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Melo [was] still a Hawk... Why?


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Let me clarify that.  Suppose that a Euro team wanted to give Taurean 100 million per year. They still couldn't sign him because Taurean is signed with us. His contract restricts him from other activities (in this case, signing with another club). We own those rights. So if he was to sign with a Euro, he'd have to be released from his NBA obligation. Part of that is the players' association, part of it, his club rights which give him and the club certain rights. By going overseas, a player gives up those bargaining rights and so does the club. So paperwork must be done. Interestingly, the club still holds those rights until renounced. So in this case, part of Delaney signing overseas (from a legal perspective) is both the Hawks and Delaney renouncing whatever rights they currently have (in writing). This still doesn't complete it because only after he signs elsewhere (next step) is he then released from the NBA roster of players (as I understand things) and I've greatly simplified it here.

Short answer...it takes a bit of time to dot all i's and cross all t's.

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8 hours ago, sturt said:

I guess I'm just stupid or naive or both, then.

No kidding, I have no clue what irony you're talking about.


Super slomo.  

KG posted a super dated gif intended to be tongue in cheek.

You called it out in a super serious way that treated it at face value as it was a commentary on whether domestic violence is acceptable. 

KG then, with tongue firmly planted in his cheek, faux took you to task for suggesting there was ever a time when hitting women was acceptable in a parody of you dressing him down for the prior gif (i.e., it purports to assume that you were suggesting it is not ok today but that it once was genuinely ok when he doesn't really think you believe this is a topic that varies depending on the times but reflects the type of analysis you did on his original post).  The irony is that he is responding to you reflecting your own analysis as if very serious when the underlying message is that his original gif was never intended to be serious and shouldn't be treated as such.

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58 minutes ago, AHF said:

intended to be tongue in cheek

"Tongue in cheek," maybe in the sense that it's a polite way of saying, "he meant it to be funny, but he wasn't necessarily promoting the act." Maybe. I would just call it a bad attempt at humor and leave it there, me.

Don't get me wrong. I or anyone else understands that he was not endorsing slapping women per se. And that the graphic aligned with the caption, and vice-versa.


Still. Doesn't matter.

The content of the graphic portrays something as humorous that once evidently was, but isn't now.

Surely none of us would post a Warner Bros cartoon something showing Rochester running to serve Mr. Benny, and making a remark about how all people of melanin are subservient to the ones with less.

There was a time when people laughed. These days, that wouldn't fly, even under the guise of "well, it was only tongue in cheek."

Look, I like kg01. Always have. Don't always agree with him, nor probably anyone else here. Just complimented him in this very thread for having "well-played" a responses of mine. But I'd have the same reaction to anyone posting this. That crosses a line, and we shouldn't be okay with it.... hell, again, kg01 himself said the same on the topic... and yet, appears those are only words... you may have heard, actions, or the lack thereof, speak louder.


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2 hours ago, Buzzard said:

The conspiracy was "we were going to keep Melo; against both his and his agents wishes and trade him."

Then say that.

That's not a "conspiracy."

It's not.

In fact, most people would just say that's "business."

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1 hour ago, sturt said:

Then say that.

That's not a "conspiracy."

It's not.

In fact, most people would just say that's "business."

So glad I am entitled to my opinion even though you think different.

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48 minutes ago, Buzzard said:

So glad I am entitled to my opinion even though you think different.


One doesn't have to define the sky as "blue"... conceivably, it is a matter of opinion... but most of us think of it as blue, not green. Same, the definition of conspiracy is less a matter of personal choice/opinion, more a matter of common usage as represented in your favorite dictionary.


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1 hour ago, JayBirdHawk said:

JayB - all excited Melo finally bought out and we got a lil something back...




JayB...after reading all this....





People make a few jokes about the minority opinion, and when the minority opinion responds with some considerable substance, it's the minority opinion's fault that the thread got extended... in fact, whatever can possibly be hung on the minority opinion... "too serious" or "too whatever"... gets laid at the feet, NOT of the ones who initiated the discussion with their insinuations and slights, but at the ones who DARE have the audacity to respond instead of just taking it.

By the way, do you REALLY think that Bazemore's name JUST NOW came up in discussions between Morey and Schlenk? Just a thought.


Then again, maybe not.



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38 minutes ago, sturt said:


People make a few jokes about the minority opinion, and when the minority opinion responds with some considerable substance, it's the minority opinion's fault that the thread got extended... in fact, whatever can possibly be hung on the minority opinion... "too serious" or "too whatever"... gets laid at the feet, NOT of the ones who initiated the discussion with their insinuations and slights, but at the ones who DARE have the audacity to respond instead of just taking it.

By the way, do you REALLY think that Bazemore's name JUST NOW came up in discussions between Morey and Schlenk? Just a thought.


Then again, maybe not.



I would guess not since Houston was the one team Bud supposedly outbid for Baze. Now when you find that article about us "possibly" keeping Melo so we can trade him later, hit us here again.

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1 hour ago, sturt said:


People make a few jokes about the minority opinion, and when the minority opinion responds with some considerable substance, it's the minority opinion's fault that the thread got extended... in fact, whatever can possibly be hung on the minority opinion... "too serious" or "too whatever"... gets laid at the feet, NOT of the ones who initiated the discussion with their insinuations and slights, but at the ones who DARE have the audacity to respond instead of just taking it.

By the way, do you REALLY think that Bazemore's name JUST NOW came up in discussions between Morey and Schlenk? Just a thought.


Then again, maybe not.



Say whaaaaat??

I came into this thread thinking one thing, it's devolved into something from another thread so my intention was just to back out the thread. I had my fill and said my piece in that thread.

I don't doubt that Schlenk had previous discussion with Morey or any other GM since Bazemore has been on the trade block since the trade deadline last year.

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52 minutes ago, Buzzard said:

Now when you find that article about us "possibly" keeping Melo so we can trade him later, hit us here again.


Another response based on a false premise.

Two, actually.

First bad premise, that I ever alleged that what you stated DID happen.

I did not.

To the contrary... second bad premise... that ME, YOU OR ANYONE CAN POSSIBLY KNOW how it all went down... all we know is the outcome, and how Woj reported it at the time.

The outcome does not define how a deal went down. That I bought the used car (outcome) says nothing about the how... the negotiations leading up to the purchase. Maybe I offered a trade-in, or maybe not. Maybe I used a broker in the process who represented me, maybe not. Maybe I spoke with the original owner, maybe not.


That a Bazemore conversation has come to light within 24 hours of Melo's release validates, at minimum, there is strong reason for suspicion that Schlenk explored multiple options with HOU. Doesn't mean he did, but there is a likelihood.


And with that... because only the majority opinion is entitled to express themselves, and it's such a pain when the minority opinion fails to understand their appropriate place... I'm done in this thread. No more.


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A trade with Houston for Melo was way outside the realm of any realistic possibility at every step of this process.  Discussing the theoretical is fun, but everyone knew he was getting cut after a buyout was reached.  There was no way to make a Melo trade work in a way that made sense for both ATL and HOU even if the circumstantial evidence that they had agreed to a buyout up front hadn't been so compelling.

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6 hours ago, thecampster said:

Depends on the site you are using.  Some take a long time to make adjustments on non-critical players.

As for our free-agents, they technically occupy part of our cap until signed by another team or renounced. So some sites leave them up until their signings become official (and a tech can get to it). In Delaney's case, he is being signed in China, but I don't think that signing is 100% complete official in regards to the NBA yet. There are some wranglings that have to happen.  Signed there first, renounced here, signed off on by China basketball, acknowledged by NBA...takes time. The "announcements" in the media are usually post agreement, pre-signing and take a bit.

Appreciate it.  Learning more everyday.  ESPN’s rosters seem to be updated daily, just puzzled why his name was still there.  It’s high time to officially end his Hawks tenure.

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3 minutes ago, TheNorthCydeRises said:

This is the effects of tanking, by the way.  People go at each other for just about anything.

Ha......Since I've been on this forum people have been going at it. Even during the 60 win season, has nothing to do with tanking.

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38 minutes ago, JayBirdHawk said:

Ha......Since I've been on this forum people have been going at it. Even during the 60 win season, has nothing to do with tanking.

? I disagree. We were all pretty giddy in 2014-15. How I remember it anyway.

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4 minutes ago, Spud2nique said:

? I disagree. We were all pretty giddy in 2014-15. How I remember it anyway.

I do recall a faction that didn't "believe" in the team, expected them to fall to earth.  Lotta snippiness around that.

** I sincerely apologize if anyone becomes offended over the content of my post. ** :happy:

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10 minutes ago, Spud2nique said:

? I disagree. We were all pretty giddy in 2014-15. How I remember it anyway.


4 minutes ago, kg01 said:

I do recall a faction that didn't "believe" in the team, expected them to fall to earth.  Lotta snippiness around that.

** I sincerely apologize if anyone becomes offended over the content of my post. ** :happy:

Exactly, plus the whole DF/Ownership debacle.- how soon we forget.

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