here and has never played the offense the way that Bud wanted him to.  Well, do you guys think that there's going to be a switch that Bud can throw that will change Schro into a Bud Offense running PG?  Schro knows that he's the only option.  What will we do, bench him in favor of Delaney?  So there you have it.. Bud is a lame Duck and Bud knows it.   Note the reactions this past summer... How many moves took Bud by surprise?

Lame Duck...


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I'll need to see more before I buy the idea that Bud is a lame duck coach. 

Imo, Bud is one of the five best coaches in the league today.  Not many coaches are taking that 2014-2015 roster to 60 wins the way he did.  Although he failed at directing player personnel, those in the organization have not forgotten how good he is at coaching and that includes, ownership, Koonin and Schlenk.  He's now playing more of a teaching role to a bunch of young guys who don't really know how to play yet and for a few guys who probably shouldn't be in the NBA.  As a result, their losing games.  So, patience is required while they try to build.  The real question is how long does Bud remain patient thru this process?  If anything, I could see Bud deciding to leave (not saying he will) when his contract is up rather than being fired.

Firing Bud only to replace him with an inferior coach sets them back further and they know it.  No coach is winning games with the roster they have.

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57 minutes ago, Diesel said:

It is amazing that you guys don't see the lame duckness of Bud?  We have turned the team over to an ISO PG... Iso play was not something that Bud believed in or preached as he came in.  He preached and believed in ball movement and scoring from any position.   We don't have that now.  We have moved back to dribble, dribbble, dribble, dribble, Shoot.

Haven't you learned ANYTHING from being a Hawks fan?  Do you really think that IsoSchro is going to change from being what he is??  Did you miss all the years of fans pleading with Smoove to not shoot the boneheaded shots?  It happened that way because Woody was willing to take the boneheaded shots as long as he got the good rebounding and defense.   Well, when it became important for Smoove to stop shooting the boneheaded shots... he wouldn't.   Well, Schro has been allowed to be the new Joe Johnson as for as Isolations are concerned.  IN fact, he came here and has never played the offense the way that Bud wanted him to.  Well, do you guys think that there's going to be a switch that Bud can throw that will change Schro into a Bud Offense running PG?  Schro knows that he's the only option.  What will we do, bench him in favor of Delaney?  So there you have it.. Bud is a lame Duck and Bud knows it.   Note the reactions this past summer... How many moves took Bud by surprise?

Lame Duck...



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11 minutes ago, Jody23 said:

I'll need to see more before I buy the idea that Bud is a lame duck coach. 

Imo, Bud is one of the five best coaches in the league today.  Not many coaches are taking that 2014-2015 roster to 60 wins the way he did.  Although he failed at directing player personnel, those in the organization have not forgotten how good he is at coaching and that includes, ownership, Koonin and Schlenk.  He's now playing more of a teaching role to a bunch of young guys who don't really know how to play yet and for a few guys who probably shouldn't be in the NBA.  As a result, their losing games.  So, patience is required while they try to build.  The real question is how long does Bud remain patient thru this process?  If anything, I could see Bud deciding to leave (not saying he will) when his contract is up rather than being fired.

Firing Bud only to replace him with an inferior coach sets them back further and they know it.  No coach is winning games with the roster they have.

It sounds good, however,  His muse was Al Horford.  His second muse was Paul Millsap.   That's how he won those 60...  He has been relieved of his GMing position (and rightly so) and have seen a new GM come in and get rid of everything that he has ever built and put him on the tank team.   No Former Coach of the Year wants to be the coach of a team that's tanking.  Danny Ainge gave Brad Stevens more respect than that.

I'm willing to bet that Bud is on the phone every other day talking to Popp asking him when will he be calling it.   If Popp were to retire as HC of the Spurs, I can guarantee you that Bud would be a candidate to replace him.. and which would you rather have... a team that has given up on your system or a team that built a dynasty with the system that you created?


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8 minutes ago, GThawks3 said:

So again Schröder is one of the most EFFICIENT iso players in the league. How does that compare to Smoove who was an INEFFICIENT shooter?

Really glad you’re not the GM Diesel. We wouldn’t sniff the playoffs for 10+ years with these ridiculous propositions.

Yeah.. If I were GM, I would give Bud a team that he could win with instead of this showcase of Retro Joe Johnson ball. 

Schröder is efficient at Isoball... and not in the top ten in transition scoring.. you know why??  He never looks for anybody on the break. 

Last year with slow Dwight and Old man Paul, we were putting up 12 ppg in transition.  Right now, with all this year, our fastbreak points is down to 9.4 ppg.   


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28 minutes ago, Jody23 said:

It doesn't just "sound good", it's the truth.  Horford and Millsap are really good players, but the main component of that 60 win team was Bud.  How many 60 win teams did Horford and/or Millsap serve as the lead guy on before Bud?  How many All Star appearances did Millsap have before Bud?  How many All Star appearances did Korver and Teague have before Bud?  You think DMC and Bazemore are in positions to get those big contracts without Bud and his staff?  The answers to all of those questions are zero and no.

Again, Bud took a Hawks team to a place where no Hawk team had ever been and where that teamprobably had no business being.  You can just look at the amazement from the sports world at the time and clearly see that.  The players recognized it and the organization does too.

And this is not the case, but if Schröder's play was some kind of impediment to Bud staying, Schröder would be gone.


Bux indeed was the chef.... but he had the right ingredients.   Schlenk has gone over Bud's ingredient list and got rid of everything and gave him cheaper ingredients and said... cook with this.


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Let's also be real about that team.  They were legendary for a month or two and 'good but not great' at all other times.  Even if we kept all the "ingredients" together, I think the 60 win pace would not have been sustainable as it was driven by the exceptional streak.

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40 minutes ago, Diesel said:

Bux indeed was the chef.... but he had the right ingredients.   Schlenk has gone over Bud's ingredient list and got rid of everything and gave him cheaper ingredients and said... cook with this.


Bud took those ingredients and produced the best gourmet dish possible with those ingredients.  Most other coaches would have given you a grilled cheese sandwich or peanut butter and jelly.  Yes, Schlenk was given authorization to take away those ingredients because his intent is to eventually provide the named brand ingredients and instead of just generic.  Nothing wrong with generic, but ownership eventually wants something better.  Time will tell if Schlenk can deliver.

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