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Gray Mule

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How good is this Hawk team, really?

First of all, we must consider:  Our season just over, when we were in the tank, is this to be considered as a fatal disease with no cure?  Will we, as Hawk fans, be treated like the movie, "Ground Hog Day," where we wake up, season after season in the tank mode, trying to lose for that great, elusive all star?

If, and we all know how big this word is, if the Hawks decide to actually play it honest and try to compete, is there any hope for this team? 

First of all, we must ask, "Is this rookie coach and his assistants smart enough, capable enough to teach and build a team?  If not, we have no hope for the forseeable future, until they are replaced.

Next, we ask, "Is the current roster talented enough to win games in the NBA?"  We know that we must have talent.  We must have size.  Are we physically big enough to compete?  Then, if they are big enough and talented enough, are they smart enough to learn how to play this NBA game?

Finally, if everything is correctly put together, how long will it take to build this NBA team called the Atlanta Hawks?  Some have compared us to a good G League team this upcoming season.  Can we actually be this bad?  Will this season's team struggle to beat that 13 win season we have in our history?

Examine carefully our entire roster.  Any all stars here?  Nope.  If there are no all star players then we are assured that we have no super star.  But, remember this.  We are talking about a team sport and it requires a team to make it work.  We have a much younger team now.  Our bench players, last year's G League guys, seems stronger this season.  We do have some veteran leadership. 

We have estimates of the number of wins for this season from less than 20 to more than 40 (me - 41) So there is a wide gap in what we are expecting.  October 1st begins pre season games and October 16th is when the games begin to count.

GO ATL HAWKS !! - - :biggrin:












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I'm telling you I don't put any players in a paintball arena if i'm the gm.   Place is full of a million things to twist ankles and knees on while you try not to get shot.  Half don't even have gloves.   It hurts like crazy to take one of those direct hits to the hand.  

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1 hour ago, macdaddy said:

I'm telling you I don't put any players in a paintball arena if i'm the gm.   Place is full of a million things to twist ankles and knees on while you try not to get shot.  Half don't even have gloves.   It hurts like crazy to take one of those direct hits to the hand.  

We want that high pick in 2019 right?

Schlenk is just setting the scene....

Hes one smart ?!

 ? in all honesty though please remain injury free so we can get this dynasty underway in brilliant fashion.

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Are we terrible?  Is it the plan of the brains of the Atlanta Hawks to be a total failure?  Was last season's tank fatal?  Some believe and some do not.

Can we remain healthy?  We have a state of the art facility and Chelsea Lane to watch over all the nicks and bruises that always happen in every NBA season.  Over the 82 game stretch, this can be very important.

Last season, Atlanta set out to be lowly on the totum pole so that they would get a high draft pick.  Trae Young, along with a first round pick next season is the result.  Atlanta had traded around and had two additional first round picks.  Add to this the two other draft picks we have next season and we are to be flooded with youth.

Can this team play wining basketball?  Is it the destiny of Lloyd Pierce and his assistant coaches to force this team to play losing ball?  Can these players be taught the fine art of losing?  If so, will this not be a fatal flaw in their future?

How bad can we get?  Will we strive to go 0-82 and win only when they mess up and accidentally win?  Wait and see.  That's all we can do.  But, as we watch the demise of this franchise, we can only hope that we are wrong.  That they may actually give a half hearted attempt to occasionally win.

What do you see in our future?  Is it to be doom and gloom or can we possibly believe that the glow we see in distance is the hope of success?



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2 hours ago, Gray Mule said:


Are we terrible?  Is it the plan of the brains of the Atlanta Hawks to be a total failure?  Was last season's tank fatal?  Some believe and some do not.

Can we remain healthy?  We have a state of the art facility and Chelsea Lane to watch over all the nicks and bruises that always happen in every NBA season.  Over the 82 game stretch, this can be very important.

Last season, Atlanta set out to be lowly on the totum pole so that they would get a high draft pick.  Trae Young, along with a first round pick next season is the result.  Atlanta had traded around and had two additional first round picks.  Add to this the two other draft picks we have next season and we are to be flooded with youth.

Can this team play wining basketball?  Is it the destiny of Lloyd Pierce and his assistant coaches to force this team to play losing ball?  Can these players be taught the fine art of losing?  If so, will this not be a fatal flaw in their future?

How bad can we get?  Will we strive to go 0-82 and win only when they mess up and accidentally win?  Wait and see.  That's all we can do.  But, as we watch the demise of this franchise, we can only hope that we are wrong.  That they may actually give a half hearted attempt to occasionally win.

What do you see in our future?  Is it to be doom and gloom or can we possibly believe that the glow we see in distance is the hope of success?



I honestly see a special season coming up. We will do much better than the critics suggest imo. Yes Trae Young is a young player and will take his bumps. But he is the type of player that will respect you but will battle you till the end. We have the Mavs and Cavs picks in our pockets for the most part, let’s just go out and play hard like we did in 2013-14 and not to spect much and leave it all out on the floor every night!



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