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This scapegoat Cam BS needs to end


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I hope no one is attributing our turnaround to trading Cam. That would be a false correlation. But I do think our initial condemnation of the trade was unwarranted. We got a first round pick for a guy, although very talented, whose career has been marred by inconsistency and poor play, that's not easy to pull off. Teams just don't just hand out first round picks. We weren't in his long term plans and he wasn't in ours. It is what it is.

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4 minutes ago, bleachkit said:

I hope no one is attributing our turnaround to trading Cam. That would be a false correlation. But I do think our initial condemnation of the trade was unwarranted. We got a first round pick for a guy, although very talented, whose career has been marred by inconsistency and poor play, that's not easy to pull off. Teams just don't just hand out first round picks. We weren't in his long term plans and he wasn't in ours. It is what it is.

NBA basketball is not in Cam Reddish's long term plans.  He just doesn't know it yet.

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8 minutes ago, SalvorMallow said:

This thread is particularly hilarious because the first couple games we lost after trading Cam, Supes was making a bunch of snarky comments about our chemistry still sucking after the trade in the game threads.

I was remembering that as well.  So dude wants people to do the opposite of what he does.  Also, saying I have a list to hold people accountable and then take issue when people even indirectly hold you accountable, wtf.

Main issue is wanting to control when people are allowed to say things about a player and the team.  Not how a fan forum works.  

I honestly believe Cam did not help our team win.  I do hope he redeems his name and career.  It doesn’t look good right now.  

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4 hours ago, aali34 said:

I agree with @JTB, if it never came out that Cam requested to be traded the narrative would be "Damn Schlenk effed up, we could be potentially better with Cam here!" or that "Cam died for our sins! The team let him down!".

He didn't buy in to the team aspect, but I don't know how much of an impact one disgruntled player who isn't vocal about it has on the team. If he really wanted to and was that immature, he could have leaked it out that he was unhappy, the fact that we didn't know about it till after the fact shows he was professional about it.

I think people feel lowkey shafted by Cam so it makes it easier for them to be petty or pissed when talking about him. Kinda like a cat-caller cussing out the girl he just whistled at.

I personally feel bad for him but can't help but laugh a little about the irony of the situation he's seemingly placed himself into.

I don't even feel like Cam Didn't buy into the team aspect.

I think:

1.   Cam saw the money that everybody else was getting and realized that without having a true showcase, he would never get paid the money he wants to be paid. 

2.   Cam was just not happy not being the focus of the team. He has said that He will be a star.   At some point (probably in the playoffs) he probably realized that he could never be a Star in Atlanta because our Star is Trae.   Maybe he felt that Trae would never allow him to be a star or to have a star that rises higher than his..  I don't know.  However, I find it interesting that Cam turns up when Trae is not playing. 


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2 hours ago, NBASupes said:

He's not here anymore. There is no value in talking about him. What was his role in our win over Boston last night. I didn't see him on the bench or even dressed?

There's still unanswered questions though.   Why did we lose some games we were supposed to win?   Why haven't we gotten better since getting Kevin Knox?  Why is the 2nd team looking much better than the first team these days when before they didn't?  

To answer those questions, we focus on a lot of things:

1.  The architect Kevin Knox Arrival to Atlanta. 

2.   Ten Day Contract players in more abundance than any other team in the league. 

3.  Injury to key players. 

4...  And Yes... Cam Reddish.

When Charles Barkley says that Trae Young is not fit to be a starter on the All Star team because his team is in 12th place.  You're saying that we can point out the four things above?

When the whole league thinks that we must have some Blockbuster trade because of our record... You're saying, we can't mention the four things above?

Like it or not Supes... Cam Conversation will go on for years.  Just like people who mention that we picked Marvin Williams instead of CP3.


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1 hour ago, Q45T said:

I don’t understand why you don’t see how weird your obsession with Cam is… dude ain’t wanna be here so we traded his ass. Lmao you really ready to go to war for this man who has done nothing to earn this rabid adoration. He don’t care about you and didn’t even acknowledge the fan base on the way out. F*ck Cam… our record and bad play wasn’t solely his fault at all but he certainly ain’t help us win and now that he’s gone we all of sudden look a hundred times better. 

Damn,...  I really didn't think about this at all.   But it's true.  

I was looking over history of players writing fans:

John Collins  ... Yeah He's Atlanta to his Heart!

60 win team.

Bob Williams ??


Joel Embiid

Trae Young

Jamie Tworkowski

Trae Young again



Korver I think



I want to display the class of Carroll.  It should be a lesson to younger players:


"It wasn’t that long ago that I was really struggling to make it in the NBA. Early in my career, I would only get spot minutes on different teams. Being in that situation, scared of making a mistake that would cost me my job, I would always play tight and nervous. I didn’t feel like I had the ability to be myself on the floor. But when I came to Atlanta, things started changing for me. It didn’t take me long to find a role with the Hawks. Once I made it into the starting lineup, it didn’t take long — only a couple of games — to begin playing the aggressive style of basketball I’m known for now. I felt myself improve game by game, and by the time this past season rolled around, I was ready to unleash the Junkyard Dog. As you might have already heard, last week I agreed to become a member of the Toronto Raptors. It was a difficult decision, but when I considered all the factors, it was the right move for me and my family. I’m really excited about my future in Toronto, but it only feels right to say a proper goodbye to the city of Atlanta, which will always feel like a home to me. The Hawks organization — from the coaches, to the front office, to the fans, to my brothers in the locker room — gave me so much confidence in my abilities as a player, and it changed my life."


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2 hours ago, JayBirdHawk said:

All I'll say is there will still be lot's of Cam discussion especially as the season goes on and we keep WINNING

I just didn't expect to see 14 million NEW Cam threads (there are 5 Cam threads on the 1st page)  after a BIG win against the hated Sees to take us to 6-0 with an even bigger matchup against the Lakers tomorrow. 

Honestly.. I think nobody wants to Jinx the streak so we find "other things" to talk about. 

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6 hours ago, NBASupes said:

Cam doesn't. We watched every game. We wrote on him every game. All of a sudden he's gone and some of you turnkey shady mfers talk about him like he was Isiah Rider part 2. f*** outta here. 

I noticed this garbage too but didn't comment on it.  Glad you did.  While I'm at it, the same types of posters did the same thing to Deion Sanders, Jeff George, David Justice, Julio Jones, Peerless Price, etc.  Different sports, SAME type of posters.  They wait till the player leaves the team and then show they ass.  The locals pissed Price off soo bad that he famously quipped "I hate yall" on the way out of Atlanta.  😀

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25 minutes ago, phoostal said:

Did anyone notice last night on nba TV that Grant Hill and Jon Barry were doing the highlights of the game.  After the highlights were done Barry said hawks have won 6 in a row and are rolling since Travis Schlenk lit into the team on the radio, Grant replies with "also since the team traded Cam Reddish."  I thought that was a telling remark.  I would think Grant knows the inner workings of this team and wouldn't throw a comment like that out there unless there was some validity to it.   Interesting. 

Wow, I heard the first part but forgot the 2nd where Grant came in. Even though he’s one of us, I tune him out because Brian Anderson on 2K asks him which franchise would you start with going forward and he mentions Luka in Dalls, Zion in NO and Ja in Memphis. He’s never advocating for us.

Having said all that, you are right in that he probably knows what may have been going on if anything, honestly let me wrap this up for people the way Seinfeld would see it..

There are coincidences, then there are BIG coincidences? Wait, what? :eyebrow: Is a big coincidence a thing?


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4 hours ago, SalvorMallow said:

This thread is particularly hilarious because the first couple games we lost after trading Cam, Supes was making a bunch of snarky comments about our chemistry still sucking after the trade in the game threads.

I made literally two posts. Very searchable and I literally stopped after that half. 

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2 hours ago, Sothron said:

I don't know if this was directed at me or not. I have always been a Cam fan. I said my dream lineup had CAM starting at SG with Hunter at SF. Bogi and Kevin would be the backup SG and SF. That never happened. I still wonder if we had done that where Cam would have been as a player and where we would be as a team. 

I do think Cam can be a star player in the NBA. I don't know if it will be with the Knicks but he needs to be on a team where he can be a high usage player and let him discover his role that way. There was no way that was going to happen in Atlanta.

So when it comes to trashing Cam, never have I ever done that. I WILL say this: it is impossible to watch our team since he was traded and not notice how much better we are. IIMPOSSIBLE TO NOT NOTICE THIS. So yes, I'm not trying to kick dirt in @NBASupesface when I say in game threads or other threads "can we talk about this"?" because I think it is worth talking about.

That's not shit talking Cam or any of his fans or @NBASupes . We owe it as fans who watch our Hawks go out there every game and we see the results. Cam was clearly hurting this team this season. There's no other way to say it. Watching the 2nd unit thrive without him is night and day when he was here. 

How is that not worth discussion? Are we not allowed to talk about how a major trade with a rotation player has affected the team? I realize as does everyone else that Cam was not the only reason we were 17-25. Injuries and covid were the main reasons for this. But just under that? Yeah, let's be honest. Cam was giving no effort on defense and was playing hero ball on the 2nd unit that only encouraged Gallo and Lou to play hero ball and also give no effort on defense. 

There's being a fan of a player and there's some kind of weird obsession with a player. I loved Horford when he was here. I still agree with @NBASupesthat we wasted Horford by not giving him more scoring chances because he was so efficient with his shots. And when Horford stabbed all of us in the back by leaving for a rival team AFTER we brought in Dwight Howard to Horford could play PF...that all went away. I can't stand Horford now.

I'm not saying that is what Cam did. Cam is the first Hawk in the Travis regime that I can think of that actively wanted to be traded away from the team at least on a rotation player level. He did it like a pro and Travis didn't let that slip out to anyone. I'm not dogging Cam. I don't hate Cam. I hope he does well in the NBA.

But this is the Hawksquawk not the Camsquawk. I don't know how we can simply not talk about the difference in the team and the second unit with Cam and without him. I'm not saying every game has to be a lengthy discussion about it but c'mon. This is a Hawks site and a Hawks community. We shouldn't feel like we're insulting a poster because his favorite player was traded away from Atlanta just by talking about the team.

It wasn't directed to you. The guy who it was directed to has a long history with me. Very long history. It all goes back to Josh Smith and his personal favorite, Shelden Williams. 


That said, what was directed to everyone is literally everything else 

Edited by NBASupes
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