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1 minute ago, KB21 said:

We absolutely can though, because we don't have to trade Trae.  If San Antonio wants to d*ck around and be a 30–35-win team over the next two years, they can do that.  We will just keep Trae. 

I, and I think you, hope that Trae isnt ever on the market just cause the Hawks feel like it and can easily be pulled right back off lol. 

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2 minutes ago, KB21 said:
  1. I don't think he will be on the market.
  2. If he does ask out, the Hawks will only trade him if the deal makes sense for them.
  3. I don't think Landry nor Quin have any intention to tank the team.
  4. I think it's more likely that they keep both Trae and DJM than trade Trae.

I completely agree with all of this. I am only discussing this from the view of all our fans that are just "trade trae to the spurs for our picks and thats that". 

I don't agree with that line of thought. There's a lot more to that IMO, that we can get into if you want. 

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28 minutes ago, KB21 said:

Does anyone else hate watching Woj on TV?  He's got a nervous tick or something. 

Seems clear he's not meant to be doing much TV.  But BSPN is paying him too much to 'just' be the deep throat behind all their rumors. 

6 minutes ago, AHF said:

.... This is why I think the Hawks need to be more proactive about stamping down rumors.  Even if they are going to look at moving someone, they need to do more to embrace their guys as long as they are here.


But Laundry is one of these Stanford guys who are above it all and want to pretend to be the smartest guy in the room.  So he'll pretend like it doesn't matter that Trae is being hung out to dry because it doesn't matter to HIM.  And, in his infinite wisdom, if it matters not to.him then it's not important.  Total tone deafness. 

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5 minutes ago, AHF said:

The media people who are playing telephone game with what Woj said to make it sound like Trae is being dangled to the league are the people I'm talking about.  You get Woj saying something like "the Hawks might look to deal Trae if they want to rebuild or retool the team" and then you get another media person saying "The Hawks are shopping Trae Young around the league according to reports from Woj."  

This is why I think the Hawks need to be more proactive about stamping down rumors.  Even if they are going to look at moving someone, they need to do more to embrace their guys as long as they are here.

Well the Hawks are making no effects to quell those rumors. Landry has done media since the draft and could have easily said "we aren't trading Trae", and he didn't. There is no upside in leaving the issue unaddressed if in fact we aren't interested in trading him. 

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2 minutes ago, Afro said:

100% in agreement with this. Sorry, I think I was just confused lol. I thought you were somewhat arguing that bleachkits "trae is on the block" comment had merit. 

You and I are in complete lockstep on that last bit as I believe we have been in the past. Kinda roping in a discussion from the other thread, but their inability to say anything is really just a detriment and I have no idea what they're doing. 

Even if they're going to move Trae.....they have allowed such a terrible narrative to float in the media for years now that you can absolutely guarantee that other GMs are going to use that BS in negotiations. "Well you don't really want him. Well he's a coach killer. Well,...he doesn't fit in a locker room. Well you have to trade him now. Well he asked out so we arent giving 100% value." etc etc etc. 

It is singularly my #1 complaint with this FO/ownership. 

They did the same with Collins.  His play hurt his value, for sure.  But them leaving him to dangle in the wind of trade rumors did not help matters. 

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3 minutes ago, kg01 said:

They did the same with Collins.  His play hurt his value, for sure.  But them leaving him to dangle in the wind of trade rumors did not help matters. 

Which makes it so much worse, my man! They've been openly clowned about this for years now! You've had reports and media people openly saying "Hey, this is drastically impacting your leverage".

And we're still taking the eh f*** it line. To the point that its a dereliction of their duty as a custodian of this franchise. THIS IS YOUR JOB HOMIE!

ETA: They were also JUST clowned about it AGAIN with DJM. And they're doing it again! Christ on a cracker lol. 

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4 minutes ago, Afro said:

Which makes it so much worse, my man! They've been openly clowned about this for years now! You've had reports and media people openly saying "Hey, this is drastically impacting your leverage".

And we're still taking the eh f*** it line. To the point that its a dereliction of their duty as a custodian of this franchise. THIS IS YOUR JOB HOMIE!

ETA: They were also JUST clowned about it AGAIN with DJM. And they're doing it again! Christ on a cracker lol. 


It doesn't matter if they think it's 'beneath them' to address the rumors.  Recognize its having a tangible impact on your ability to do your job effectively.   It's ridiculous to the point of, as you said, dereliction of duties. 

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6 minutes ago, kg01 said:


It doesn't matter if they think it's 'beneath them' to address the rumors.  Recognize its having a tangible impact on your ability to do your job effectively.   It's ridiculous to the point of, as you said, dereliction of duties. 

It's one of the biggest reasons I am against trading Trae. I have 0 faith that they can get maximum, hell even sufficient, value back for him. 

This FO has proven they do not have what it takes to negotiate a good trade package...

DJM is a very good player. One that lots of teams would love to have. And they couldn't scrounge up 2 nickels for him at the deadline. People really wanna see what they get for Trae? 

Adding in the fact that you CANNOT yo-yo trade talks with Trae like they did with DJM and JC. If you put him out there, you *have* to move him, which will also impact your leverage. 

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I'm just going to back away from these threads again. I was excited to see all our ideas about using the #1 pick to become a playoff team and contender again. But the majority want to rebuild and collect lottery picks. I'll keep my rose-colored glasses on and remain happy until something credible comes out. 

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8 minutes ago, LucastheThird said:

I'm just going to back away from these threads again. I was excited to see all our ideas about using the #1 pick to become a playoff team and contender again. But the majority want to rebuild and collect lottery picks. I'll keep my rose-colored glasses on and remain happy until something credible comes out. 

I don't think it's a majority.  It is frustrating though. 

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