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Delaney: NBA Stands for the No Fun League

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On 7/28/2018 at 11:59 AM, thecampster said:

So in Euro weddings they throw shade instead of flowers?

Hahaaa, good one.

On 7/28/2018 at 7:39 PM, capstone21 said:

He had an excellent college career ... u have to be special to make it in the NBA as an undersized sg. He is def not a pg

... and he's not much of a sg either so ...

And furthermore, I feel like @lethalweapon3 hid this from me 'cause he knew I'd blow a gasket or three had I read it right away.  Good lookin out, mayne.  You're still the good one in my book.  "One" what, you ask?  Well ...

On DelaneySucks (which his name auto-corrects to in my devices), F U Bro!  Be glad anyone thought enough to give your under-sized, under-skilled arse a sliver of a shot in the real basketball league.  Tell us, what in the flying F did you do in 2 years to deserve staying here?  I'll wait.  You know what else wasn't fun?  Watching you play "basketball".

You turnover'd and got-beat-on-d'd your way back overseas.  It sure as heyul wasn't by your choice.  Bad defense playing, bad shot missing, non 3pt threats at 2 are a dime a dozen in the US.  THAT'S why you left.

What a poser.  


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New quote from Delaney.  This dude is delusional.



SDNA: In a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate your experience in Atlanta? Malcolm Delaney: Ahhh, probably it would be a 5. To be honest, I didn’t enjoy playing basketball. My first year, it was weird for. Like I told Eurohoops, when I came to Atlanta the GM wanted me there. I am not sure how much the coach wanted me in Atlanta. We went into the season with the team having only two point guards, so I had to play. I was playing well. After the All Star Break, I wasn’t comfortable with the role in the second half of the season. You know, Tim Hardaway started playing well and I didn’t have the ball on my hands. So basically I just sit in the corner. Anybody who knows me, knows where I am at my best, when I play pick n’ roll, when I am able to put myself in a rhythm. I can’t just sit in the corner shooting 3s. That’s not my game. So the second half of the season, I didn’t really feel comfortable and in the end they brought in an older guy and played him over me. He wasn’t playing better. It was the first time of my career, where I didn’t play.


17 hours ago  via SDNA 

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4 hours ago, thecampster said:

New quote from Delaney.  This dude is delusional.

Oh my f'kng gard, this dude is .... I jus' .... I mean, there are no words.  Was he expecting Buttz to give him the Iverson treatment he had at VPI?  You ain't AI, bro!!

Coach B probably got tired of the tricky-dribble, step-bak long 2's since you lacked quickness to get into the lane and lacked the shooting prowess to actually make open 3's.

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9 minutes ago, kg01 said:

Oh my f'kng gard, this dude is .... I jus' .... I mean, there are no words.  Was he expecting Buttz to give him the Iverson treatment he had at VPI?  You ain't AI, bro!!

Coach B probably got tired of the tricky-dribble, step-bak long 2's since you lacked quickness to get into the lane and lacked the shooting prowess to actually make open 3's.


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He'd better get in on that Starbury Statue action over there in Guangdong!

He's burned bridges with his fans in Europe, too. All three of them, I presume!

IANAD, but I think the homie is going through some post-head-inflation depression (and it didn't start in Atlanta). The tragedy with his brother (shortly after putting ink to paper with World Wide Wes Wilcox and going out to celebrate) didn't help matters at all. I hope somebody can get him some professional assistance before he heads the other way overseas.


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