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If JT is traded then should Diaw go?


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Some specualte that JT will be traded, probably in the offseason but if so then should we trade Boris? Diaw was basically drafted to take pressure off of JT and let him be more of a scorer, so would it makes since to keep Boris around if Terry is sent packing? Personally I would like to see how JT and Diaw play the rest of the season. It could be possible that they continue to gel and play better together. I think Management and the coaches are keeping a close eye on how the backcourt of Terry and Diaw run the offense. They will make the decision on whether to keep JT after the season is up, but it is up to Terry to help plead his case to stay in Atlanta.

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What can we get for the both of them.

There are some teams that are interested in Diaw...

For instance.

JT/Diaw/Hendu for Andre' Miller/Jon Barry.

We could do that trade TODAY.

I think Denver might consider it.

In the longrun, I don't think that Denver would do it, but it's a thought.

I just think that if we can get the right player or combo of players, why not. Diaw is a talented defensive player, but we're not going that way. We want Athletes who can run and score.

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Diaw is the only player I wouldn't trade for any reason. He's the one piece to keep. He was indeed brought in to match JT's weaknesses, but he still brings all the same skills even if JT is gone. He will get into the habit of taking more shots (it's already happening - he was shooting jumpers for 3-5 vs the mavs) and be an excellent SF or even PG. I see no reason why he can't be a great, tall point guard in the nba. He can hold his own defensively. He has great vision and passing. He is good when he attacks the basket. He just needs to gain a little confidence and drive more often and shoot more often.

I will be exxxxtremely pissed if they send Diaw out of here.


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we don't trade diaw...he was actually a good draft pick...

i think he'll be a really good pro...he'll need to work on his scoring but that can come, it's not like he can't shoot, he just doesn't do it...

the problem again becomes what position? normally it would be SF but Jackson is there...will we bring Jackson back?

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Boris Diaw is a role player. He's not "untradeable" at

all because he isn't that good at all. Good defense? He

couldnt even defend Van Horn. He's a good rebounder and

a decent passer, but that doesn't make a player "untradeable"

He doesn't have the skills offensive....He doesn't have

any moves, he's not extremely quick, he has no postup game,

no jumpshot. He'll be a 8PPG 5RPG 3APG role player that

you don't mind having around. But he's not even close to

being untradeable.

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Diaw is not expensive to keep and he is already a valuable contributor. We can basically have him for the next 4 seasons without having to pay him big bucks. The only reason to CONSIDER trading Boris is if we have to include him a sign and trade deal to get a superstar. I MIGHT include him a deal to get rid of Hendu's contract a year early but I probably wouldn't. Other than those 2 scenarios, why deal him?

As for the Boris not being a good defender because Van Horn had a good shooting night comment, come on Hotlanta! Reef scored 50 on Ben Wallace, does Big Ben play good defense? Boris is a TERRIFIC defender and he's clerarly one of the best perimeter defenders in the league already. And he's only 20. He'll only get stronger and better.

As for Boris' offensive game, it seems to be coming around. He has stroked a few long range jumpers lately and his shot looks silky smooth and effortless. If he keeps working on it, there is no reason he can't be a 12-14 ppg guy who sets up his teammates, handles the rock, rebounds and plays great D. Who wouldn't want a guy like that for the salary we're paying him. By the way, he clearly outplayed the more-heralded Josh Howard the other night when we beat Dallas. He also shut down both LeBron and Carmelo here. He has more than held his own in his matchups with the other rookies this year. He's a keeper.

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Please. The only reason the Hawks beat Dallas in the first

place was because teams don't take the Hawks seriousally. Most

Hawk games are emotionless snoozefest. When the Hawks play

an team that really comes to play the Hawks lose.

"As for Boris' offensive game, it seems to be coming around. He has stroked a few long range jumpers lately and his shot looks silky smooth and effortless. If he keeps working on it, there is no reason he can't be a 12-14 ppg guy who sets up his teammates, handles the rock, rebounds and plays great D."

he has no moves...If he's such a good shooter or even decent

one why does he shoot 40%fg and 56% at the free throw line. He's not that good...Not bad at his salary....but LASCAR

acts like Diaw has somekind of great future or something. He's a role player and nothing more and he doesn't have

the skills to be more than that.

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The reason we beat Dallas is because we out played them...same reason we beat Boston and Minn. These are pro players...it is not always talent that seperates the good from the bad sometimes it is just incosistency. that don't take us seriously crap is bull...Dallas might have not took us seriously in the first half but they had more than enough time to get serious in the second...sure dallas would probably beat us 4 out 5 times but they were out played the other night....but if you noticed their offense became less effective when we put Boris on Nash in the 4th. I am not saying Boris is a potential star but a player that young and cheap that can contribute in all the ways he can... you need to keep him around to at least 25 or 26 before you decide if he should go.

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Also, I think Dallas is pretty bad on the road. Not that

impressive. If the team even had a decent record it could

be taken more seriousally. This is why the Hawks have better

second half records than first half records. In the second

half of the years teams look at the hawks and say "cupcake

team" and they don't bring their best.

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I'm saying that if Diaw can help us getting something good for him and JT, why not??

Boris is a good defensive player but he is not an offensive player and probably won't ever be. I don't consider him untradable. IF the right deal comes along and it helps us cut capspace by getting rid of JT and or CC and or Hendu, I would use Diaw in that capacity.

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I like Diaw, especially for where we drafted him, but I see his potential being fairly limited. I bet he never develops into being a consistent shooter. I'd like to trade him for a Gerald Wallace type player if we had a point guard.

If I were Mark Cuban I'd fire my GM unless this mass of players was by his choice. I think the only way they get better is to risk trading their best player, Nowitski. Maybe something with Portland.

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No, Gerald Wallace is almost identical to SJax (without the outside shot no less). I mean, players like Diaw don't come along that often, esp. on the cheap for the years that we have him etc.

if we really want to build a championship contender, then we're going to need players like him around a superstar. He's the epitome of that, the perfect Robin...if he continues to grow, which he should. Trading him would be stupid...

plus, we're now in the situation that wer'e going to have to watch who we trade away, as our roster will be slim after this season and the worst thign that we can do with loads of capspace is isgn players like Eddie Robinson simply to fill roster spots/because we have that cap room.

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The guys a da.mn rookie and you have already decided what kind of player he is? I MIGHT have been able to understand that if you watched him play college ball but you haven't cuz he played overseas. So all you know is what you've read and what he's done in HIS FIRST YEAR IN THE NBA..

Diaw is a player. I apologize for him if he doesn't score 30 a night or has the name recognition of Lebron but in my opinion he's one hell of a rookie so far.

People, try not to pull a Miss Cleo and tell us what his NBA game is going to be halfway through his rookie season.

Diaw is a good player that can be really good. Court vision, athleticism, and basketball sense are the only things you can't teach, and he has those. His shot will come.

HOWEVER I agree with Diesel that if the right deal came along for a superstar, of course you'd have to do it.

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No! No! No! {Unless, we get a really, really good deal}

If that "Unbelieveable" deal comes along, sure. But, it

isn't going to happen. Trading Boris Diaw just to "Move

players around and see what happens" type of deal, no!

Hotlanta is right. Boris is no star. No blinding speed.

Doesn't run people over with his power. He won't score

in the 20's or 30's consistently, game after game. Any

time he goes into double figures, we get excited. He

is one of the worst free throw shooters on the team,

perhaps in the entire N.B.A.

With all this, why is he worth keeping?

His scoring HAS improved over the season. He probably

will continue to improve. With work, his free throw %

will improve. I wouldn't be suprised to see him have

his scoring be double after the all star game, compared

to the games before.

His court vision is very good. He can handle the ball

and pass with some of the best in the NBA. His defense

is very good, despite the fact that some players have

scored against him. Game after game, he wins more of

these matches than he loses. He is just beginning to

learn how the NBA game is played.

Another great thing: His dollar value. What will he

be paid over the life of his contract? Compare that

with what some of the really unwanted NBA players will

get. He is worth all he is being paid, and more, when

you compare salaries.

If he wasn't a desireable player, who would inquire

about his availability? We have some players that

no one ever asks about, I'll bet. What would we have

to give you for _________ in order to get him???

Boris Diaw, or Nazr M. Would fit in that blank. Some

other Hawks wouldn't.

No! Unless it was a real "Knock your sox off" type

deal, Boris Diaw should not even be considered as

available "Just to make the deal work."

Boris Diaw is one of the real building blocks of this

team. Not the star. Just a solid building block. We

need solid building blocks. He is one.

Go Hawks !!!!

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I totally agree with Graymule. Boris Diaw is at worst going to be like Bruce Bowen, and possibly can become like Ron Artest or Scottie Pippen. There is no way we should trade him unless it is part of a deal where we are getting a star. I disagree with those who say he doesn't have upside, jeez, this guy has skillz that can't be taught and he is only 20 years old. He can be taught to shoot, he already has good form, he can be taught to be aggressive and use his athleticism. Seems to be a very coachable guy to me. Boris Diaw is remarkably similar right now to have Artest was when he came into the league, just less aggressive offensively than Artest was, but I think I remember Artest also shooting the ball at a low percentage his first couple years with the Bulls, yet John Thompson was right, he kept commenting on how Artest was so talented. Boris Diaw is that type of guy. I think you will see him improve a lot.

We need to build around him. Not everybody is Michael Jordan, but this guy has the all around game you can compliment your star with and win with.

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Those who don't think he does aren't watching or don't know the game. Boris already plays with more poise than a lot of guys who have been in the league for years and he's only 20. He has VERY good fundamentals and a very good work ethic. His only real weakness at this point is his lack of aggressiveness on offense and he has shown SIGNIFICANT improvement in that area since the season began. His J looks MUCH better now than it did at the beginning of the season (it looks MUCH smoother) but more imoportantly, he will TAKE the J when he's open. He's also starting to show that he can have success posting smaller guards and/or taking them to the rack. All that doesn't even take into account that the guy is versatile enough to spend time at FOUR positions and that he is already one of the leagues better defenders. If the Hawks trade Boris and don't get something significant in return, I think they are going to regret it. He is WAY ahead of where DJ was at the same age. He might not be quite the athlete but his skills are FAR better.

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I wouldnt trade Diaw for anything less than as a throw in for a superstar and since I know that isnt going to happen there is no way I would trade him. His jumper is really starting to come around and I'll be damned if he isnt totally reminding me of a less arrogant Pippen. When Pippen came into the league he didnt have much of a jumper either but he sure blossomed into quite a nice shooter and its very similar how Diaw's J is evolving. He still needs quite a bit of work on his free throws, but from 10-20 feet he is just about money on his jumpers. He can also finish around the rim which is something this team has lacked for quite a while. I dont see any reason why he cant be a guy who can get you 12-16 ppg with 7-8rpg and 5-6apg and a block and a steal. I also dont care how many times I have to say it, I was way off when I was so upset that we got Diaw instead of Gaines.

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the Hawks play do you? Since Diaw has gotten back into rythym after the ankle injury he has shot the ball very well. His jumper looks effortless and he has been able to get to the rim consistently. We are talking about a 20 year old guy who has always been told to pass the ball rather than to shoot it so lets give him a chance to prove that he can be a terrific all around player before you give up on him too.

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