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My way too personal relationship with the BeltLine's early stages inclines me to butt out of the open/close squabbles on The Internets. But I do understand both the needs of nearby residents to access so-called "essential businesses" and take-out eateries using the BeltLine as opposed to a myriad of sidewalks, buses and streets, AND the concerns that not "closing it" only invites the recreational warriors who have been crowding it all weekend to keep on doing so. As The Curve requires more draconian measures, the city's given itself a little more time to figure out how to police a BeltLine closure (not just the uber-popular Northeast portion but the whole developing system, like Buckhead, the Westside, etc.).


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52 minutes ago, Thomas said:

Guess the Don got tired of Dr Fauci's "The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" attitude folks. 


This is one of the worst possible things for me during this situation.  We need the experts out front and not misinformation.  Dr. Fauci is the textbook example of a non-partisan professional having served Republican and Democrat presidents with only a focus on serving the public health (and not anyone's agenda).  Really, really hope this is not the case and that he was simply tied up with pressing issues (as unlikely as that may seem).

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On 3/22/2020 at 4:45 AM, hawkman said:

Had to revisit this since things have exploded in the 3 days since this post. If the dire situation in Italy is any indication, it's apparent this isn't going away anytime soon. 

So reported cases in Italy, 63,927. Deaths - 6077. Death rate is 9.5%.  Pretty sure this validates the China is lying crowd.

Number recovered in Italy, 7432.  Meaning there are still almost 50,000 people with it in Italy. So that death rate may go up.  


Ya, ya...I know.  "Oh but Camp, there are so many people with it that are Asymptomatic or haven't been tested...the real percentage is much, much lower".  Don't care, summer can't get here fast enough.


https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6  in case you don't have it yet.

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1 hour ago, macdaddy said:

We're screwed unless people take this much more seriously and that includes our government getting their shiz together for comprehensive testing, treatment facilities, and consistent restrictions across the country. 

Unfortunately this is what the guy calling the shots is thinking. The economy's ties to his reelection is what matters to him the most as opposed to preventing loss of human life. Refusing to listen to medical experts more and more.

Trump said he wants it to be a matter of weeks. "I’m not looking at months," he said on Monday. "This is going away. We’re going to win the battle."

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39 minutes ago, thecampster said:

A bit more math. Italy has a population of 60 million. That means more than 1 in 1000 people has now tested positive and 1 in every 10,000 have died. If Italy were metro Atlanta (6 million people), 600 would have died...so far.

6,000+ deaths in Italy in 20 days.  Probably will be around 7,000 once their new numbers come out.

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1 hour ago, Thomas said:

Unfortunately this is what the guy calling the shots is thinking. The economy's ties to his reelection is what matters to him the most as opposed to preventing loss of human life. Refusing to listen to medical experts more and more.

Trump said he wants it to be a matter of weeks. "I’m not looking at months," he said on Monday. "This is going away. We’re going to win the battle."

Realize the guy is standing on the edge of a knife right now though.  The President has to present some kind of positive or the markets tank and people start jumping out 20 story windows. This is a very complicated situation. There is no known "right way".  I'm afraid of us falling into bitterness on this. I'm really not happy with the politics being played over the rescue package right now, but I'm trying to keep positive.


To my post about this a week+ ago. Unfortunately, some people are going to die. First thing we need to do is come to grips with that. There is some eventuality in this situation. Second thing we need to do is to figure out how to complicate the situation further by turning a medical disaster into a financial one, a housing one, or worse yet, a war.  Lastly, we need to make sure this crisis isn't taken advantage of and we come out of this losing our sanity, freedoms and hope.  Now is not the time to point fingers. It is most definitely not the time to listen to opinion news. If someone is asked for opinion, change the station. Just realize that Trump, Pelosi, Pence have different jobs to do than Fauci, or the medical director at your local hospital.  There's an administrative job here, a medical job here and a security job here to do.


In my job in cybersecurity, we've changed our focus as well and measure our messaging right now. If a Dem was in office or an actual Republican for that matter, they would be engaging in the same type of downplaying while still calling for measures to correct. Its complicated, but try not to judge this too harshly and realize what his job is. He can't have people panicking and forming local militias. He's got to present a forward image of "don't worry ya'll...we got this".

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Yeah well this is the last statement I can find that he made about this subject. Constantly ignoring medical expertise with this PR stuff. In the midst of the worst predicted week and it already as of today is following suit. He is giving it nineteen days apparently. Don't think he is balancing shit.

President Trump on Tuesday said he hopes to have the country's economy back up and running by Easter Sunday. April 12 is his most concrete goal to date for easing off restrictions meant to curb the spread of the coronavirus. Trump, in a Fox News virtual town hall, doubled down on his push to reopen businesses in a matter of weeks in order to reinvigorate the U.S. economy amid the coronavirus outbreak.

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Let's look to speak to facts on this thread rather than jump into politics, as hard as they can be to separate at times.  We can have a lively debate about the merits of the actions and inactions of our politicians on another thread.  I've got some strong feelings on the topic in this context and am sure others have their own views and likely passionate ones given the stakes for this issue.  

I am a little unclear as to what Trump is actually proposing on this, though, and would appreciate the chance to see more on this if someone has seen details.  Every hard restriction I've seen has been ordered by a state official rather than federal action and so I'm not sure how any federal action would overlay on that.

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If the health system collapses you not only lose the economy, you lose the ability to get the economy back up.  Again sick people with chronic illness and your under paid workers survive off of urgent care and emergency visits.  Having everybody go back to work and the hospitals shut down, well when the flu hits in 5 months or whatever next epidemic will just finish us off.

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1 hour ago, AHF said:

Let's look to speak to facts on this thread rather than jump into politics, as hard as they can be to separate at times.  We can have a lively debate about the merits of the actions and inactions of our politicians on another thread.  I've got some strong feelings on the topic in this context and am sure others have their own views and likely passionate ones given the stakes for this issue.  

I am a little unclear as to what Trump is actually proposing on this, though, and would appreciate the chance to see more on this if someone has seen details.  Every hard restriction I've seen has been ordered by a state official rather than federal action and so I'm not sure how any federal action would overlay on that.

Smartest thought on this I've read. Way too many people armchair quarterbacking this. I really, really want to see some bipartisan work on this and I also want to see some realism. Control what we can control and work together to survive what we can't.  I want to see one America right now (to Mac's point). I am a strong state level government person, but this is not a state level problem it is a city, county, state and most importantly federal problem. I want teamwork right now in all facets. From us on this board, all the way up to the top. Work with who is in charge. Pelosi is in charge of the house, I want someone to work with her. McConnell has the senate, I want cooperation with him. I don't care what side they are on. This is not the time, to waste time on petty squabbles.

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