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I know this is taboo, but does anyone else look at Lebron's face, neck and bulging shoulders and just see Sammy Sosa.  I've never seen a basketball player look so roided up without it being true. Am I alone here or does his shoulders through face just scream steroids.

Lebron 2003 vs Lebron 2018

Image result for Lebron age 24Image result for Lebron age 24 I mean that neck just screams roid freak.

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Roids don't really help you basketball. This is a game of skill, not brute strength. Kevin Durant couldn't lift 185 lbs at the combine even one time, yet he's one the best players in the world. In fact, being too bulked up can actually be a negative sometimes because it can decrease flexibility.

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Lebron being 18 coming into the league it's hard to judge.   But there have been some really suspicious things.  Like a couple years ago when he got all skinny, played like total crap, then took 3 weeks off in Miami and returned 10 pounds heavier and started playing great again. 

Roids are not only about building strength.   They help you recover faster from injury and they help you train much longer than you normally could.   So your endurance goes through the roof and the amount of practice you can get in without wearing down increases a lot.   So basically your 32 but workout and feel like your 22.   Sound familiar?   

I really don't know though.  I just don't like the guy as a player. 

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2 hours ago, macdaddy said:

Lebron being 18 coming into the league it's hard to judge.   But there have been some really suspicious things.  Like a couple years ago when he got all skinny, played like total crap, then took 3 weeks off in Miami and returned 10 pounds heavier and started playing great again. 

Roids are not only about building strength.   They help you recover faster from injury and they help you train much longer than you normally could.   So your endurance goes through the roof and the amount of practice you can get in without wearing down increases a lot.   So basically your 32 but workout and feel like your 22.   Sound familiar?   

I really don't know though.  I just don't like the guy as a player. 

....and you can bet the league will turn a blind eye to anything suspicious about LeBron as well.

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1 hour ago, KB21 said:

....and you can bet the league will turn a blind eye to anything suspicious about LeBron as well.

Great point.   And it's pretty well documented that the system used for testing for PEDs in the NBA is easily manipulated.   At least is was a few years ago and I haven't heard of any changes.   

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I just watched his performance and it isn't the standard "aging player gets crafty" type of thing....he's gotten stronger, more durable, bigger, faster, explosive on dunks, blocks, etc.  Dude played all 48 minutes and was just as strong minuter 48 as 1.


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At this point, I need proof he’s NOT on roids, HGH or some type of banned performance enhancer.  He’s been increasingly bigger, faster, stronger with never missing significant time for any injury and no sign of slowing/ wearing down despite max minutes.

The physique, head growth,  hairline, personality and behavior remind me of another athlete the world used to be in awe of: Barry Bonds. MLB is still recovering; the NBA will never test LBJ.  Oh, and sitting out the olympics for “rest” where you know there’s testing?! 

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2 hours ago, thecampster said:

I just watched his performance and it isn't the standard "aging player gets crafty" type of thing....he's gotten stronger, more durable, bigger, faster, explosive on dunks, blocks, etc.  Dude played all 48 minutes and was just as strong minuter 48 as 1.


It's a great point.  I'm not sure there is another example from the NBA.   Vince Carter has had longevity but hasn't been  starter in forever.   Lebron can't be the only one seriously working out.  It is very suspicious.

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Also the mileage.  No one has played more nba games than Lebron in the last 15 years.  Straight out of high school.  The belief used to be that mileage meant as much as years.  Here is George Karl's take on roids in general (not specific to Lebron).



We’ve got a more thorough drug-testing program than the NFL or MLB, which we always brag about. But we’ve still got a drug issue, though a different one than thirty years ago. And this one bothers me more than the dumbasses who got in trouble with recreational drugs.

I’m talking about performance-enhancing drugs—like steroids, human growth hormone, and so on. It’s obvious some of our players are doping. How are some guys getting older—yet thinner and fitter? How are they recovering from injuries so fast? Why the hell are they going to Germany in the off-season? I doubt it’s for the sauerkraut.

More likely it’s for the newest, hard-to-detect blood boosters and PEDs they have in Europe. Unfortunately, drug testing always seems to be a couple steps behind drug hiding. Lance Armstrong never failed a drug test. I think we want the best athletes to succeed, not the biggest, richest cheaters employing the best scientists. But I don’t know what to do about it.


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13 minutes ago, marco102 said:

LOL...stop this!

I agree.  Because every one of us would scream like a 8 year old girl at her birthday party, if Lebron decided to leave the Cavs and join the Hawks.   This playoffs has actually made be become a fan of the guy.  As much as I hate Cleveland ( mainly because of what he does to us ), I'm rooting for them to beat Golden State.  

People should appreciate the greats of the game.  Not try to find reasons to hate them.

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5 hours ago, thecampster said:

I'm not finding a reason....I'm saying I fully believe it to be the case.

You literally took a pic of an 18 year old and compared to a 33 year old. I was 135 at 18 now I'm 180. You do get bigger as you age.

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If there are medications that help you keep your strength and physicality as you age then by all means take them. The irrational phobia about PEDs just boggles the mind. Stop watching dumb after school specials, and join the world of science. PEDs are generally safe, just cycle properly and keep an eye on your labs. They were only made controlled drugs because Joe Biden insisted on it during the take no prisoners no-holds-bar war on drugs fn the 1980s. Make objective, rational science your ally and basis for reasoning, not ignorant, outdated anti-drug stigma.

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Passing on the intended subject, my fave Roided-up suspects from the past...


RIP Yinka Dare!



Joey Graham, what is this, IFBB?... brother Stephen didn't partake nearly as much. But it didn't help in terms of NBA longevity, so there's that...




(post-college) Anthony Mason. Another one Gone Too Soon!




(post-college) T.R. Dunn, how do you spell relief? R-O-I-D-S... SI once said in it's season-preview critique of the past-his-prime player, "T.R. Dunn: Yes, you are."


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Just now, JayBirdHawk said:

You may think and believe he is....but I'm sure he isn't the only one.

I guess he's just doing it better than most plus when you compound it with hus natural God given talent you get ....this.

I just wish the Hawks had one.

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